Chapter 408 19: Nine Snake Island

“Nine Snake Island welcomes your Excellency.”

Granny Za looked at the black crow and lowered her head, and said in a slightly respectful tone.

Just looking at a powerful presence on and off the Black Glory made her not have any thoughts of resistance. Even if the daughter country does not allow men to step into it, she has no idea about the rules at this time, and the rules are only relatively speaking. For the black crows, this rule is like a fake.

“It’s been a long time, Gloriosa.” Mio said with a smile.

“Yes, it’s been more than ten years.” Gloriosa nodded.

“How is the development of Nine Snake Island over the years?” Mixiao asked.

“Everything is okay. With the banner of the Black Crow, Marine doesn’t dare to target the Nine Snake too much.” Gloriosa said truthfully, this is indeed true.

If it weren’t for the black crow flag, Marine would not allow a pirate country to exist in the first half of the Grand Line.

Even if it is located in the Calm Belt.

“That’s good.” Mio smiled and nodded.

“Master Black Crow, food and wine are already prepared in the palace. It’s not nice to stand here. How about going to the palace?” Hancock said with a smile.

“Yes.” Min nodded, glanced at the crew behind him, and said calmly. “I still know the rules of Nine Snake Island. Although I can’t fully follow them, I will try my best to follow them. All men except me are waiting on the boat. Women can go with me.”

Hear the words.

Gloriosa couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

In any case, Nine Snake Island does not allow men to enter the rule set by the ancestors. Although there is no ability to refuse in the face of the black crow, if there is only the black crow, it is still within the scope of acceptance.

Hearing Min’s instructions, Hei Yan and the others nodded and did not leave the port.

The other women and others all headed towards the island of Nine Snake with Mio.

Nine Snake Island is not a large island, but it is not small. There are many hills on the island. At first glance, you can see that there are buildings on the most central hill. That is where the daughter’s palace is located. It is also the residence of Hancock.

Over the years, Nine Snake Island has been developing well due to the protection of the Black Crow, and its population has increased a lot, reaching more than 200,000.

And trained a lot of Hydra Warriors.

Most areas on Nine Snake Island were also used to cultivate the ‘snake’ creature.

On Nine Snake Island, any member will have a partner who will accompany him for life, and that is the snake.

Going all the way, Mio soon officially entered the daughter country.

At a glance, a large number of women can be seen, and because of the environmental problems here, there are no men, which leads to the fact that the women here are all exposed.

Most of the women looked at the location of Mio curiously, with a curious look in their eyes.

“Is that… a man?”

“How come a man came to the island? And with your Majesty and Granny Za by your side, it seems very special.”

“Is that a man? It doesn’t seem to be much different from our women.”

“Why is the chest so flat? It’s strange.”

“Yes, with such a flat breast, how can I breastfeed a child?”

Some women discussed curiously, making Mio’s mouth twitch slightly, a little helpless.

The civilians here seem to be too lack of common sense related to men.

Shaking his head, Mio didn’t bother with this, and stepped into the palace with Hancock and others. The palace of the daughter kingdom was built halfway up the mountain.

From the palace, you can see the scenery of the whole daughter country.

When I came here, I was able to see a lot of food and drinks prepared in the hall as Hancock said.

There is also a famous maid standing.

Mio sat down slowly, took a sip of a glass of wine, looked at Gloriosa whose brows were frowned, and seemed to be worried, the corners of her mouth raised, and said. “Gloriosa, don’t you mind if I live on Hydra Island for a while?”

“Uh… don’t mind.” Gloriosa wanted to refuse, but finally nodded and agreed.

“Master Black Crow can live in Nine Snake Island if you want. I welcome it.” Hancock said with a smile from the side.

“It’s okay to live for a while.” Miao said with a faint smile. “I came to Nine Snake Island this time. I just want to stay here for a while and wait for one thing to be confirmed. In addition, I will take a look at the soldiers on Nine Snake Island by the way. There is nothing else, so Gloriosa doesn’t have to worry. ”

Hearing this, Gloriosa smiled wryly at the corner of his mouth and said. “I know.”

She wanted to say, it’s useless to worry about herself, right?

In the face of the Black Crow, if it were not for the fact that he had not intervened in Hancock’s control of Nine Snake Island, he would have died ten years ago.

He knew the purpose of the black crow long ago.

It was precisely because of knowing that she did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Miao, because she knew that what the black crow wanted was an obedient Nine Snake Island, and if there was any strange sound, the island would be destroyed.

Therefore, she has always been very cautious.

Although she can’t do anything for Hydra Island, at least this will allow her to watch Hydra Island slowly develop, and even when it is a matter of life and death, she can coexist and die with Hydra Island.

But for the moment, Black Crow is very satisfied with Hydra Island.

Because Nine Snake Island has only one voice from beginning to end.


In the face of Hancock’s charm, the people of Nine Snake Island have almost regarded Hancock as the most respected existence, and Gloriosa also knew that the voice of the daughter country was Hancock, and Hancock was the man in front of him.

In other words, this man is the real master of Nine Snake Island.

It’s just that maybe the other party doesn’t care much about women, right? Otherwise, Nine Snake Island might have become the back garden of the opponent long ago, and he would play around at will.

Gloriosa thought so in her heart.

Then he sighed, shook his head and threw out some of the thoughts in his mind, no longer thought about it, and accompanied Mio to chat about some Nine Snake Island things.

The architectural style of Nine Snake Island is very similar to the country where Miao traveled, so Miao is very satisfied with it.

As the food and drink were full, the sky gradually dimmed.

As he said before, he did plan to live on Hydra Island for a period of time.

Not because this is the daughter country, because there are so many women here, and he is not so boring to rely on women to provide fun, because in the daughter country, the Calm Belt country, he can well evade investigations by Marine and the World government. In the Calm Belt, any ship or figure can be spotted immediately.

Here, he can also wait for a suitable opportunity with peace of mind.

The Palace of Hydra Island.

In the bathroom.

There is a huge natural hot spring here.

Originally it was specially enjoyed by the Empress Hancock, but it was temporarily owned by Miao at this time.

At the edge of the hot spring, Mio lay naked on the towel, enjoying Lilith’s massage service behind her. At the same time, there was a phone bug on Mio’s right hand, which slowly rang.

Blue blue.

Blue blue.

The voice of the phone worm kept ringing.

Mio connected the phone worm with a calm tone. “Hey.”

“Black Crow, since you have set the time, then you should tell me the time, and only then can I prepare.” The hoarse voice said with dissatisfaction in the phone worm.

“Don’t be so impatient.” Mio said with a calm expression. “What’s more, what I have determined is only an opportunity, not a time.”

“What’s the meaning?”

“Ace was handed over to Marine by Blackbeard?” Mi asked calmly.

In the phone worm, the person was stunned, as if he didn’t expect the Black Crow to directly change a topic he didn’t care about, but after that, he still answered. “good.”

“With your status, it shouldn’t be difficult to know Ace’s identity?” Min said slowly.

“what you mean?”

“You should know who his father is.”

“Are you talking about Roger?”


Silence fell into the phone worm.

After a while, the voice sounded again. “Ace is currently being imprisoned in Impel down. Marine Sengoku intends to use Ace’s identity to execute Ace to enhance Marine’s majesty and status, plus Firefist Ace as the captain of the second division on the Whitebeard Pirates. Ace attracted Whitebeard’s arrival and the idea of ​​knocking it down in one fell swoop. Is this the time you are waiting for?”

“It’s a good time, isn’t it?” Miao Dan smiled.

“Indeed.” A hoarse voice rang in the phone worm, admitting it. “Marine is indeed a huge force. If the Whitebeard Pirates help us drag it, it will save a lot of trouble. In that case, let’s contact next time. I will quietly wait for this opportunity to come. ”

“Oh, goodbye.”

The voice fell.

There was a sneer at the corner of Mio’s mouth, and the phone bug aside.

On her side, Lilith sat down on her knees beside Mio, with a bath towel wrapped around her body, and massaged Mio with her hands on Mio’s back while asking softly. “Sir, we don’t know much about the d family.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Miao’s eyes flickered, with a cold smile on his face, said. “It’s just a bunch of poor bugs.”

The d family, to put it nicely, is the natural enemy of God.

It’s a bit awkward, it’s just a group of bereaved dogs.

If it hadn’t been hidden deep enough, it would have been wiped out by the World government long ago.

“But if you don’t know enough about it, maybe there will be a lot of trouble to deal with at that time.” Lilith frowned slightly.

“Don’t worry.” Mio turned around and sat up, moved her lower body, and put Lilith in her arms, and the corners of her mouth raised. “I didn’t care about the d family a long time ago, and when the World government is finished, the d family will not have any secrets in front of me.”

With that, Mio rubbed Lilith’s face and smiled. “And don’t forget Renee’s side, they never let me down.”

Upon hearing this, Lilith nodded slightly. “makes sense.”

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