Haki is superior to the Devil Fruit.

Qingyun, Aisha and Hancock's Observation Haki can naturally detect Absalom who has only turned on invisibility but has not hidden his breath.

Absalom struggled hard, trying to get his hand out of Qingyun's hand.

Even though his body has been transformed by Hegubuck, and has the wild power of a lion's jaw, an elephant's skin, a bear and an orangutan weighing 300 kilograms combined, and his hands are equipped with powerful rocket launchers, his strength is far less than Qingyun's, and he can't get out of Qingyun's hand at all.

Even the rocket launcher cannot be used because his hands are controlled by Qingyun.



Even his rocket launcher was directly crushed by Qingyun.

Is this guy a monster? How can his strength be so much greater than that of me, the strongest cyborg?!

Absalom widened his eyes in shock.


Qingyun did not stop there. He continued to squeeze hard and crushed Absalom's wrist, causing Absalom to scream in pain.

Absalom was no longer able to use the ability of the transparent fruit to keep himself invisible, and finally appeared in front of everyone.


"What the hell is that?"

"How disgusting!"

Seeing Absalom's appearance of neither human nor animal, Nami and the others were extremely disgusted and felt very disgusted.

"Let go, let go, you monster!"

Absalom was in so much pain that he couldn't hear what Nami and the others said. He kept shouting at Qingyun.

Qingyun stared at Absalom who was invisible in front of him and said coldly:

"You dare to attack my woman, you are courting death."

Crack! Crack! Crack!

As soon as the words fell, Qingyun used the power of the Ice Fruit to freeze Absalom into an ice sculpture.

Immediately, he threw the frozen Absalom out of the Sea King.

Crack! Crack!


Then, Qingyun directly released lightning, blasting the frozen Absalom into ice chips, letting it scatter into the sea.

【The host kills Absalom, and his physical fitness increases by 26... and he gains the ability of the Transparent Fruit, as well as the Transparent Fruit.……】

The next moment, Qingyun had a transparent fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the ability of the transparent fruit, to the same extent as the ability of the transparent fruit mastered by Absalom.

In the future, as long as he lets one of Kaya and the others eat the transparent fruit, his ability will be further enhanced.

And as long as the person who eats the transparent fruit develops his ability, his fruit ability will be further enhanced.

But he does not intend to let any of Kaya and the others eat it.

Nami and the others watched as Absalom was killed instantly without saying a word. Instead of feeling that Qingyun was cruel, they felt very warm and moved, and liked Qingyun even more.

Because they knew that Qingyun killed Brook and Absalom instantly, most likely in order to obtain their devil fruit abilities and devil fruits.

But the reason why Qingyun killed Brook instantly must be because Brook flirted with them and asked them to let him see his panties.

And the reason why Qingyun killed Absalom instantly must be because Absalom directly attacked Nami

"Qingyun, what kind of devil fruit is this?"

"How can you make that weird guy invisible?"

Nami stared at the transparent fruit in Qingyun's hand and asked curiously.

Nokigo and the others also looked at Qingyun curiously. They were also very interested in this.

"This is a transparent fruit."

"When a person uses his ability, he can make his body and the things it touches allow visible light to penetrate."

"At this time, the body of the ability user and the objects he has touched, such as clothes and weapons, neither reflect nor absorb light, thus achieving an invisible state."

"So other people can't see people with special abilities."

Qingyun explained.

"So that's it."

Nami and the others suddenly realized.

"But you, Aisha, and Hancock were able to detect that weirdo through your observation Haki, so it seems that this devil fruit isn't very strong."

Kaya said immediately.


The girls nodded one after another. They agreed with Ke Ya's words.


Qingyun also nodded:

"If facing someone who has not mastered the Haki of Observation, this transparent fruit ability is top-notch."

"However, many of our future enemies will have mastered the Observation Haki, so the ability of this transparent fruit will be quite useless."

"This transparent fruit is only suitable for people like that one who likes to steal chickens and dogs, so you better not take it."

Just after saying this, Qingyun put the transparent fruit into the system space, and then continued

"Eat quickly, after we finish eating we should go find the owner of this place"


All the girls nodded.

After everyone finished eating the senbei, the Sea King sailed to the side of the three terrifying ships.

As far as the eye can see, there are ruins everywhere, and there is a strange thick fog. From time to time, there are creepy ghosts and wolves howling. There is an ominous atmosphere everywhere, which makes people feel scared.

Kaya and other girls who have not eaten any devil fruits and are not very strong, looking at the strange three terrifying ships, can't help but feel scared.

Among them, Aisha is the worst.

Her body can't help but tremble.

"This...could it be a ghost ship?"

Ke Ya said terrified.

"Ghost ship!"

Aisha and the others were frightened.

Especially Aisha, who was so scared that tears welled up in her eyes. She walked to Qingyun involuntarily and grabbed Qingyun's pants tightly.

Qingyun smiled slightly and picked up Aisha with his left hand:

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Aisha felt relieved and said tremblingly:

"I...I'm not afraid"

"I am a brave warrior!"


Qingyun smiled mischievously:

"Then you can go by yourself."

After saying that, Qingyun was about to put Aisha down.

"No, no!"

Aisha immediately hugged Qingyun's neck tightly, fearing that Qingyun would really let her go.


Qingyun laughed mercilessly.



Nami and the others couldn't help laughing.

Some laughed out loud, like Nami.

But some laughed more subtly, like Weiwei.

Aisha's pretty face turned red with embarrassment.

Although she wanted to prove that she was brave, she didn't dare to let go of Qingyun's neck, for fear that Qingyun would let her go.

"Okay, everyone get off the boat, let's go together."

Qingyun ordered


Nami and the others answered in unison.


Xia Lulia, Kalifa and the Cube sisters said respectfully.

Xia Lulia was overjoyed.

She had been worried that Qingyun would leave her here alone to watch the boat again.

"Qing...Master, don't you need to leave someone to watch the boat?"

"What if someone takes advantage of the situation?"

Xia Lulia asked worriedly.

After being nurtured by Qingyun's love and the fact that Qingyun had directly destroyed the Franky family for her the day before yesterday, Xia Lulia had already fallen in love with Qingyun.

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