Chapter 381 Chapter 380: Another Fierce Battle

On the sea covered by storm clouds.

The ship undulates with the waves of the sea.

Hei Yan was drenched in heavy rain, holding the phone worm in his hand, while his eyes fell on the Marine’s warship in the distance, and said solemnly. “My lord, I have been near the Lord Elephant, but… there is indeed Marine.”

“Normal.” Mio’s voice came from the phone worm, very calm. He didn’t seem surprised that Marine was around here, just said. “In any case, Marine is one of the most important organizations under the World government. To a certain extent, Marine’s intelligence channels and World government’s intelligence channels are common. There are few things in the ocean that they don’t know, just look at them. Don’t want to know, especially the big thing that Talos is going to do.”

“But it doesn’t matter if they come, you just have to stare at Marine not to take action, so as to prevent them from hindering Talos from unifying Zou.”

“It’s the same even if those three guys come.”

“Yes, I see.” Hei Yan nodded respectfully, and the phone worm was then hung up.

Immediately afterwards, Heiyan put away the phone worm and put it in Kabuto, turned his head and said to his side. “If those three guys come, you may be up to you next.”


Beside Hei Yan, there are three small figures. There is no doubt that these three figures are the three brothers of Xiaoqi… well… the three brothers and sisters? Not sure.

Black research is good, but it can only be regarded as close to Admiral, and it has not reached the Admiral level. As long as it does not reach the Admiral level, then Admiral is always not an opponent, so if Marine Admiral does come, it is not Black Research that will shoot, but the small one. Seven them.

Xiao Qi, Xiao Liu and Xiao Wu all nodded, signalling to know.

Regarding what happened in Qinghai, even if Miao is not in Qinghai, he can still know most of what happened.

After all, he has also laid out a lot in Qinghai, and now the Black Crow itself is one of the kings of New World, and Talos is his own, it is difficult to know.

The Ark is still heading towards Qinghai.

At this time, Mio sat cross-legged on the ark, put down the phone worm in his hand, sighed, and his eyes flickered.


“However, after Talos has settled Zow, he can dormant for a while. After this dormant, a decisive battle is about to come…”

Along with the whisper, a cold light flashed in Mio’s eyes.

World government.

Celestial Dragons.

Must be pulled off the altar.

And the person who does this can only be him.

No one else will do.

Only when he personally pulls down the altar of Celestial Dragons can it take its place.


A look of thinking flashed in Mio’s eyes again, and then he shook his head and murmured. “Wanokuni…but it needs to be solved, Kaido guy may also use it…”


At this time, a voice sounded.

Mio looked up, it was Aska.

“What’s the matter?” Miao asked with a smile on his face.

“No.” Aska shook his head. “It’s just that the husband seems to be a little bit distressed.”


Min nodded, but didn’t hide it, said. “Distress is inevitable, after all, the world government is still bottomless.”

“However, after all, the World government has been in development for eight hundred years, and it is impossible to fully understand the background of this huge organization.”

“My husband’s ambitions are also very clear to me, and Aska also believes that the ultimate winner will be your husband, so you don’t have to worry too much. Aska will help you win the victory.” Aska respectfully said. .

“Hahahaha, of course I believe you.” Hearing this, Miao couldn’t help laughing. “But I’m always a person, not a god. Since I’m a human being, I sometimes think about it in a mess, don’t worry.”

After all, random thinking is inevitable.

The enemy in particular is the World government.Eight hundred years, and standing at the top of the world from beginning to end, Mio had to be cautious about the depth of his background. Although Heiyan’s current strength is very good, it can even be said that looking at all the pirates, he may not be able to find an opponent.

But when facing the World government, caution cannot be avoided.

How powerful people like Whitebeard and Kaido are.

But how long has their pirate group developed until now?

They used to belong to a powerful pirate group, but the pirate group was still defeated by the World government.

Fortunately, what Mio has is not just the black crow, there are others who will become the pathfinder of the black crow, and for the black crow to explore the foundation of the world government first.

Thinking of this, Mio couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth.

“How long is it expected to return to New World?” Mio looked at Aska and asked.

Aska didn’t answer, just looked at Lilith on the side.

After Lilith pondered for a moment and estimated it, it was Kaidō. “Because of the need to locate it, it will take almost two days to go directly back to the reason that the Black Crow can’t be detected by other forces.”

“Two days? It’s almost the same.” Min nodded, took out another encrypted phone worm that was protected against monitoring, and dialed out.

Blue blue.

Blue blue.

The phone worm kept making noises.


The phone worm was connected.

A hoarse voice came slowly. “What’s matter?”

“Well, maybe we can talk about Wanokuni.” Mio said solemnly.

“Yes.” The voice in the phone worm was a little surprised, but he agreed without any hesitation. “time?”

“Time?” Mi asked with a joking smile from the corner of his mouth. “It’s up to your revolutionary army to set the time. After all, your revolutionary army’s situation is not very good. Of course, it will be two days later.”

“Two days later? Yes, although the World government is still targeting our revolutionary army, the revolutionary army has developed since the beginning, at least not as difficult as it was at the beginning.” Long Pingjing said.

“It’s true.” Miao nodded unavoidably. “At least you, at the beginning, didn’t even have the qualifications to cooperate with me.”

Hearing this, Long’s tone was still calm, said. “In two days, I will go to Raven Island in person, so I’ll discuss it at that time.”

“Yes, I will wait for your arrival.” Min nodded, and the phone worm was then hung up.

When returning to Qinghai, the entire Black Crow Pirate Group will enter a dormant period, because the sea will calm down. Although Kaido and Red Hair have not yet become emperors, they have nothing to do with the Black Ravens. He only needs to hibernate and wait quietly for the future. Just when a critical period comes.

And before dormant, he needs to solve all the things that need to be solved in advance.

Wanokuni is one of these things.

Putting away the phone worm, Mio picked up a bottle of wine and drank it with guts. After drinking a bottle of wine in one sip, Mio wiped the wine stains on the corners of her mouth, grinning with an expectant smile, slightly deep.

The Golden Ark is still heading towards Qinghai.

But New World, like the sea near the main.

Admiral has already arrived at this time.

And it’s not just one person, but two people.

at this time.

It can be said that there was a violent storm, and the waves slapped on the sea became fiercer from time to time.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

But then.




At some point in the rough sea, a biting chill spread, and the cold air swept in from a distance, and the sea was quickly frozen wherever it passed.

A figure came slowly on a bicycle, and slowly stopped on the ice with an explosive head, looking at the elephant master. “Ah lala, the battle is really fierce, listening to the sound seems to be a big battle.”

“That’s really troublesome.” A dazzling golden light emerged from the horizon. Kizaru, wearing a yellow striped suit, dealt with the sky, his gaze fell on the pirate ship, with a somewhat helpless tone. “Talos that guy is already very difficult to solve, why do you black crows come to join in the fun? Is it possible that your black crows are also interested in Zou?”

“You Marines are all interested in Zou. It’s no surprise that adults are interested in Zou?” Hei Yan folded his shoulders and said, facing the two Admirals without the slightest fear or panic.

“Well, that sounds right.” A cold light flashed in Kizaru’s eyes, and Observation Haki swept across the boat where Heiken was, and the corners of his mouth rose. “Speaking of which, the black crow didn’t come, and the woman from Askar, and it seems that the black crow hasn’t shown up for a while, maybe he’s plotting something? What a troublesome guy.”

“To deal with you, why do you have to take the initiative yourself?” Hei Yan said with a sneer on his face, and said unceremoniously.

“whispering sound.”

Hearing this, Kizaru curled his mouth, his figure flickered and appeared in front of Hei Yan, kicking it out. “If it’s a black crow, it will cause headaches, but if it’s just you, it won’t be enough.”


Behind Heiyan, the scales covered by Six Paths Armament Haki were displayed impressively, turning into a shield to block in front of him, directly blocking Kizaru’s blow.

At the same time, Hei Yan’s sneer sounded even more.

“Then you better be careful not to die here today.”

The voice fell.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Kizaru’s face suddenly changed.

There is almost no hesitation in elementalization.

On the deck, a thorny thorn that resembled a spar suddenly grew, turning into a giant python with thorns and biting it directly towards Kizaru. The sharp fangs seemed to be venomous.

However, what a pity this bite was only pure light, and it didn’t hit Kizaru’s body.

At this moment, Kizaru’s figure also disappeared directly, appearing in the distant sky, watching the thorny crystallized python with vigilance in his eyes, and finally his eyes moved horizontally, and the three who fell beside Heiyan confided. Snake Xinzi’s little snake body.

“This is…”

I didn’t pay attention just now, but at this time, Kizaru could feel the other two of the three little snakes, exuding an aura that made him feel jealous.

“It’s weird.”

Aokiji also spoke in a deep voice at this time.

He himself started Observation Haki all the way. For an instant, he could clearly feel the aura erupting from the three little snakes. They were not weak, and two of them might even possess his level of strength.

This reminded Aokiji of the black crow sitting on Crow Island.

“Xiao Qi, Xiao Liu, hand it to you.” Hei Yan said with a grin.

Xiao Qi Xiaoliu, who was beside him, immediately confided that Snake Xinzi made a hissing sound, and made a light leap, landing on the frozen ice surface.

It can be seen that at the moment of landing, both Xiao Qi and Xiao Liu changed dramatically.

Xiao Qi’s body became extremely huge, and it suddenly turned into a giant python with a length of more than 30 to 40 meters, covered with spikes, like thorns, but at the same time it was crystallized, like a brilliant diamond.

The more shocking scene is that Xiao Qi’s head keeps splitting, transforming from one head into eight heads in a very short time, and the whole body has a large number of thorns growing rapidly, crystallizing and shaking all over the sky at the same time.

In each of Xiao Qi’s head, there was an element biting in his mouth, exuding a terrible breath, powerful and fierce.

Kizaru feels heart palpitations because of the momentum.

And Xiao Liu’s body has also become extremely huge, not much more than Xiao Qi, becoming a giant python, at the same time, the hot black flame on his body rises, vaguely in Xiao Liu’s body, and there is even more violent wind. It swept through, and there was cold air, and even the sea water under the ice surface began to surging slowly.

Watching the changes between Xiao Qi and Xiao Liu.

The expressions of Kizaru and Aokiji suddenly became serious.

“This change…”

Aokiji stared at Xiaoqi’s eight heads, and his eyes flickered, reminiscent of Kurozumi, the former ruler of Wanokuni who had recently disappeared and died. “The Kurozumi snake should have died in the hands of your black crows, right?”

“That guy is the eight-different snake ability of the Eudemons, and now…”

Aokiji did not explicitly state.

But the meaning in the words is obvious.

The snake in front of him had eight heads. He didn’t think he was born with it. What’s more, the elements biting in the mouth of those eight heads all showed that this snake might have eaten the fruit of the eight-headed snake. ability.

Hearing Aokiji’s words, Kizaru’s face changed, staring at Xiaoliu with a heavy tone. “The snake in front of the old man…should be the ability of that fellow Saya, after all, both Saya and Borken died in the hands of the black crow.””Now the abilities of these two capable people who died in the hands of your black crow have appeared in two animals. This makes the old man curious. Did you get the new fruit by chance? Or, the black crow guy. .. Have the ability to plunder other people?”

In the words, with shock and disbelief.

But thinking about it this way, and then thinking of the abilities of the members of the Black Crow Pirate Group, it seems that many people have more than one abilities, but several.

This guess seems to be the most correct.

The black crow may have the ability to plunder other people, and then transfer it to other creatures.

If this is the case, then the black crow is really terrible, with unlimited potential, and may even be more terrifying than the original Rocks Pirate, but it is a pity that the black crow has grown up now.

If it was the black crow that hadn’t grown up in the first place, I’m afraid he would destroy the black crow without hesitation to prevent the opponent from growing up.

Thinking of this, Kizaru’s eyes flashed with a cold color.

Hei Yan looked calm, just sneered. “Too much nonsense is not good. In short, you’d better not interrupt the battle on Zou, otherwise…it’s a war with the black crow.”

“Black Crow…do you actually cooperate with Talos?” Aokiji murmured when he heard that, but there was a chill in his mouth.

“Although I don’t want to fight, the Marshal has an order. I don’t want to fight, and I must fight. Zuowu can’t fall into the hands of the pirates.”

The voice fell.

A terrifying cold air broke out, and it swept directly towards Xiao Qi, where it seemed to be frozen even by the violent wind, and the horror of the cold air was visible.


Xiao Qi confided the snake letter, and at this time, there was a scream, and there was a terrifying cold gushing in the mouth of a snake head, colliding with the cold air erupted by Aokiji, the icy chill, freezing the sea under the ice. Deeper.

at the same time.

Kizaru closed his hands slowly. “Fighting is the most troublesome thing, but I don’t want to be scolded by the marshal.”

“Bachiqiong Gouyu!”


The dazzling golden light bloomed in Kizaru’s hands, and then the light bullets condensed by photons burst out, the number of them was terrifying, and they were bombarded towards Xiaoliu, each of which was enough to hold the ship without breaking the ice. open.

The power is also terrifying.

But facing countless bullets, Xiao Liu swept his tail lightly.

There was a violent gust of wind in front of him, and the huge gust of wind erected a wind wall in front of Xiao Liu, blocking all the light bombs that hit.

Then Xiaoliu waved his tail again, and a wave of wind blades slashed towards Kizaru.

The sound of breaking through the air kept ringing.

The battle above the Lord is still going on.

And on the sea near the Lord Elephant, the battle here also broke out directly at this time.

The sensational sound continued to sound.


Xiao Qi’s head screamed, and the blazing hot flame swept towards Aokiji like a wave of fire. The ice was about to melt, but when it was about to melt, it was the chill that Aokiji and Xiao Qi radiated. Freeze quickly.

“Freezing time!”

Aokiji drank a low hand and raised his right hand. The blue air-conditioning was quickly released, colliding with the fire waves and confronting each other, causing a large amount of fog to cover the area, blocking the line of sight.

But then, a gust of wind swept through, blowing away the mist.

Xiao Qi screamed again.

Plants of crystallized thorns grew rapidly and existed everywhere on the ice surface, turning into giant pythons to bite and attack Aokiji.

The sound of breaking through the air kept ringing.

“ice skates!”

Aokiji drank again, and the cold air on his body turned into a handful of ice skates. With Aokiji’s thoughts, he flew towards the giant python transformed by the thorns, and every ice skate turned the thorns. The giant python cut through the hole.

At the same time, Aokiji drank low again. “Storm pheasant mouth!”

The cold air gathered on the right arm, and a huge ice bird condensed. After a cry, it spread its wings and shook, flew towards Xiao Qi, and slammed away. The huge ice bird was like an ice phoenix.

Looking at this ice bird, Xiao Qi’s eyes seemed to have a look of disdain in the eyes of those eight heads.

One head sprayed out fiery flames, and the other head sprayed out a violent squally wind. The wind helped the flames grow, and the flames became more fierce, almost instantly engulfing the ice bird…

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