

Qingyun dodged the attack of the Cube Sisters and punched them in the abdomen, knocking them unconscious and causing them to fall to the ground.

Qingyun did not kill the Cube Sisters.

The reason was that they were beautiful and had good figures. It was not until he saw them just now that he remembered that they seemed to be the only pair of beautiful twins in the pirate world.

He naturally could not miss them.

Although he could not appreciate and did not like their strange cube hairstyle, it could be modified.

Qingyun remembered that the Cube Sisters were very loyal to Franky, often following Franky around, and even posing with Franky in the corresponding appearance posture.

Now, he has killed Franky and Franky's brothers in seconds, and the Cube Sisters will most likely not agree to board his ship.

Moreover, the Pluto design hidden by Franky was also shattered into ice chips with Franky.

But he did not regret it.

He wanted to let them and the people of the world know what would happen if they attacked their own people.

He was not interested in the design of Pluto.

And he remembered that the reason why the shipwrights of Water City wanted to pass on the design of Pluto was because they had built Pluto hundreds of years ago.

But after it was built, they found that Pluto was a weapon with extremely strong destructive power.

Once Pluto fell into the hands of bad guys, the world would be destroyed, and they would become accomplices in destroying the world.

So, they first hid Pluto and passed down the design.

To prevent the Pluto that had been built from being found and used by bad guys. In case it was found and used, future generations could use the design to build another Pluto to fight against it.

Qingyun didn't remember where the original book said that the Pluto that had been built was hidden.

He guessed that Pluto must have been hidden by the shipwrights in Water City.

Or the entire Water City.

After all, it was a weapon that could destroy the entire world, and its size must be comparable to that of an island-type ship.

However, Pluto was an ancient weapon. If you want to activate and use it, you need to understand the ancient text, that is, the text on the historical text.

In other words, if you want to activate and use Pluto, you need Robin.

Moreover, Robin can also solve the secret of the disappearance of one hundred years according to the historical text.

This is why the World Government is unwilling to let Robin go. It is also the reason why she can join various pirate groups.

Robin is now Qingyun's man, but he does not intend to find Pluto and let Robin help him activate and use it.

First, he is really not interested in Pluto. After all, he already has an invincible plug-in, and he wants to realize his ambition by himself.

Second, he knows that Robin does not want to activate and use Pluto.

As for the Cube Sisters, he has many ways to make them submit to him.


He didn't kill them both?!

Could it be that he still has sympathy for women?!

Finding that Qingyun only knocked the Cube Sisters unconscious, and did not kill them directly, Kalifa felt very surprised and thought she had seen it wrong.

Qingyun raised his hand and aimed at Franky's House.


The next moment, he used the power of the magma fruit to release a hot magma fist towards Franky's House, which directly exploded and ignited Franky's House.

He really seized the devil fruit abilities of Admiral Akainu and Admiral Aokiji!

Seeing Qingyun using the magma fruit ability again, Kalifa on the side couldn't calm down for a long time.

Qingyun quickly picked up the sacks of treasures and put them all into the system space, then put the cube sisters' knives into their scabbards, and then carried them on his shoulders, one on the left and one on the right, and walked slowly towards the port of Water City.

Could it be that he wanted to subdue them!

Seeing this scene, Kalifa finally guessed why Qingyun didn't kill the cube sisters.

The reason why he invited me on board was not because he wanted to...

Kalifa was a little flustered.

But she didn't dare to run away.

Because she knew she couldn't escape from Qingyun's eyes.

In order to survive, she chose to follow Qingyun back to the port, and kept praying that she guessed wrong.

Although Qingyun was extremely powerful and handsome.

But Kalifa didn't like Qingyun now, she was just afraid of Qingyun and didn't want Qingyun to teach her how to shoot.

Back to the Sea King.

With the help of Nami, Kaya had applied medicine and bandaged Charlulia.

Nojigo and the others had also rushed back.

They all learned why Charlulia was seriously injured, and they couldn't help but change their views on Charlulia.

Knowing that Qingyun had wiped out the Franky family, including their families, and only captured the Cube sisters, Nami and the others did not have the slightest sympathy for them.

They all knew that if they were not strong enough, it would not be the Franky family who died, but them, and their treasures would be looted.

"This is the treasure I snatched back, and a devil fruit that cannot significantly increase your strength. Nami, Kalina, you go and collect them."

After introducing Kalifa behind him and the two cube sisters on the ground to the girls, Qingyun took out the treasure and the door-door fruit and said to Nami and Kalina.


Nami and Kalina answered happily, and then hugged the treasure directly with bright smiles:

"Welcome back."

Qingyun smiled, then took out the cat-cat fruit in leopard form and continued:

"This is the cat-cat fruit leopard form, which can greatly improve combat effectiveness."

Hearing this, looking at the devil fruit in Qingyun's hand, Kaya and the others who had not eaten the devil fruit yet suddenly brightened their eyes and wanted to eat it very much.

Isn't that the devil fruit that Lucci ate?!

How could it appear so quickly?!

And it's in his hand?!

Hearing this, Kalifa looked at the cat-cat fruit leopard form in Qingyun's hand with surprise.

Could it be that the devil fruit that suddenly appeared in his hand after he killed Lucci was this cat-cat fruit leopard form?!

In this case, he can not only seize the devil fruit power by killing the devil fruit ability user, but also seize the devil fruit?!

Guessing Qingyun's ability, Kalifa was shocked and stunned, feeling extremely incredible.

But she finally knew why Nami is also the thunder fruit ability user.

"I think the ability of this devil fruit is most suitable for Dezaia."

Qingyun looked at Dezaia and said with a smile:

"So De Zaya, come out"


Dezaia was overjoyed, showing a happy smile, and immediately walked towards Qingyun.

Just like before, Qingyun slowly fed the whole devil fruit to Dezaia.

Dezaia also ate it while suppressing his nausea.

Dezaia thus gained the ability of the cat-cat fruit leopard form.

Qingyun's corresponding ability was also improved.

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