The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

“Perona, come out!”

Moria walked in the corridor, looking for Perona in a rage.

He was almost pissed off by this subordinate who had not yet passed the rebellious period.

For three whole days.

Perona seemed to have run away from home, and there was no trace of her at all.

Moria couldn’t find Perona, and even played the emotional card: “Perona, as long as you catch that guy, Hogbak can create more zombies, and you can even customize the types you like!”

After waiting for a while, Perona still had no news, and Moria was immediately furious: “I don’t need disobedient subordinates!”

After changing to a threat, Perona still did not show up.

Just as Moria was about to go to Absalom and Hogback to see if they had found anything, a voice with an unexpected tone suddenly came from behind him.

“Perona is missing?”

Moria turned around in a hurry, only to see a fist covered with armed color domineering that grew from small to large, and finally filled the entire field of vision.


Moria crashed through three walls in succession, and finally embedded in the fourth wall, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

“Who is it?”

Moria was seriously injured, and that punch reminded him of the battle with Kaido in Wano Country.

At this time, a thin man walked through the crack in the wall and walked in front of Moria.

“It’s you… Dr. Reddy!”

Moria’s face was gloomy, staring at the man in front of him, but his heart was completely confused.

Didn’t they say that this guy’s original body was very weak?

That’s right!

This guy must be a clone!

Dr. Reddy’s original body is still hidden somewhere else.

Moriah immediately thought of Perona and deduced that the man in front of him was not Reddy’s real body.

“Come out!”

Moriah was also a strong man who had fought Kaido before.

Even though he had been beaten into a passive state by Kaido, he still had blood in his bones and was unwilling to lose to a mere clone.

“Horned Knife Shadow!”

The shadow under Moriah’s feet suddenly extended out, turning into a sharp thorn to launch a sneak attack.

Before the shadow extended to the front of the clone, a portal suddenly opened in the air on Moriah’s right.

A black shadow instantly appeared beside Moriah and punched out.

The corridor exploded.

Moriah pierced through two floors and fell heavily on the ground of the lobby on the first floor.

The clone retreated, opened the portal and hid in the different space, and appeared again in front of Moriah.

At this time, Moriah had just climbed up from the ground, and before he could react, a big foot kicked him in the face.

Moriah flew out like a cannonball, hit the wall hard, spit out blood again, and almost lost consciousness.

A large number of spider-web-like cracks extended from behind him.

Moriah knelt on the ground with a pale face, gasping for breath, and supported himself with both hands to keep the last bit of consciousness.

At this time, three clones surrounded Moriah from three directions and surrounded him in the middle.

“Come out… Come out!”

Moriah raised his head and screamed with the last bit of strength in his body.

He was very unwilling to be defeated without even seeing Reddy’s real body.

The crisp footsteps echoed.

Moriah was refreshed and tried to look up.

A clone walked to Moriah from a distance with a weirdo in his hand, and threw the unconscious weirdo in front of Moriah.


Moria was startled, and then his heart was filled with anger. He raised his head and roared: “Come out!”

The crisp footsteps echoed again.

Moria turned his head suddenly, but saw Hogback being carried by someone and soon accompanied the unconscious Absalom.

“As expected of the Moonlight Moria who once fought Kaido.”

Moria looked in the direction of the voice and saw a thin man with his hands in his pockets walking out of the portal opened in the air, and his eyes were immediately bloodshot.

He actually hid here!

Moria stared at Reddy with resentment in his eyes.

With such a powerful clone, the original body was so stupid, where is the self-esteem of the strong!

“Excuse me, where is Perona?”

Reddy walked in front of Moria, bent down and asked politely with a smile.

“I won’t tell you!”

Moria wanted to kill this guy with a shadow, but he couldn’t do it.

The two punches and one kick he received just now reminded him of the psychological trauma caused by Kaido.

Every blow was

So scary!

Moria was severely injured after only two punches and one kick, and he didn’t even have the strength to stand.

Reddy snapped his fingers.

One of the clones came with a pair of seastone handcuffs and handcuffed Moria’s wrists.

Moria suddenly lost the strength to support his body and lay on the ground in embarrassment.

After seizing the Punk Hazard Research Institute, Reddy no longer lacked seastone handcuffs, a powerful weapon against people with special abilities.

Reddy squatted down and asked politely again: “Excuse me, where is Perona?”

“Even if I…”

As soon as Moria said this, he saw one of the clones raised his right fist and pointed it at the unconscious Hogback.

He couldn’t say the following harsh words.

“Perona is missing… where will she go?”

When Moria heard Reddy’s question, he understood that it was Reddy’s original body who spoke first.

Reddy saw Moria didn’t say anything and snapped his fingers.

The clone’s raised right fist suddenly fell.

“No… I said!”

Moria’s eyes were bloodshot, and he could no longer maintain a tough attitude.

Reddy snapped his fingers.

The clone stopped instantly, and his right fist was less than one centimeter away from Hogback’s head.

The strong wind from the fist raised a cloud of dust on the floor.

Moria murmured in despair: “I really don’t know where Perona went, just kill me.”

He was not stupid, knowing that if he was killed, Absalom and Hogback would definitely not survive, so he wanted to die and did not beg Reddy to spare his two men.

The battle with Kaido that year had killed his spirit.

Today’s battle made him desperate.

It is better to die than to live and watch his men being beaten to death.

Seeing this, Reddy stood up with a look of regret.

In Moria’s eyes, the regret on his face was undoubtedly calling for the coming death sickle.

Moria closed his eyes, waiting for death to come, and secretly rejoiced in his heart: “Perona, don’t come back.”

Reddy looked melancholy: “Even Moria can’t find Perona, where is that big loli?”

The mission was unsuccessful!

The first battle to seize Punk Hazard was actually fought in vain.

Do we lack genes of Moria’s level?

Do we lack the ability of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit and the Transparent Fruit?

None of them!

His only purpose in coming to the Terror Bark is to seize the ability of the Spirit-Spirit Fruit.

Originally thought it was a simple job, but he didn’t expect to hear Moria’s shouting as soon as he used the ability of the Door-Door Fruit to sneak into the castle, and Reddy was also stunned.

Even Moria couldn’t find Perona… He chose to run away from home without waiting for the bear?

“Hero hero hero hero…”

Reddy heard this highly recognizable laugh and turned around in surprise, seeing a Gothic lolita appear behind him.

Three ghosts were floating beside Perona, and she shouted confidently: “Lord Moria, I will defeat him…”

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