The old man was so angry that he was lying on the table.

Mouri Kogoro clenched his fists, "Need not to know, does this mean I don't need to know? This is too much!"

Sakura looked at Mouri Kogoro with interest. Logically, this sentence is the code of the Neon Police. As a former criminal policeman, Mouri Kogoro should not be unaware of it.

Curiosity should also have a limit. Is this expression now hidden?

As for Mouri Kogoro, Sakura is a little unsure. Although he looks out of tune at ordinary times, he can suddenly burst out at some critical moments and turn the tide.

Apart from anything else, would Kisaki Eri, who is so proud, really like a useless and confused policeman?

Looking at her father's expression, Xiaolan was a little curious, "What does Officer Shiratori mean?"

Sand Gold answered his question, "Need not to know. A code word of the Japanese police, which means you don't need to know. Generally speaking, they are avoiding topics or secrets of the police."

Then Sand Gold looked at Conan and Maori Kogoro, "So, what Officer Baidiao meant is. You two, the detective game is over. This is the Metropolitan Police Department's own business.

Don't let your curiosity destroy the relationship with the police. It's good for everyone to quit now."

As he said, he smiled, "Uncle Maori, as a former criminal policeman, should know more about Officer Shiratori's words than me."

Looking at him, Maori Kogoro curled his lips unconsciously, "If you want me to say it, of course I know it. Really, when will it be your turn to teach me a lesson?"

Sand Gold smiled, said nothing, and then looked at Conan.

Conan turned his face away. He knew that what Shajin said was directed at him, but he understood the reason. But what the hell is a detective game? That guy doesn't respect the profession of detective at all. Does he really think he is playing a game?

On the side, Eri Kisaki also looked at Kogoro Maori and frowned, "Know the importance of this. The attitude of Inspector Megure and the others is very clear. Don't be so curious about everything.

Otherwise, I will bring Xiaolan to the law firm to live for a while before that. You old guy will live alone."

After this incident, the few people also parted unhappily. Eri Kisaki took Xiaolan to chat with the bride and groom, and also called Sonoko.

As for Kogoro Maori and Conan, they were a little uninterested and just wanted to end the banquet quickly.

Shajin stood by a window and silently observed the actions of Kyosuke Fudo.

He was not very clear about many details of the world of science, but he still remembered some things.

For example, after this banquet, Kyosuke Fudo will attack Miwako Sato, and Xiaolan will also be involved, and she will lose her memory for a while.

His fingers kept flipping, and a chip was thrown up and then fell again.

Should he stop the other party? After all, he got along well with Xiaolan and others during this period, and they were friends anyway.

As for Officer Sato, although they didn't meet often, to be honest, he thought that the other party was a good policeman and left a good impression on him. In the original story, the other party seemed to be seriously injured.

It's really... confusing.

"Why are you here! I tell you, this is not the place you should come to. You shouldn't be invited to this party!"

The thinking Shajin was suddenly attracted by a quarrel. The speaker was the former boss of Maori Kogoro, Odagiri Toshiro, and in front of him was a young man with purple hair and hip-hop style.

The young man calmly lit the cigarette in his mouth, then looked at Odagiri Toshio, and began to show impatience, "Are you annoying? I just happened to come here for work!"

At this moment, Shajin had returned to Maori Kogoro and others, and Maori Kogoro obviously knew the identity of the young man, "That man is his son Toshiya, I heard people say that he seems to be in a rock band!"

Officer Shiratori hurried to Chief Odagiri, "Chief, don't be angry."

Then he looked at Odagiri Toshio on the side and said with a smile: "Toshio, you stay!"

Officer Shiratori was obviously a peacemaker, but Odagiri Toshio did not give him this face, and said to his son mercilessly: "Get out! You wild dog, don't come here

Come find food!"

Shajin shook his head, "What a farce."

This Odagiri Toshiro is really outrageous, humiliating his son in public.

Sure enough, Odagiri Toshiya suddenly looked angry, "What did you say!"

Officer Sato came over from behind him and pressed his shoulder, "Toshiya!"

Then shook his head, signaling him not to be impulsive.

The next second, Odagiri Toshiya broke free from her arm, extinguished the cigarette, snorted coldly, picked up the bag beside him and turned away. The bag should contain a guitar or other musical instrument.

"Sorry to bother you!"

Officer Shiratori was a little worried, "Toshiya!"

In the crowd, a woman turned her head to look at the figure of Odagiri Toshiya leaving.

Looking at her, Maori Kogoro suddenly said in confusion: "Hey, I seem to have seen that woman somewhere! "

Everyone followed his gaze and saw a woman looking at the entrance of the venue for a few times, then turned and left.

Inspector Megure stopped Sato behind him, "Sato, about that matter..."

Before he finished speaking, Officer Sato smiled and waved his hand, "I am not affected at all."

Inspector Megure wanted to say something, but was blocked by Officer Sato's words, "Don't worry about it."

Officer Sato walked all the way to the front desk and said with a smile: "Hello, please take item No. 38!"

In the venue, Sakin noticed the actions of Fudo Kyosuke.

His eyes flickered slightly, and then he looked in the direction of Xiaolan, who seemed to be about to go to the bathroom.

At the sink, Xiaolan met Officer Sato.

"Xiaolan?" Officer Sato was a little surprised.

Xiaolan also greeted, "Officer Sato!"

Then he turned on the faucet, and the water flowed out slowly.

Officer Sato smiled and said: "There are police everywhere here, making the atmosphere very strange. "

Xiao Lan shook her head and then looked at her, "Actually, this is not a big deal. You should be more careful."

"Ah?" Officer Sato did not react for a while.

Xiao Lan looked worried, "Because there have been criminal police killed recently!"

Officer Sato gave a thumbs up and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm very strong!"

Just then, the lights suddenly dimmed.

Xiao Lan looked up, a little confused, "What happened?"

Officer Sato muttered, "This is really strange."

Then he ordered, "I'll go check the situation, don't run around!"

In the dark, Officer Sato groped away. At the same time, Xiao Lan found something wrong with the cabinet next to her, and light came out of the gap.

She opened it and found that there was a bright flashlight inside.

Xiao Lan smiled and said, "Officer Sato, look, there is a flashlight here! "

Hearing the sound, Officer Sato turned around and saw Xiaolan taking out a flashlight from the cabinet.

At the same time, she heard a strange sound behind her and a figure raised a gun in his hand.

Officer Sato reacted instantly and rushed to Xiaolan, "Xiaolan, put it down!"

But before Xiaolan could react, a gunshot rang out and a stream of blood shot out from Officer Sato's body.

Looking at Miwako falling on her, Xiaolan exclaimed "Officer Sato! "

The shadow wanted to fire a second shot, but unexpectedly, something hit his palm at the moment he pulled the trigger.

The gun in his hand slipped out of his hand, and the bullet hit the water pipe by brushing the bodies of the two women.

A huge stream of water gushed out, and Xiaolan was startled, and the flashlight slipped out of her hand.

In a panic, a beam of light hit the shadow, and Xiaolan saw a face with a look of shock.

Then, Officer Sato fell on Xiaolan, and Xiaolan fell backwards powerlessly.

The shadow glanced at the two people, then at the gun on the ground, gritted his teeth, turned around and left quickly.

The lights came on again.

Xiaolan struggled to sit up, looking at the unconscious Officer Sato in front of her with some fear.

"Officer Sato, cheer up, Officer Sato! "

The next second, she looked at the blood in her hand and fell into self-blame.

"It was all me... I hurt her with the flashlight..."

The psychological defense line collapsed instantly, and after a scream, she fainted on the ground.

After that, Sha Jin came in and picked up the chips on the ground.

He came to the two of them, and after seeing Sato Miwako's wound, Sha Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

The wound was not serious, only one bullet, and she would be sent to the hospital to remove the bullet and rest for a while.

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