The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were still alive.

When Conan and the others arrived, they found Xiaolan lying on the ground covered in blood, and Officer Sato was lying on top of Xiaolan unconscious.

The faucet of the washbasin was broken, and water was flowing all over the floor.

And Shajin was squatting next to the two of them, making a phone call.

Seeing this scene, Maori Kogoro immediately passed the gold sand and helped Xiaolan up, his voice trembling, "Xiaolan, are you okay?"

Conan quickly confirmed the injuries of the two, "Sister Xiaolan just fainted, the one who was seriously injured is..."

On the side, Officer Takagi looked at the unconscious Sato Miwako with great concern, "Officer Sato, Officer Sato, you have to cheer up!"

Everyone is at a different distance from here, Maori Kogoro and his group are only the first to arrive.

Soon, Officer Megure, Odagiri Toshiro and Shiratori Jinzaburo all came over.

Officer Megure looked at the scene in surprise, "How could it be!"

Chief Odagiri shouted: "Megure, call an ambulance!"

Officer Megure was about to take out his cell phone, but stopped him, "No need, I have already called an ambulance, and you don't have to worry, Officer Sato's injury is not too serious, the bullet did not hit the vital part, and he will wake up soon after the operation."

Then Shajin looked at Odagiri Toshiro, "The ambulance will be here soon, Chief Odagiri, the most important thing now should be to seal off the scene."

Odagiri Toshiro glanced at him, and then said: "Shiratori, send someone to seal off all entrances and exits of the hotel immediately!"


The police began to act, and Conan looked at the pistol left on the ground.

The 9mm caliber automatic pistol, there are two bullets left in the magazine, and one is already loaded.

He was basically certain that the murderer of this shooting case was the same person as the murderer of the previous two criminal police murders, but if the murderer wanted to kill Officer Sato, why were there three bullets in the pistol?

Conan looked back at Sakin by the wall, because he was the first one to arrive, and Officer Megure asked him about his situation as usual.

Conan looked at him, feeling a little uncertain. Did he stop the murderer from continuing to shoot?

The bullet did not hit the vital point. In order to confirm the success, it would be more reasonable for the murderer to fire a few more shots. The broken water pipe seemed to confirm this. The murderer seemed to have made a few more shots, but was stopped by someone.

Conan looked at Sakin with curiosity, "Brother Sakin, why did you get here so quickly? Uncle Maori and I rushed here quickly after hearing Sister Xiaolan's voice, but we were still not as fast as you."

Sakin looked at him and said with a smile, "Because I was in the men's restroom not far away, so it would be faster."

"So that's it!" Conan smiled innocently.

Then he lowered his head, and a glimmer of light reflected from his glasses, "Has Brother Sakin seen the murderer?"

Inspector Megure was a little surprised, "Hey, Conan, why do you ask that?"

Conan said with a smile, "Because I saw the gun, it should be left by the murderer!"

As he said that, he pointed to the automatic pistol he had seen on the ground before.

Officer Megure ordered his men to retrieve the pistol, but he still didn't understand, "But what does this have to do with Gold Dust?"

Conan said calmly, "There are still three bullets left in the gun. Generally speaking, in order to ensure that the other party is really dead, the murderer will not leave bullets in the gun, right?

Besides, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Officer Sato's wound is not fatal. In addition, with the presence of a third party like Xiaolan, it is unreasonable for the other party not to silence her.

So, at the time of the crime, something must have happened, forcing the murderer to abandon the gun and run away. The most likely possibility is that someone suddenly appeared and stopped him, and this person is Gold Dust, who arrived at the scene first and called the emergency number in time."

After Conan finished speaking, the whole bathroom fell silent, and then everyone looked at him with a strange look in their eyes.

Conan was a little embarrassed, "What...what happened?"

Inspector Megure touched his nose, "Conan, what you said makes sense, but it's hard to imagine that this is what a child said."

Conan scratched his head and pretended to be stupid: "Hey, I saw detectives on TV say this, so I said it subconsciously, and now is not the time to talk about this.

Brother Shajin, so did you stop the murderer!"

Conan's eyes were burning

looked at him.

Sakin shrugged, "You may be disappointed. My answer is no.

Your reasoning is very good, but there is a fatal mistake. Even if the matter is as you said, I, the third party, no, it should be said that the fourth party, appeared here and stopped the other party.

Then the problem goes back to the doubt you found at the beginning. Through on-site observation, the murderer fired two shots, one shot hit Officer Sato, and the other shot hit the water pipe.

Then why didn't he shoot me after I appeared, but threw the gun and ran away."

Inspector Megure also looked at Conan, "That's right, What Shajin said made sense. If he suddenly appeared, the murderer could have shot him. Even if his marksmanship was not good, there would always be traces of shooting near the entrance of the bathroom, but in fact there were no traces. "

Conan still did not give up, "Your chips, you can use the chips to knock down the opponent's gun. With your ability, you can do it. You used the same method to block bullets before."

Shajin stretched out his hands, "I'm not wearing gloves, Conan. I can't do that without the help of those special gloves."

As he said, he took out a chip and threw it at Conan's leg.

"Now you understand."

Conan didn't say anything. He had seen the gloves before. Although he didn't think it was because of the gloves, he had no evidence to prove that Shajin shot.

Based on the words just now, to be honest, although it was successfully hit, Conan didn't feel much pain. It was a bit of a stretch to say that such a force could knock down the pistol.

Seeing Conan's depressed look, Jin Jin smiled and said, "But I may have seen the murderer, this is true."

Everyone looked over when they heard him.

Jin Jin said, "When I came out of the bathroom, the light suddenly dimmed, and I walked outside with some doubts in my heart.

As a result, I vaguely saw a black figure running out from here in the dark.

But considering that people who are afraid of the dark will run around in the dark, I didn't take it seriously. Then the hotel suddenly called, and then I heard Xiaolan's scream coming from here.

You know what happened next. After confirming the situation of the two, I called the emergency number, and then you came. Now I think that the black figure should be the murderer."

After listening to him , Inspector Megure nodded, "That's probably what happened. In the darkness, the murderer probably didn't notice Officer Sato's wound and thought that one shot was enough.

Then he heard Sakin's footsteps and fled the scene in a hurry. As for Xiaolan, he probably thought that Xiaolan didn't see him at the time."

"Is that so?"

Conan was a little uncertain. Although everything sounded reasonable, but...

He looked to the side and saw a flashlight lying on the ground, and the flashlight was on.

Why did this flashlight appear here? Did Xiaolan really not see the other person's face?

Conan didn't know all these. Looking at Xiaolan who was unconscious, Conan could only hope that she would wake up soon.

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