Chapter 409 20: Kid

The calm sea became lively again as time passed.

The reason is that there are a lot of supernovas in this edition, and they come from various sea areas in the south, east and northwest. So many supernovas in this edition will inevitably arouse some fun when they enter the New World. At the same time, although the first half of the Grand Line is a paradise for the pirates, the strong here are not so powerful, but being able to become supernovas in itself means that these people are the top seas in the first half of the Grand Line this year. thief.

It is also a good seedling.

Some powerful people are thinking about recruiting supernovas.

“Speaking of which, the Black Crow Pirates seems to be a supernova back then, right?”

“Ah, yes, I still remember clearly. Although the Black Crow Pirates were newcomers, they killed several incredible guys once they entered New World.”

“Yes, while the original Black Crow was a supernova, he was not as terribly powerful as a newcomer.”

“Hahaha, there are a lot of supernovas this time, I wonder if there will be another existence similar to the black crow? Newcomers were not treated well when they first entered the New World.”

“Hey, how could it be possible, but not everyone is qualified to be a black crow.”

Some people are discussing.

But in New World, more people care about another thing.

A piece of news from the Marine News newspaper, as if it was deliberately published in the newspaper by Marine, spreading throughout the entire New World.

[The Captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Portcas d Ace, has been imprisoned and executed at Naval Headquarters 15 days later! 】

There is a picture in the newspaper, and the content of the picture is that Ace’s hands are handcuffed in seastone handcuffs. Under Marine’s escort, he takes the next step to Impel down’s back.

Below the picture.

It depicts Ace as a pirate of the Whitebeard pirate group, how much threat it will bring to the world, its terrifying ability, and threatening, as if the existence of evildoing, is the person who must be sentenced to death by Marine.

“Portcas d Ace… This guy seems to be a newcomer that the Whitebeard guy has acquired in the past few years, right? Logia fruit ability person, very strong, in a short period of time became the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates Captain, Marine does this, I’m afraid the purpose is not simple.”

“The guy Whitebeard is the one who protects the calf the most, and Ace’s presence in the Whitebeard Pirates is unusual.”

“Now, the sea is really going to be lively, what will Whitebeard do?”


“Hahaha, it seems that the next sea will not be boring anymore.”

New World, Beehive Island.

Kaido, a huge figure, had just attempted suicide from a deep sea and returned here. At this moment, he was sitting in a cave, listening to the contents of the newspaper, while holding a huge wine gourd into his mouth frantically. Filled with wine.

When his subordinates finished reading, Kaido grinned suddenly with an excited smile. “Queen, what do you think the old man Whitebeard would choose?”

“Big brother, you don’t need to think about it to know it.” Quinn shrugged and said. “As the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace is not a little guy, and the old guy Whitebeard basically uses all the crew as his sons. There is something wrong with his son, that old guy definitely can’t watch him. ”

“You mean, Whitebeard will go to war with Marine?” Kaido said solemnly.

“It’s not impossible.” Quinn nodded. “This news is obviously released on purpose by Marine to attract Whitebeard to the past. To put it bluntly, Marine is fighting Whitebeard, so Whitebeard should not fight. And… Boss, you should be clear. , Whitebeard is old!!”

“Yeah, hahahahahaha.” Kaido grinned. “You’re right, that guy is indeed old, and he’s alive in a few years.”

Ordinary people don’t care what Whitebeard does.

At most, it’s just watching the excitement.

Even Charlotte is like this.

What if an emperor falls down?

There are four other kings in New World.

There is even a new emperor who can come to power.

Or, the big deal will remove this throne.

Kaido cares because he has been waiting for the moment Mio said.

Kaido is not a reckless man, at least for now, he is aware of the timing that Miao said.

Because of this, he couldn’t help getting excited.

Although he is not a reckless man, his belligerence is an undeniable fact. He is even more excited and looking forward to the battle, especially the battle that changes the world.

Just thinking about it, I felt the blood boil.

“Bring the phone bug that contacted the black crow guy, Laozi has something to find out about him, and…”

Kaido’s momentum rose, said. “Where is Yamato? Bring Yamato to Laozi and tell Laozi’s son that Laozi will take him with him in the next war, hahahaha!”

Sabaody Archipelago.

As time passed, pirate ships began to arrive here.

Some are ordinary pirates, and some are supernovas, who came here along with their journey, and are going to New World next.

To go to New World, Sabaody Archipelago is a must pass through the island.

Same as The fish men island.

Only here can coatings be provided for ships.

at this time.

On the island.

Area thirteen.

“Wow, is this Sabaody Archipelago? It’s beautiful.” A group of people walked on the road, looking at the colorful bubbles floating around, they couldn’t help but exclaim.

This group of people is naturally the eight of Straw Hat Crew.

There are nine people in the original book, but Robin is now a member of the Black Crow Pirates, so naturally he will not travel with straw hats, and Robin has no interest in straw hats.

“I heard that there are many areas in Sabaody Archipelago, and each area has different shops. You can buy a lot of things.” Chopper said after checking the information he collected.

“I hope I can have a good drink.” Zoro curled his lips.

“Ah, there should be some good ingredients here, right?” Sanji smoked a flue.

But at this moment.

“Boy with straw hat, I have been waiting for a long time.”

A voice came.

Luffy suddenly turned his head to look.

Two figures were standing on the other side at this time, watching Luffy.

“That is…”

Usopp frowned slightly, then immediately took out the reward sheet he carried with him and flipped it through, while speaking. “These two people seem to be supernovas like Luffy Zoro, the captain of the Kid Pirates, Eustass Kid, offering a reward of 315 million Pele, and the other is his crew, killing the samurai Kira, offering a reward of 160 million Two million.”

“It looks like it was waiting for us.” Sanji frowned.

“Ah, you’re right.” Kid raised the corner of his mouth and said. “I’m waiting for you here. I just want to see what kind of person the fellow supernova behind me is, but it doesn’t look great now.”

“Is this going to fight?” Zoro sneered, his eyes flashing sharply.

“Yes.” Kid grinned and said solemnly. “I heard that you met Master Black Crow in East Blue?”

“Master Black Crow?” Chopper scratched his head, remembering Garp Vice Admiral’s previous reminder in the City of Seven Waters, and couldn’t help asking. “Are you from the Black Crow Pirates?”

“No.” Kira shook his head. “It’s just that after Kid defeats you and heads to New World, we will go to the Black Crow Sea and join the Black Crow Pirates.”

“Furthermore, defeating the two of you who are both supernovas and only behind me can be more sure of my strength. By then, I will be less likely to be rejected by the Black Crow Pirates, hahaha. Kid said excitedly, thinking of the figure he could see from time to time on the news when he was a child, his eyes could not help but a frenetic look.

“I’m hungry, I don’t want to fight with you, it’s better to find food.” Luffy scratched his head and said, and refused the request for a fight without hesitation.

“Hey, you are the second supernova. Don’t you feel ashamed to refuse to fight me like this?” Kid suddenly roared when he heard the words.

“Obviously you are here waiting for us and provoke us?” Nami glared at Kid and said.

“Huh, so what? I stayed at Sabaody Archipelago for a few more days just to defeat you, otherwise I would have left here and went to New World.” Kid snorted coldly and waved his right hand, surrounding metal objects. After a while, he flew in madly, forming a giant mechanical arm on Kid’s hands. “Let me see how powerful you who broke Enies Lobby really are.”

The voice fell.

Kid had a sneer on his face, stepped out, and rushed directly towards Luffy. The two giant robotic arms waved and slammed.

But the next moment.


A figure appeared instantly, holding an ordinary Tachi in his hand, covered by Armament Haki, and easily blocked Kid’s fist, with a gentle smile on his face, said. “Boy, don’t you mind delaying the battle for a while? Next, I need to find a straw hat boy for some things. How about letting them go to me?”


Looking at the white-haired figure in front of him, Kid’s face changed, feeling his giant robotic arm that couldn’t make progress anyway, he was even more secretly shocked, gritted his teeth. “Pluton… Rayleigh.”

“In that case…Kira, go.”

With a cold snort, Kid dissipated the giant robotic arm without hesitation, and after yelling at Kira, he turned and left without hesitation.

Although he is confident of his own strength.

But he knew this white-haired figure.

The deputy captain of the Roger Pirate regiment, the deputy of the one-piece king Roger, Pluton Rayleigh.

The shadow of the famous tree, no matter how confident he is in his own strength, he doesn’t think he will be Rayleigh’s opponent, at least as far as Haki he has heard of, he hasn’t learned it yet.

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