[Marianu has mastered the power of the Yomiuri fruit, and the host's Yomiuri fruit power has been enhanced by 1000%!】

Just as Miss Golden Week was laughing, the beautiful voice of the system sounded in Qingyun's mind.

Although Brook had been resurrected by the power of the Yomizu Fruit just now, he had not yet comprehended the mystery of the soul, and naturally had not mastered the power of the Yomizu Fruit, and could not even leave his soul.

Miss Golden Week had just been resurrected, but she had already comprehended the mystery of the soul and mastered the power of the Yomizu Fruit, which was a world of difference from the previous Brook.

Therefore, Qingyun's Yomizu Fruit power was strengthened tenfold.

Seeing Mariannu in the soul state laughing, Qingyun and Nami realized that the one who was howling at them just now was not a ghost, but Miss Golden Week who was resurrected by the power of the Yomizu Fruit.

Everyone was a little angry.

Nami and the others even pouted slightly.

But they were mostly happy.

Miss Golden Week was serious when she was in Baroque Works.

But it didn't mean that she was cold and aloof.

On the contrary, she wanted to make friends very much.

In the original work, after Crocodile was defeated, Miss Golden Week joined forces with Miss Valentine and Mr. 5 to rescue Miss Two Fingers and Miss Christmas.

Then they found an abandoned hut in the desert, and the brand new Spider Bar opened.

Miss Golden Week also turned everyone into her ideal image and lived together in the Spider Bar.

She herself worked as a painter in the Spider Bar.

It can be seen that Miss Golden Week is afraid of being alone.

But since she boarded the Poseidon, fell in love with Qingyun, and also fell in love with Nami and the others, she opened her heart, became lively and active, and even a little naughty.

"How dare you scare us?"

"I won't give you any more senbei."

Makino turned the senbei in his hand to the side, saying with three parts of pretense, one part of anger, and six parts of happiness.

"I won't give you any food either."

Carmen followed suit and said

"I will never make you senbei again."

Jessica copied Miss Huang Jinzhou and threatened her directly.


Miss Golden Week panicked.

She hurriedly returned her soul to her body, then jumped out of Qingyun's arms and ran to Makino, Carmen and Jessica. She opened her big watery eyes and said sincerely:

"I know I'm wrong"

"Please don't refuse to give me senbei, and don't refuse to make senbei for me in the future, okay?"

"Then you are not allowed to be naughty in the future and scare us like you did just now."

Makino said righteously

"That's right."

Carmen, Jessica, and Nami all nodded.


"I promise, I won't scare you like I did just now."

Miss Huang Jinzhou said solemnly


Makino smiled and handed the senbei to Miss Golden Week:

"Eat it."

Miss Huang Jinzhou took two senbei without hesitation, and then ran towards Qingyun happily.

When she came in front of Qingyun, she jumped up and jumped towards Qingyun.

Qingyun was quick-witted and immediately hugged Miss Huang Jinzhou. mua!

Miss Huang Jinzhou didn't say anything, but kissed Qingyun hard, and then smiled sweetly:

"Qingyun, thank you."

As soon as she finished speaking, she handed a senbei directly to Qingyun's mouth:


Miss Golden Week was very grateful to Qingyun, because she knew that if it weren't for Qingyun, she would have been scared to death by Brook and would never have been able to eat the Yellow Spring Fruit that suited her so well.

So she was sincerely grateful to Qingyun.


Qingyun smiled and opened his mouth.

Miss Huangjinzhou put the senbei into Qingyun's mouth.

Qingyun took a bite.

Miss Huangjinzhou also took a bite.

The senbei she bit was the one Qingyun had eaten.

And the place she bit was the one Qingyun had just bitten.

"Come and eat, everyone."

Makino, Carmen and Jessica all called Nami and the others to come and eat the senbei.

Just as everyone was distributing the senbei, Qingyun, Aisha and Hancock suddenly changed their expressions.

Qingyun looked behind Nami with some excitement.

Aisha and Hancock looked behind Nami with some panic, and almost at the same time hurriedly reminded:

"Nami, be careful, there is someone behind you!"

""Is there someone behind me/Nami?!"

Hearing this, Nami and the others looked behind her.

But they couldn't see anyone and were all confused:

"No one?"

They didn't doubt Aisha and Hancock.

Because they all knew that Aisha was born with the mind net, which is the observation Haki.

And Hancock has mastered the observation Haki.

It is impossible for her to be wrong.

Nami immediately became very alert.

"there must be"

"His breath makes me feel extremely sick."

Aisha said with great certainty.

Hancock nodded in agreement and continued:

"But I don't know why I can't see him."

"Maybe she used some devil fruit ability to achieve invisibility."

They actually found me?!

How is this possible?!

Hearing what Aisha and Hancock said, the person behind Nami... and now in front of him, Absalom felt very unbelievable.

Because he had been on the Terror Three Ghosts for many years, he had never seen an enemy with Observation Haki, nor had he heard of Observation Haki, and had never been"seen" by others in the transparent invisible state.

He thought that no one in the world could find him in the transparent invisible state.

He was extremely lustful.

So when he happened to see so many stunning beauties on the Sea King, even though he found Qingyun , when he recognized them as Qingyun's gang, he still chose to take a risk and quietly boarded the ship to kidnap them.

Among all the women, Nami was the most pleasing to Absalom's eyes and he wanted to marry her the most, so he planned to start with Nami.

No matter!

Let's take her back first!

Absalom didn't think any more and reached out to grab Nami.

Since Nami couldn't see, although she was already alert, she didn't know how to resist.

Click! Click!

At this moment, Qingyun first put down Miss Golden Week, then turned into thunder and lightning and came directly in front of Nami, grabbed Absalom's wrist with both hands, and stopped Absalom.


Looking at Qingyun who suddenly came in front of her and grabbed the 'air', Nami felt very happy and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This is impossible!

Absalom was shocked and felt extremely incredible. He didn't expect that Qingyun could actually grab him accurately as if he could see him.

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