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When Moria saw that Perona jumped out on her own initiative and even promised to defeat Reddy, she was so angry that she even cried out Poyin.

As a result, the clone punched back the second half of his words.

“Lord Moria!”

Perona was startled and glared at Reddy angrily: “Let Lord Moria and Absalom go…”

At this point, she looked at Hogubak, who was also unconscious, paused, and finally decided to forgive him: “There is Hogbak!”

“You have courage.”

Reddy had a smile on his face and his hands in his pockets.

A portal quietly opened in the air behind him, and he only needed to take a step back to hide in the alien space created by the portal fruit.

“Hehehehehehehehehe…oh Moses Rui.”

Perona saw the air door appearing behind Reddy, with a confident smile on her face and pointed with her right hand.

Three negative ghosts immediately flew towards Reddy.

Reddy stepped back and retreated into the portal.

The portal then disappears.

Three negative ghosts pounced.

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Perona’s forehead, and she once again directed the negative ghost to attack other clones.

The three negative ghosts spread out in joy and passed through the abdomens of the three clones.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey…ah?”

Perona was very confident that Negative Ghost could defeat any opponent. When she saw that the three clones were still expressionless, she was stunned.

“Perona, go quickly, he is Reddy, the evil scientist with a bounty of three billion beli!”

Moria took advantage of the three clones being penetrated by the negative ghost, and finally took the opportunity to shout out.


Perona was so horrified that she couldn’t even finish her sentence: “Three…three billion Baileys?”

In her limited impression, Moria was already the top pirate after accepting the bounty of 320 million beli before being recruited by the World Government to become the Shichibukai.

Three billion Baileys… Perona felt like she was still dreaming.

Is there a big pirate with such a high reward in the world?

“Lord Moria, you…you must be joking, right?”

Perona pretended to be calm, and another drop of cold sweat broke out on her forehead, hoping that Moria would jump up from the ground and shout “Surprise” triumphantly!

“Shut up!”

Moria was almost mad at this subordinate who was still in the rebellious stage.

Is this a joke?

At this time, a clone suddenly disappeared in place.

As Perona looked around in horror, the clone appeared behind her, and a punch… passed through her whole body.


Perona was greatly relieved when she saw the clone penetrated her body.

I almost forgot that I was a spirit body and immune to all physical damage.

Immediately, Perona shouted arrogantly again: “Is this the big pirate with a bounty of three billion?”

“Let’s go.”

Reddy witnessed the clone penetrating Perona’s body in the alien space. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then he used the alien space to search for Perona’s body inside the castle.

The castle in Moria is either big or small.

However, in the face of the effect of the alien space created by the Gate Fruit ability to ignore obstacles, there are no secrets to Reddy inside the castle.

Not long after, he found Perona’s body in a room on the third floor.

Portals appear in the air.

Reddy came out of the door.

When Kumasi saw a stranger breaking in, he immediately pounced.

In mid-air, a figure flashed out of the portal, punching Kumasi out, hitting the wall and bouncing back to the ground.

“Take her away.”

Reddy snapped his fingers.

The clone stepped forward and lifted Perona on its shoulders, then opened the portal.

Kumasi was so anxious that he pounced on him again to try to stop him.

The portal disappears.

Kumasi jumped in the air and bounced twice on the ground.

On the other side, Reddy returned to the first floor.


Perona relies on her spirit body to be immune to all physical damage, and uses the small ghost to launch the ghost bomb move to continuously attack several clones.

A violent explosion resounded through the hall, and the clones were swallowed up by a large amount of smoke and dust.

Perona was very happy at this time, filled with unprecedented confidence.

I can fight back!

I can save Lord Moria!

I can defeat the great pirate with a bounty of three billion beli!


Amid the explosion, a scream suddenly came from the smoke.

Perona was stunned: “Abu


Another explosion, and another scream.

Perona was stunned again: “Hogbak?”

She quickly stopped the move.

Soon the smoke dissipated.

Perona was stunned when she saw the two clones holding Absalom and Hogbak in front of them.

Is it still possible?

Absalom was covered in gunpowder, and a puff of black smoke blew out of his mouth. He said frantically: “Perona, you should rescue us first!”

He is more or less a fruit ability user, and has been transformed by Hogbak. He still has the energy to curse after being bombed a few times.

But Hogbak is a tragedy.

Even if he was only bombed once, Hogbak only had one breath left and was about to die at any time.

“Why don’t you run? ”

Perona retorted unconvincedly, what a good opportunity just now, you idiot.

Absalom raised his hands and showed the seastone handcuffs on his wrists. He no longer had the energy to complain.

“You didn’t say it.”

Perona turned her head away guiltily, and soon cheered up again, boasting proudly: “Don’t be afraid, they can’t touch me, I can rescue you soon.”

“But you can’t hurt them either.”

A voice with obvious laughter suddenly came from behind Perona.

“You… why can you find my body?”

Perona turned around quickly and was about to launch the ghost bomb, but when she saw the clone behind Reddy carrying herself on his shoulders, she was stunned.

“Why can’t you find her? ”

Reddy looked at Moria with a strange expression. It was easy to find, so why did he pretend that Perona ran away from home?

Moria panted and said as a matter of course: “How do I know where she is hiding!”

Reddy glanced at Perona, then looked at Moria, and briefly described the room where he found Perona’s body.

Moria was shocked: “Perona, you are in your room, why don’t you come out?”

“Why should I come out?”

Perona was very unconvinced.

Moria shouted angrily: “Perona you…you…you…”

“Lord Moria, don’t panic.”

Perona felt guilty and immediately changed the subject. She smiled confidently at Reddy: “Your biggest mistake is that you didn’t use my body as a bargaining chip to threaten me. ”

While speaking, Perona pointed with her right hand.

Three negative ghosts that had been lurking under Reddy’s feet flew out through the floor and passed through Reddy’s body.

“Hero, ero, ero, ero… Lord Moria… huh?”

Perona announced her victory with excitement, and soon saw Reddy looking down at his body, looking thoughtful, and suddenly looked confused: “You… why are you still standing?”

Reddy raised his head and looked at Perona with a strange expression: “You may not know that idealists are actually the most pessimistic people. ”

Idealists are actually people who feel hopeless about the world, so they choose to imagine an environment that meets their ideals to escape reality. They are so negative that they can’t be more negative.

As long as I am negative enough, the negative ghost can’t do anything to me.

Reddy snapped his fingers.

The clone held Perona’s body with one hand, raised his right fist, and pointed it at her face.

Seeing this, Perona burst into tears and cried very sadly.


Reddy fell into deep thought. Should he coax her?

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