Snap! Snap!

Five seconds later, Qingyun returned with Kaya, who was shopping with Nami and the others.

Snap! Snap!

Nami was very confused and returned with them.

""Qingyun, what's the hurry?"

Nami asked Qingyun curiously.

Qingyun's speed was too fast, and Ke Ya was a little slow to react. She felt a little nauseous, but she also looked at Qingyun curiously.

Snap! Snap!

""Keya, help Xia Lulia with her treatment."

Qingyun did not explain. He turned into lightning and quickly took out the first aid kit made by Keya and handed it to Keya. He looked at Xia Lulia and said to Keya.

Keya looked in the direction of the voice and saw Xia Lulia lying on the ground with serious injuries. She was immediately shocked:

"How could Xia Luliya be so badly injured!"

Although she was very curious, Ke Ya did not hesitate at all. She took the first aid kit brought by Qing Yun, hurried to Xia Luliya's side, and knelt on the ground to give Xia Luliya emergency treatment.

He didn't blame me! He brought Ke Ya back so quickly and let Ke Ya help me with the treatment!

Xia Luliya looked at Qing Yun in disbelief, feeling very surprised.

"Qingyun, who hurt Xia Lulia?"

Nami was also very surprised and asked Qingyun curiously.

Although she didn't like Xia Lulia, she even hated her, but seeing Xia Lulia being hurt like this, she couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for Xia Lulia and a little angry.

"Nami, you stay here to protect Kaya and help her, and protect Kaya and Xialulia at the same time."

Qingyun did not explain to Nami, but said to Nami.

Without waiting for Nami to answer, Qingyun looked at Kalifa and said in a commanding tone:

"Kalifa, you should know where the Franky family is, right?"

"Take me there quickly"

""Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Kalifa replied respectfully.

She didn't dare to delay and hurried towards the Franky family.

Qingyun followed closely behind.

"Was it someone from the Fenli Franky family who did it?"

From Qingyun's words, Nami learned the culprit who injured Xia Lulia.

"Kalifa, is she the one who was just"invited" to board the ship by Qingyun?"

""What a great figure!"

Nami looked at Kalifa running and couldn't help but feel envious.

Is he going to help me get revenge?

Xia Lulia looked at Qingyun's back and couldn't help but feel moved.

Ten minutes later.

Qingyun followed Kalifa to the outside of Franky's House.

"That is the base of the Franky family."

Kalifa pointed to the huge but somewhat dilapidated Franky House and said to Qingyun.

Qingyun walked towards the Franky House slowly with a gloomy face.

Kalifa followed behind Qingyun slowly.

At this moment, the door of the Franky House was opened. Then

, Franky came out of the Franky House happily with a group of brothers holding sacks, intending to go to the Sea King to continue robbing treasures.

"Boss, someone is coming towards us."

One of the younger brothers noticed Qingyun and immediately pointed at him and said to Frankie


Franky and the other brothers looked towards Qingyun.

"It's... it's... Qingyun!"

After recognizing Qingyun and finding Qingyun's angry and terrifying look, Franky and his brothers were shocked and all felt scared.

Qingyun was a ruthless man who killed the admiral of the navy, Akainu and Aokiji, and even killed the Celestial Dragons.

He came over so ferociously and stared at them intently. How could Franky and his brothers not be afraid?

"Could it be that the big ship just now was his?"

"Is he here to take back the treasure?"

The Cube sisters next to Franky guessed

"It seems that this is correct, otherwise he would not come to us like this."

Franky nodded, and then hurriedly said to the Cube Sisters:

"Hurry up and take out the treasure we just stole."


"You, you, you, come with me quickly."

The Cube sisters hurriedly called three people, and then took them to get the treasure that had just been robbed from the Sea King.

Franky showed a hearty smile and said to Qingyun:

"Mr. Qingyun, this is all a misunderstanding"

"I didn't know that the ship belonged to you, so I stole your treasure."

"Please wait a moment. My people have already gone to get it."

"I didn't touch a cent, I give them all back to you"

"I hope you can forgive us and let us go."

Franky knew that there was a huge gap between him and Qingyun. Even if he and his brothers fought together, they could not be Qingyun's opponent.

He was also afraid of death.

He was also loyal and righteous, and was even more afraid of his brothers dying.

So after he guessed what Qingyun was here for, he immediately begged for mercy from Qingyun.


Qingyun came directly in front of Franky without saying a word, and at the same time used the ability of the ice fruit to release extremely cold air.

Crack, crack, crack! -

In an instant, not only Franky, but all the brothers beside and behind him, and even the ground under their feet were frozen, and they had no time to resist.



Boom! Boom! -

At this moment, the Cube sisters and their three younger brothers came out with treasures, and saw that Franky and everyone had been frozen. They were stunned for a moment, and felt worried and scared, but also very angry.

"Isn't this treasure your goal?"

"We will return them all to you. Please don't hurt the boss and everyone else. Please let them go."

The Cube Sisters hurriedly pleaded with Qingyun.

Crack! Crack!

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

However, Qingyun turned directly into lightning, flying quickly between the ice sculptures of Franky and his brothers, and at the same time smashed them all into ice chips, killing them all.



Watching Franky and his companions being blown up, the Cube sisters and their three younger brothers were in great pain and couldn't help but burst into tears. They were also extremely angry and couldn't help but show a fierce look on their faces.

Crack! Crack!——


Qingyun did not stop there, but continued to kill, and came directly to the remaining three brothers, and electrocuted them, causing them to scream in pain and sharpness, which scared the Cube sisters on the side.

Soon, the three brothers stopped screaming.

Because they were all electrocuted into charcoal, dead and could not die anymore.

【Host kills Franky, physical fitness +31……】

Watching the remaining three brothers being electrocuted in front of them, the two Cube sisters felt even more painful and angry.

How cruel!

He really kills without blinking an eye!

Kalifa looked at Franky and others who were frozen, and was shocked by Qingyun's decisiveness in killing. She was also very fortunate:

Fortunately, I didn't reject him just now!

"You bastard!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

The two Cube sisters drew their samurai swords and slashed at Qingyun together.

Even though they knew they were like moths to a flame, they still wanted to fight to avenge Franky and his brothers.

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