
"Makino, Carmen, Jessica, go prepare dinner."

"Prepare some soft food for Xia Lulia."

After feeding Dezaia and accepting Dezaia's kiss, Qingyun put away the knife and said to Makino and the other two.

"Others are free to move"

"I'm going to baptize Khalifa and the Cube sisters.……"

"Wait a minute.

Qingyun had just finished speaking and was about to transform into lightning and take Kalifa and the Cube sisters to the room to receive his baptism when Hancock suddenly stopped Qingyun.


Qingyun looked in the direction of the voice and asked with concern:

"What do you want?"


Could it be...

Guessing what Qingyun was talking about, Kalifa was immediately shocked.

Nami and the others saw Hancock suddenly calling Qingyun, and their mouths slightly raised.

Only Taotu and Tina looked disdainful.

Under Qingyun's gaze, Hancock's pretty face quickly blushed.

Suddenly, Hancock took out a rabbit ear headdress from her chest, put it on her head, and then looked at Qingyun embarrassedly, and said shyly:

"I...I don't want to be left out."

"I also want the master to teach me how to shoot."


In an instant, Qingyun felt as if his heart was hit, and he was stunned.

Fuck you!!!

Who can stand this?

Hancock is extremely charming.

The black rabbit ear headdress she wore not only did not destroy her beauty, but complemented it, just like the finishing touch, which can be called a stroke of genius.

""So beautiful!"

Kalifa was also deeply fascinated by Hancock.

Even Nami and the others, who had bought the bunny ear headdress with Hancock before and had already seen Hancock like this, could not help but be deeply fascinated by Hancock again.

"no problem"

"I'll teach you right now."

Qingyun replied with an excited smile.

Immediately, Qingyun first used the ability of the Kankan Fruit to release the iron bars to tie up the Cube Sisters.

Snap! Snap!

The next moment, Qingyun turned into lightning and disappeared from the spot.

Hancock also disappeared with him.

"She was able to make Qingyun so impatient that she even broke the convention. She is indeed Hancock!"

Nami and the others couldn't help but sigh.

Before this, Qingyun would baptize the new crew members first after successfully"inviting" them.

But today, Qingyun actually broke this convention.

Hancock in that state is really lethal!

Kalifa nodded in agreement.

Although she had just boarded the ship, she still analyzed what the convention Nami and the others were talking about was.

"I wonder if I can be like Hancock and make Qingyun break the rules after wearing this?"

Nami took out a cat ear headdress from her pocket and said to herself with some worry. Others, including Taotu and Tina, were also worried.

"I wonder if Qingyun can teach me how to shoot after I wear this."

Aisha also took out a pink and white rabbit ear headdress and muttered to herself with some anticipation.

Why do they all want Qingyun to teach them how to shoot?

Kalifa, who had never been taught how to shoot by Qingyun, was very puzzled.

An hour later, Qingyun walked out of Hancock's room with an unsatisfied look on his face.

Of course, he was not exhausted yet.

But the intensity of the shooting he had just taught Hancock was too great, and Hancock had fallen asleep from exhaustion.

"Master, who do you want to teach next?"

At this moment, Nami and the others came to Qingyun, took out various animal ear headdresses from their chests or pockets, put them on their heads, blushed, and asked Qingyun in a tender voice.


In an instant, Qingyun felt that his heart was hit again.

Oh my god!

Even if a god came, I'm afraid he couldn't stand it!

In terms of appearance, Nami and the others are not inferior to Hancock's beauties, and each has its own characteristics.

With the corresponding animal ear headdresses, it did not destroy their beauty, but made them look more beautiful and moving.

"What a beauty!"

"Why is it that a small headdress can make them more attractive?"

Kalifa, as well as the Cube sisters who had woken up and were tied to the ground by Qingyun, were all deeply fascinated by Nami and the others.

Even Taotu and Tina, who had bought these animal ear headdresses with Nami and the others before and had already seen Nami and the others like this, could not help but be deeply fascinated by Nami and the others again.

If I wear the tiger ear headdress/fox ear headdress they bought for me, can I be like them?

Taotu and Tina looked down at the headdress on their chests and couldn't help but think to themselves.

"Master, Aisha also wants you to teach her how to shoot."

Aisha, wearing a pink and white rabbit ear headdress, got between Laqi and Conis and came to Qingyun. She opened her watery eyes and looked at Qingyun expectantly.

Qingyun taught Aisha how to use the innate heart network that she had but could not control, that is, the observation Haki.

And Qingyun also trained Aisha like a warrior, instead of treating her as a brat who was wet behind the ears and only caused trouble like her tribesmen.

So Aisha has fallen in love with Qingyun and has always wanted to take a step further with Qingyun.

So cute!

Looking at Aisha, who was as cute as a little white rabbit, Qingyun and even others couldn't help but be moved.

Click! Click!

Qingyun didn't say anything, and turned into lightning and disappeared from the spot.

Aisha disappeared with him.

"That Jiahua, even such a young child was not spared"

"He is indeed a devil, and he will go to hell sooner or later."

The Cube sisters could not help cursing when they saw this.

Although Kalifa did not speak, she nodded affirmatively.

However, Nami and the others, even though they had just boarded the ship not long ago, Taotu and Tina, who had already had in-depth exchanges with Qingyun, could think that Qingyun was not taking Aisha to teach her how to shoot.

Because they knew that although Qingyun was extremely lustful, he still had principles.

First: Do not teach shooting to beautiful women.

Second: Do not teach shooting to children.

And if Qingyun really wanted to teach Aisha how to shoot, he would definitely take Nami and the others with him.

They already knew the hatred of the Cube sisters for Qingyun, and they were too lazy to explain to them. Anyway, they would know it sooner or later.

Sure enough.

After Qingyun brought Aisha to Aisha's room, he lay directly on Aisha's big bed, and then said to Aisha with a smile:

"Aisha, I received your kindness."

"Not only you are enduring, I am also enduring"

"But it's too early for you to do that. Let's wait until you grow up."

"You step on my back and give me a massage."

Hearing this, Aisha was a little disappointed, but also very happy.


She nodded, then carefully came to Qingyun's back and massaged Qingyun with her feet and the weight of her whole body.

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