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After saying that, Xiao Ai turned to look at Conan, "Is this okay?"

Conan touched his nose, "You, be happy, this experience is so rare, it's so different from reality even though it's in a dream. It's no different. If those kids could come here, they would be very happy. "

Xiao Ai made a half-moon eye, "I'm really sorry to spoil your fun, but I'm glad they don't have to go through this.

You should have remembered those in the beautiful dream The people who are trapped in it, their thoughts, senses, everything seems to be free, but in fact they have been completely controlled. "

Conan was a little helpless, "Please, think more positively! At least we are on the right path now. " Xiao Ai shrugged, "On the right path? Maybe, who knows if it will be another dream."

"Don't take it so seriously! How old were you before?"

Xiao Ai She said calmly, "84 years old."

After that, she ignored the petrified Conan.

The more Conan thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Miyano Akemi was only 25 years old.

But when she wanted to ask more questions, Xiao Ai no longer wanted to talk to him.

After they had introduced themselves, Aideen began to perform his duties, "So it's the Wuming guest and his group! The final confrontation will be exciting! Time is precious! , six friends, come with me! "

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to lead the group to a certain place, and the host on the radio also sang the classic advertising slogan of Suleda.

"Drink this bottle of Suleda, happy Sweet dreams come true quickly! "

Looking at the trembling Aideen, I can only say that it is difficult to comment. I hope it can find a better host in the future. (This is just my personal opinion. When I heard this advertisement, I just felt weird, anyway, I just wanted to hear it. )

Following Aideen's footsteps, everyone saw many spectators or staff gathered around. Jizi sighed, "This place is really lively..."

Aideen smiled Smiled, "That's right! This audition venue is a microcosm of that era of possibility."

Following him, everyone came to an open space.

It was still the difficult-to-evaluate advertising line.

"Drink this bottle of Suleda, and your happy dreams will come true soon!"

Aideen turned around and said to everyone: "Anonymous guests, your arrival reminds me of the grand occasion when Pinocchio was first built.

At that time I was still a young boy. I saw the advertisement of the watchmaker and left my hometown with passion and came here to dig for my first pot of gold.

One day, I fainted due to heavy labor and was caught by Mr. Sousa. The drink saved a life. The sweet taste has been imprinted in my mind ever since, driving me to create the current Suleda.

The dream-chasing era is so magical. I miss that era, and I also miss the watchmaker, this passionate The Sands venue was built by me to commemorate that era full of possibilities.

I sincerely hope that you can make it to the end and become the new generation of Pinocchio superstars! So before the official start of the competition, is there anything else you want to say? "

Star Some can’t wait any longer, “Can you start soon? "

Aideen smiled, "Haha, you are indeed a vigorous pioneer! Miss March Seven, how about you?"

March Seven is still full of energy, "Hello, audience! Next, please enjoy the record-breaking game. Speedy Super March 7 Adventure! "

And Aideen also expressed his appreciation, "Exploring the unknown, challenging the limit, you are worthy of being Miss March 7."

Then he looked at Liuying, "What about Miss Liuying?"

Liuying Smiling, she said, "I hope that at the end of the journey... everyone can reach the desired ending."

"What a wonderful blessing! Miss Jizi, what are your expectations for your team?"

Jizi was still so steady, "Everyone Safety first."

"Haha, what a simple and warm word."

As usual, Aideen also asked Conan and Ai, and they both gave their hopes, which were quite direct, hoping to win in the end. . (Actually, I don't know how to make it up.)

Although they looked underage, it was well known that minors were not allowed to enter the dream, so Aideen just treated them as Pipisi people and addressed them as such. It was also Mr. Edogawa and Ms. Huihara.

And Aideen began to announce the final rules, "There are three levels waiting for you, each of which is related to that era. The first two levels each have three routes for you to choose from. , each road has its own unique challenges!

And the last level... you will

Challenge a champion who has been holding on to the title until now, a popular player with noble character!

The rules are so simple, do you understand, warriors? "

Seeing that everyone has understood, Aideen nodded, "Then let me announce that the 20th and 33rd Hot Sand Festival sponsored by Suleda Co., Ltd. has officially begun! "

The game started. Considering efficiency and safety, they were divided into three groups and acted separately.

Xing and Liuying were together, Sanyueqi and Himeko, Conan and Xiaoai.

The game was nothing special. Everything was closely related to the past of this Pinocchio.

All three groups passed the level smoothly without any surprises.

It was just that Xing and Liuying had a lot of fun.

Whether it was Xing rolling in the sand or kneeling down to beg for mercy, or saying that I will light Pinocchio, it was impressive.

On the other hand, Liuying was much more normal, but her expression was very shy.

In the end, Xing had to use the clock trick to pass the level as quickly as possible, which made the strict judges burst into tears and successfully said that classic comment to the two of them.

"Your performance even surpassed the original! It's just... just... just -

It doesn't look like acting! ”

After that, everyone gave up their last hope of victory, and Xing and Liuying went to the last level.

And in the final superstar peak battle, they met Yinzhi.

He was the red-haired contestant who had been heard of many times.

Yinzhi exclaimed: "Listen! The rose-colored pure beauty has left everyone speechless, what an honor!

I learned that the celebration was about to be held, so I asked the "Rare World" to run at full speed and lead me to Pinoconi. However, without the care of pure beauty, the galaxy was turbid, and I was delayed for a long time on the way to save the dying and the wounded...

Fortunately, the dwarf rabbit driver, the stray cat duelist, the galaxy ninja, the four-wheel drive intelligent machine and other 32 victims all survived the difficulties and were safe and sound... I led everyone here together to share the harmony with thousands of beautiful creatures. "

Xing was a little amazed, "You are quite good at saving..."

However, Yinzhi shook his head, "I don't deserve it! It's a pity that the peacock-like envoy of the company is still in poor condition... I wish he could join us in the celebration. "

Then they learned that Yinzhi was once regarded as a wanted criminal who was tall, wearing silver armor, and as fiery as flames because of her poor speaking skills.

This made Liuying and Xing look at each other in bewilderment. Obviously, through the description, they were sure that the wanted criminal was Sam, that is, Liuying herself.

Yinzhi took the blame for her.

After that, at Yinzhi's invitation, they had a chivalry contest.

The two naturally won the victory and reached the final destination. Conan and others followed behind them. At the same time, here, there was a person with his back to them.

Sunday turned his head, "Welcome to the two of you to become the superstars of this Harmony Festival. Before entering the Grand Theater, on behalf of the organizer, I would like to extend my sincere wishes to you. May you enjoy joy under His light. "

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