The police said that the murderer would not escape.

The ambulance arrived quickly and the seriously injured Officer Sato was taken away.

After all, Xiaolan was also unconscious at the crime scene and was taken away to undergo a detailed examination, accompanied by Officer Megure.

The entire Beika Sun Plaza Hotel was blocked by the police to ensure that the murderer would not escape.

In the venue, Odagiri Toshiro said in a deep voice: "Except for children, everyone's reaction to gunpowder must be tested!

No one is an exception, including me and all the police!"

As he said, he looked at Odagiri Toshiya, who was sitting on the sofa with an indifferent expression, "Of course, this bastard here is also included!"

Hearing his words, Odagiri Toshi just lowered his sunglasses and showed a disdainful smile.

Yamika Yakushino Hospital.

Inspector Megure paced back and forth in front of the lighted operating room, fully showing his impatience.

At this time, Maori Kogoro and Sagine and others rushed over.

Inspector Shiratori was a little worried, "Inspector Megure, how is Inspector Sato now?"

Inspector Megure, "The doctor said it's not a big problem, the bullet hit the place is not serious, but the operation is not over yet, I am still a little worried."

The atmosphere was a little dull for a while.

Kisaki Eri was a little worried about her daughter, "Inspector Megure, where is Xiaolan?"

Inspector Megure looked over, "Fortunately, she has no external injuries, but she hasn't woken up yet."

As he said, he pointed in a direction, "Her ward is over there."

Hearing the news, Sagine, Sonoko and Kisaki Eri all walked towards Xiaolan's ward, Conan and Maori Kogoro stayed here.

Before leaving, Sagine also glanced at Conan who stayed there.

Now that he knew that Xiaolan was fine, he felt relieved.

He was more concerned about the case now, and the flashlight was a little concerning to him.

Officer Shiratori and Officer Takagi stayed here, so Officer Megure had time to ask about the situation of the Beika Sun Plaza Hotel.

"Brother Shiratori, what are the results of the search?"

"We have done a smoke test on everyone, but no one reacted."

Officer Megure was very surprised, "No reaction?"

Officer Shiratori nodded, "The murderer might have escaped before we blocked the entrance and exit."

"Did you take fingerprints on the pistol?" Officer Megure looked at Takagi Wataru next to him.

Officer Takagi also shook his head, "There is no result in this regard."

Officer Shiratori looked at Chiba Kazunobu who had just arrived, "Brother Chiba, have you found out how the switchboard was tampered with?"

Officer Chiba nodded, "Yes, after analysis, it should be a device that is detonated by a mobile phone."

At this time, Officer Takagi on the side suddenly said, "Officer, I think something is wrong, that is, the flashlight that fell on the toilet floor. Was it held in Officer Sato's hand from the beginning?"

"I don't think so!" Conan denied his guess.

Everyone looked over, "Because the locker under the dressing table is open, I think it was originally placed in it, and the light was always on."

"Ah, what, the murderer..." Kogoro was shocked and looked at him in disbelief.

Officer Shiratori showed a look of realization, "That makes sense. No one would notice this when the lights are on."

He leaned close to Officer Megure's ear and whispered, "It seems that this case is related to that case."

Mouri Kogoro was a little confused, "Hey, what case are you talking about?"

However, at this time, Officer Megure still didn't intend to talk about this matter. Seeing him hesitating, Maori Kogoro immediately got angry.

Previously, the case was an internal matter of the police after all, so Officer Shiratori's need not to know made him a little uncomfortable, but it was nothing, and now Xiaolan has been implicated in this matter.

How can he, as a father, remain calm and stay out of it?

He looked at Officer Megure angrily, "Why are you still unwilling to confess to me! If there is any mistake, my precious daughter Xiaolan will be shot, Officer Megure!"

Just then, Sonoko suddenly ran over and said breathlessly: "Things are not good, Xiaolan..."

Mouri Kogoro

Suddenly, he became anxious, "What happened to Xiaolan?"

"She is awake now, but she doesn't look right!"


Everyone was shocked and rushed to the ward.

"Sister Xiaolan!"

As soon as he rushed into the ward, Conan couldn't wait to look at the bed.

Xiaolan was sitting there, with her head down, looking a little strange.

On the side, Kisaki Eri was a little at a loss. At the same time, a group of nurses surrounded the bed, checking Xiaolan's condition.

Xiaolan was also attracted by their sudden arrival. Conan said carefully: "Sister Xiaolan, are you okay..."

However, Xiaolan's answer made him stunned. Not only him, but also Maori Kogoro and others behind him looked unbelievable.

"Little brother, who are you?"

Hiki Eri lowered her head, "Not only does she not remember us now, she can't even remember her own name."

"How is this possible? I'm your father, Maori Kogoro!" Maori Kogoro walked to the bed and looked at Xiaolan with hope.

Then he pointed to Hiki Eri beside him, "This is your mother Hiki Eri, remember?"

However, Xiaolan turned her head away, as if she was a little resistant to his sudden approach, "I don't remember, I can't remember anything."

Looking at the people who were struck by lightning, Shajin sighed, and then comforted: "Don't worry too much, Xiaolan's condition should be retrograde amnesia.

It is a memory disorder that manifests as an individual's inability to recall some things or past experiences before the event, which will not have any impact on life.

According to Xiaolan's situation, if you want to treat it, you can only find some psychologists for professional psychological counseling."

Hiki Eri looked at him with some confusion, "Retrograde amnesia? How could Xiaolan be like this? "

"There are many reasons for retrograde amnesia, including brain trauma, excessive sleeping pills, alcohol or carbon monoxide poisoning, encephalitis and cerebral infarction.

However, Xiaolan's retrograde amnesia should be caused by psychological trauma, which is a protective behavior of the brain to the individual. Xiaolan doesn't want to think about that period of time, so this result will occur. "

Mouri Kogoro was a little worried, "Is there really no way to treat it quickly?"

"I'm afraid not. This disease is difficult to achieve the purpose of treatment through drug intervention. The only way is to keep her emotions stable and have a good rest for a while. In addition, the best way is to find a psychologist for professional psychological counseling. "

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