The old man was buried in the grave.

Black Swan said: "Remember the ancient locust plague? The breeding of Taiziyuros brought endless disasters to the universe, and this disaster eventually evolved into the War of the Gods in chaos and confusion.

There are two destinies that lost star gods in this war: breeding and order. Coincidentally, the turning points of these two destinies are related to a certain star god..."

Huangquan continued for her, "Harmonious Xipe. It is said that He participated in the crusade of the gods against the Insect King, and swallowed the Order Taiyi for unknown reasons."

Hearing this, Potiou was a little annoyed, "He is a little baby, good are I think it might be two ownerless destinies that are secretly making trouble? "

Dan Heng thought for a moment, "But Pinoconi has not produced any offspring. Can I understand that the remnants of the Tianwai Choir are lurking in the family and want to revive a fallen star god?"

Black Swan shook his head, "It's still uncertain, but at least we can be sure that they are going to use the Harmony Ceremony to do something."

"Oh my god, it's so complicated. So what do you mean by asking us to leave Asdena? Isn't there anything else you can do?" Potiou was so confused. Compared to thinking here, he was better at pointing the gun at the enemy's head.

"The Harmony Ceremony is approaching, and there is one thing... I need to verify it no matter what. Leaping is the most effective means."

However, Dan Heng directly rejected her proposal, "No, precisely because time is tight, I will immediately use other means."

And Potio seemed to realize something, looking at him in surprise, "You are not going to use the Jade Omen of Alliance, are you?"

However, Dan Heng directly admitted it, "That's right. With the support of Luofu Cloud Riders... it should be enough."

Potio looked serious, "That thing can only be used once in a lifetime, you'd better think it through."

"I have thought it through. My companions... can only have it once in a lifetime."

Looking at his serious expression, they didn't say anything else.

Black Swan smiled and said, "In that case, before that Luofu General arrives, let's get more information about Pinoconi."

As she said that, she looked at Xiaolan and the other two on the side.

"From these three friends, after all, didn't they observe the actions of the train crew as a third party?"

Dan Heng hesitated, "But now it seems that the dream should be constructed by the family. Is the content in it credible?"

"It should be credible. It is not easy to construct a dream, especially a dream that people can believe. There must be a large part of real events. Find the flaws in it, and the person in the dream can wake up from the dream. This was done with the help of the envoy of the company.

Although we don't know why the other party asked them to observe the actions of the train crew, they don't seem to have to lie about this."

Dan Heng nodded, agreeing with her statement.

Black Swan looked at Xiaolan and smiled, "Then please tell us about your experience, Miss Xiaolan."

Xiaolan nodded, sorted out her thoughts, and then said, "Okay, this is what happened..."


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Hot Sands venue! This is the feast of challengers, the grand ceremony of dream chasers, and the center of the universe's attention!

As long as you have ambition, dreams, and are willing to work hard-dear friends, the next Pinocchio Grand Ceremony Superstar is you!"

When we arrived at the Hot Sands venue, the atmosphere at the talent show was quite warm, surrounded by spectators, and the host's voice on the radio was quite provocative.

March Seven couldn't help but sigh, "Wow! It's done in a proper way! I'm a little excited!"

At this moment, the organizer also noticed the six of them.

"Look, here come six high-spirited friends! Do you want to be the grand ceremony superstar?"

"Hey, are you talking about us?" Little March couldn't help but look around.

The host also confirmed her guess, and the passionate voice on the radio sounded again.

"Yes! Don't doubt it, I see the potential of superstars in you!"

And reporters kept asking questions around.

"Six contestants, what do you want to get here?"

"As the last batch of contestants, how confident are you that you can pass all the challenges?"

"Can you accept our personal interview?"

But it gets weirder and weirder as time goes on.

For example, "

The future is long and the weak face is dangerous, the flags cover the sky and compete for the crown! "

It sounds very hunting.

And this, "Sword and Rose! Protect the pure beauty! Pure beauty! Tall and magnificent!"

Yinzhi should like it, but the slogan is a bit sloppy.

"The knight is stubborn! Brother Lan is stubborn! You don't have to win the game, but the fun can't stop!" Ah Ha was very happy to hear it, and then decided to record it and play it in front of Lan on a loop.

After all, although Idrila disappeared, Lan was still on the way to hunt down the pharmacist.

Listening to the words of the reporters around him, March 7 felt that his head was big.

"Why are there more and more people! It feels like all kinds of monsters and ghosts have emerged. Let's go in and compete quickly!"

At this time, an old man dispersed the crowd gathered around and walked towards a few people, "Ladies and gentlemen, please make way, make way! "

And on the radio, the host also introduced them at the right time, "The one coming to us now is one of the top ten richest men in Pinocchio, the founder of the Suleda business empire - Mr. Aideen!"

Mr. Aideen looked at them and said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself. I am Aideen Leda, the director of the Suleda factory. Six friends, please introduce yourselves to the audience of the whole galaxy!"

Ji Zi nodded, "Yes."

Then she looked at the audience around her, "Hello everyone, I am Ji Zi, the unknown guest from the Starry Sky Train. These are my companions."

Liu Ying was a little worried, "Don't you have to hide your identity?"

March Seven spread his hands, a little embarrassed, "I can't hide it, all of Pinocchio is covered with our posters... But it is precisely because everyone knows the Starry Sky Train that the family dare not act rashly."

Xingcha raised his waist, "I am the Galaxy Batman, and she is Zhao Xiangqi. "

Hearing her words, Sanyueqi was immediately embarrassed to death, and looked at her with a blushing face, "Oh! Don't call me by my online name in public, okay!"

Then he quickly put on a very serious expression, "Ahem, hello, everyone, I am Sanyueqi! An ordinary girl who likes adventure everywhere!"

Then Liuying also stood up, and it can be seen that she is not very good at dealing with such things, "Hello, everyone, I am Liuying, um... I am also an ordinary girl who likes adventure everywhere."

And Conan still said his iconic sentence, "I am Edogawa Conan, a detective."

Everyone was smiling and looked very happy... Well, at least it seemed so. After all, this is also a talent show, a rare experience.

When it was Xiaoai's turn, she had a normal face and could not see any passion for this talent show.

Conan couldn't help but lean close to her ear and whispered, "You guy, is there nothing in this world that can interest you? At least be happy! "

Hearing his words, Xiao Ai pretended to be very happy, "Hello everyone, I am Huiyuan Ai, an ordinary girl who likes scientific experiments. "

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