

Seeing Qingyun kill another person in seconds without saying anything, the people around him became even more terrified and fled for their lives, fearing that Qingyun would kill them all in his killing spree.

"Are they all members of CP9?!"

Bingshan was also extremely scared, but he did not run away, because he guessed that Kaku and Bruno, who were killed instantly by Qingyun, were also members of CP9.



Kalifa was the most scared. She was already terrified and trembling with sweat.

She kept reminding herself to try her best to control her stiff, but unable to control her slightly trembling body to run away.

Crack! Crack!

However, just as Kalifa turned around and took a step, wanting to blend into the fleeing crowd and escape, Qingyun put away the Menmen Fruit, and then turned into lightning again, and came in front of Kalifa in the blink of an eye.


Kalifa was startled, like a mouse seeing a cat, she screamed and shot backwards.

After landing, she looked at Qingyun in horror.

"you you……"

Kalifa opened her red lips slightly, trying to threaten Qingyun, saying that killing her would be against the World Government.

But she remembered that Qingyun not only killed Lucci, Kaku and Bruno in seconds.

Before that, he also killed the admiral of the navy, Akainu and Aokiji.

He even killed the Celestial Dragons.

It was obvious that Qingyun was not afraid of the World Government at all.

"Please, don't kill me"

"Don't kill me."

Kalifa put down the whip in her hand and begged Qingyun humbly.

Just as Qingyun thought, Kalifa was also afraid of death.

She knew that the World Government could not suppress Qingyun. If she wanted to survive, she had to beg Qingyun for mercy, hoping that Qingyun would be merciful and let her go.

Even if she had to give up the mission.

Besides, it was Qingyun who saved Bingshan.

Even if she failed in the mission, her boss should not blame her.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"That depends on whether you know the current situation or not."

Hearing this, Khalifa immediately felt that there was a chance, and immediately said flatteringly:

"I wonder what you want to do?"

"As long as I can do it, I will do my best."

Qingyun did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point:

"Khalifa, will you come aboard my boat?"


Hearing this, Kalifa was stunned.

The Iceberg people beside her were also stunned.

They all thought Qingyun spared Kalifa's life because he needed her to do something. They never thought that Qingyun would actually invite Kalifa to board the ship.

"What did you say?"

Kalifa asked Qingyun in disbelief. She seriously suspected that she had heard it wrong.

Bingshan also looked at Qingyun in disbelief.

"You shouldn't be deaf, right?"

Qingyun's eyes narrowed as he asked coldly.

Kalifa immediately felt that the god of death was waving at her, and she waved her hands in panic, saying:

"Not deaf, not deaf"

"I want to board your boat."

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Kalifa and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Kalifa's position.

Qingyun did not smile, but still looked at Kalifa with a grim look and said coldly:

"You look like you're reluctant to get on my boat?"

"That's right, you are the righteous CP9, how could you be willing to board my ship?"

"Forget it, in that case, I'll just send you to reunite with your colleagues."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun raised his hand slowly, as if he was going to kill Kalifa.

Kalifa was horrified and hurriedly said:

"I do"

"I do"

"I really want to board your ship"

"Please don't kill me."

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction:

"very good"

"Kalifa, from now on, you are the maid of my Sea King Group. As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Kalifa.

""Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Kalifa answered respectfully without any hesitation.

She was afraid that Qingyun would send her to see Lucci and the others if he was unhappy.

But she was not willing to board Qingyun's ship, but was forced to do so.

She knew that the World Government, especially the Celestial Dragons, would not let Qingyun go free, and would definitely send people stronger than Akainu and Aokiji to capture Qingyun.

She planned to stab Qingyun in the back and return to CP9 at that time, and maybe she could upgrade through this.

Qingyun could naturally think of Kalifa's idea.

But except for Nami and Nokiko, Kaya and the others were basically coerced and lured by Qingyun to board the ship.

Even Nami and Nokiko were half willing and half forced.

But now they are all conquered by Qingyun.

Will Qingyun still not be able to take Kalifa?

"Let's go."

After saying that, Qingyun immediately walked towards the port.


Kalifa did not dare to neglect and immediately followed.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Qingyun."

Bingshan trotted to Qingyun, thanked him, and invited him:

"If you don't mind, let me treat you to a meal, okay?"

Although Qingyun had said before that saving him was just a matter of convenience, Bingshan was grateful and didn't want to owe Qingyun a favor.

"I hate it."

Qingyun did not stop and replied calmly


Bingshan was very embarrassed.

He had never been rejected so blatantly before.


Kalifa smiled in relief.

In the past five years, in order to complete the mission, she has been working like a cow for Bingshan, and she has had enough.

Half an hour later, Qingyun brought Kalifa back to the port.

From a distance, Qingyun noticed that Xialuliya fell on the shore next to the Sea King, and there were traces of fighting around her.

Qingyun quickly rushed to Xialuliya's side, leaned over and gently turned Xialuliya over.

Seeing Xialuliya was seriously injured and pale, Qingyun was furious.

He didn't have much affection for Xialuliya, and more like Xialuliya was just a plaything.

But even so, Xialuliya was his Qingyun.

He himself couldn't bear to beat Xialuliya like this, how could he tolerate others beating Xialuliya like this?

"Master... Master, I have tried my best, but... but I still can't beat them, and they robbed... robbed a lot of treasures."

"Please don't blame me, no... don't punish me."

Xia Lulia saw Qingyun's anger and her face changed drastically. She was afraid that Qingyun would blame her for not protecting the ship well, so she tried her best to explain and beg for mercy.

Kalifa came to Qingyun and saw that Xia Lulia was beaten like this, but she was still so afraid of Qingyun. She was immediately very surprised and became even more afraid of Qingyun.

"Did the Franky family beat you up like this?"

Qingyun asked, suppressing his anger.


"They claim to be... from the Franky family."

Xia Lulia quickly answered affirmatively.

Crack! Crack!

The next moment, Qingyun turned into lightning and disappeared from the spot.

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