
Taotu and the others who boarded the ship later looked at Qingyun in confusion.

Nami and the others who boarded the ship first and saw Qingyun put away the Sea King out of thin air smiled slightly.

Qingyun smiled mysteriously:

"You will know soon.

Qingyun held Aisha and walked off the ship with the other girls.

After getting off the ship, Qingyun put the huge Sea King into the system space in front of them.


Taotu and other girls who saw this scene for the first time were shocked and stunned just like Nami and the others who saw this scene for the first time.

Although Nami and the others had seen it before, they were still shocked when they saw it again.

You know, Qingyun's Sea King is a huge ship.

"Okay, let's go."

Qingyun raised the corner of his mouth proudly, holding Aisha and walked towards the terrifying three ghost sailboats.

"Qingyun, what kind of ability is this?"

"How did you make the Poseidon, which is as big as a giant warship, disappear in an instant?"

"Where did you put it?"

Taotu immediately followed and asked in surprise.

Others followed and looked at Qingyun curiously.

Qingyun smiled mysteriously:



The girls couldn't help but complain.

On the way, Qingyun and his group first encountered a stitched monster, the 'pseudo-three-headed dog of hell'.

Taotu took action and froze it easily.

Passing through a forest, many zombies came out and attacked them, which really scared Kaya and the others, and also shocked Nami and the others. They thought they had encountered a real ghost.

"These are not real zombies, because real zombies jump around, not like this stupid look."

Qingyun said affirmatively.

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped on the ground with his big feet, releasing cold air, and in the blink of an eye, all the attacking zombies were frozen.

"Don't be afraid"

"Even if it's a real zombie or a ghost, I will protect you."


Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then...those things...should be real ghosts, right?!"

Suddenly, Ke Ya pointed at several strange things floating in the sky that looked like humans but not humans, and said with a horrified face.


"Those things are definitely ghosts!"

Seeing this, Aisha was so frightened that she screamed and hugged Qingyun tightly.

Everyone agreed and became alert.

"Those are indeed spirits."

"However, they do not seem to be separate spirits, but clones of a certain spirit."

"But physical attacks are ineffective against them."

At this moment, Miss Huang Jin Zhou looked at the spirit clones floating over and said with certainty.

She had already comprehended the mysteries of the soul and mastered the power of the Yellow Spring Fruit. She could see the situation of these spirit clones.

Of course, Qing Yun could also see

"So this is ah"

"How do we deal with them?"

Nami and the other girls suddenly understood, but at the same time they were at a loss.

"Leave them to me."

"Mitachi, I'll leave my body to you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Miss Golden Week used the soul-out-of-body technique to leave her body as a soul and floated towards the attacking spirit clone.

Miss Valentine immediately supported Miss Golden Week's body to prevent her from falling to the ground.

"Wait a moment"


Suddenly, a spirit stopped Miss Golden Week, scaring everyone including her, and they all couldn't help but scream.


When they saw the appearance of the spirit that suddenly appeared, Nami and the others were all shocked, but they all felt relieved.

Everyone looked at Qingyun himself and found that he had closed his eyes at this moment, but he was still standing in the same place, not falling to the ground like Miss Golden Week.

After thinking carefully, everyone thought that Qingyun must have comprehended the mystery of the soul like Miss Golden Week, and mastered the ability of the Yellow Spring Fruit, so he could achieve the soul leaving the body.

"These are not ordinary spirit clones, but spirit clones with negative effects."

"Once they pass through the body, people will become extremely depressed."

"I'm afraid that even spirits, if they come into direct contact with them, will be affected by their negative effects."

Qingyun said with certainty, looking at the attacking spirit clones.

He saw that these spirit clones were Perona's negative ghosts.

In the original work, the Straw Hat Pirates were almost wiped out by Perona using this trick.

Fortunately, with Usopp, who was already very negative, the Straw Hat Pirates were able to escape danger.

Although the original work did not state that Perona's negative ghost was useful for souls, Qingyun felt that it must be directly attacking other people's souls, so it is likely to be useful for souls as well.


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

"How could he know my ability as a passive ghost?!"

In the castle, Perona, who was controlling her spirit clone, was also extremely surprised.

"So how do we deal with them?

Miss Golden Week didn't know what to do.

Nami and the others were even more at a loss.

"Very simple"

"Armament Haki."

Qingyun said with certainty.

Haki is superior to the power of devil fruit.

Qingyun is very sure that Armament Haki can definitely resist and deal with Perona's negative ghost.

Otherwise, Perona would have defeated the invincible opponent with the negative ghost.


After saying that, Qingyun directly used Armament Haki to strengthen his hands.

His white hands suddenly turned black.

Then, he directly faced the negative ghost that had rushed in front of him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Qingyun quickly killed all the spirit clones.���All of them were blown up, and they were not affected by the negative ghosts.


Perona was stunned.

Because so far, no one has ever been able to attack her spirit clones, let alone blow them all up.

"Haki is the strongest. You must master and improve Haki. Did you hear that?

Qingyun took the opportunity to teach Nami and the others.

"Got it."

The girls answered in unison.

Then they walked inside.

"Did even Perona fail?"

"Looks like Hogbark has to take action."


In the castle, Moonlight Moriah used his shadow to monitor his clone and saw this scene, and he became even more excited.

He planned to let Hogback receive Qingyun's group first, find an opportunity to drug them and knock them out, and then cut off their shadows to create powerful zombie soldiers.

As for Qingyun's group, he will directly put them in the sun to die.

For Moonlight Moriah, two or three subordinates with independent thinking are enough.

The others just need to be zombie soldiers who obey his orders.

He wants to conquer the world with zombie soldiers.

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