"Just what I want."

Qingyun was fearless and even a little excited.

Buggy the Clown was emo.

Others would be scared to death when they heard the name of the Four Emperors and would immediately hide away.

He never expected that after hearing Qingyun, instead of being scared, he became excited.

"Brother Qingyun, don’t you know how powerful the Four Emperors Shanks is?"

"He is one of the emperors of the sea and one of the strongest men in the world. He has many pirates with bounties of over 100 million or even billions under his command. Even the World Government dares not mess with him."Bage the Clown thought Qingyun was a fledgling pirate who didn't know the reputation of Shanks, so he immediately explained it to Qingyun.

He felt very uncomfortable.

Because he and Shanks boarded Roger's ship together.

But at this time, Shanks was already one of the Four Emperors.

And he was just a small pirate with a bounty of only 15 million Baileys.

He usually didn't want to mention Shanks.

But at this time, in order to survive, he had no choice.

"If you really kill me, Shanks will chase you to the ends of the earth and kill you to avenge me."

The clown Buggy then threatened Qingyun.

"That's great.

Qingyun was still fearless, and even more excited.

If only Shanks was really like what Buggy the Clown said,

"Are you crazy?"

Buggy the Clown was helpless. It was the first time he had seen someone like Qingyun who was not afraid of the prestige of the Four Emperors.

He knew that if he wanted to survive today, he could only rely on himself, so he immediately split his body and controlled them to flee in all directions.



Qingyun followed suit. He quickly caught up with Buggy the Clown's head, then stepped hard and stomped it directly to the ground, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

Buggy the Clown's split and fleeing bodies stopped and fell to the ground.

Buggy the Clown himself died on the spot because his head was crushed.

【The host killed Buggy the Clown, and his physical fitness increased by 3... and he gained the ability of the Split Devil Fruit, and the Split Devil Fruit. 】

The system's voice sounded in Qingyun's mind.

The next moment, Qingyun's physical fitness became stronger..., and he mastered the ability of the Split Fruit, and a Split Fruit shaped like a pineapple appeared on his right hand.

"Very good."

Qingyun was very satisfied.

He did not leave, but directly killed all the clown Buggy's minions.

He knew that if he was not strong, he would be the one to die.

Besides, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and the more it can be strengthened, the better. After killing people, Qingyun naturally wanted to plunder Buggy's treasures and weapons, as well as the nautical charts of the Grand Line.

After putting these away, Qingyun went to meet up with Nami, Nokigo and Kaya and returned to the Sea King.

Seeing the treasures and nautical charts that Qingyun brought back, Nami was immediately overjoyed.

Besides money, her favorite thing is the nautical chart.

Nokigo and Kaya were also very happy.

Although they don't love money as much as Nami, they won't have a hard time with money.

When the three of them saw the Split Fruit, they all confirmed that Qingyun had not framed them before, but could really get the devil fruit.

"What kind of devil fruit is this?"

Nojigo, Nami and Kaya all looked at the fruit in Qingyun's hand curiously.

"This is the Parahuman Splitting Fruit. After taking it, one can become a Splitting Man, able to split the body and clothes at will, and be immune to attacks from sharp weapons such as swords. It is the nemesis of swordsmen."

"However, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it is not immune to blunt attacks."

"And it is difficult to increase the user's attack power"

"However, if it can be awakened, it should be able to greatly improve its strength."

Qingyun explained


Nami, Nojiko and Kaya were very confused.

It was the first time they heard that devil fruits could be awakened.

"Devil Fruit users can awaken"

"After awakening, the ability of the ability user will be even stronger, and can directly change the surrounding objects to launch attacks, making it difficult to defend against."

Qingyun continued to explain

"So that's it."

Nami and the others suddenly realized.

"However, it is extremely difficult to awaken the Devil Fruit. Many people with special abilities cannot even awaken their Devil Fruits in their entire lives."

Qingyun said again


Nami and the others nodded.

"This shattered fruit is not suitable for you, so you better not eat it."

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun closed the treasure house.


Nami and the others agreed. They didn't like this ability.

""Okay, you guys hurry up and make dinner."

Qingyun said with a smile.

At the same time, he split his hands and controlled them to quietly come behind Nami, Nokigo and Kaya, and patted their butts one after another.


Nami, Nokigo and Kaya were all a little surprised.

Because Qingyun was in front of them, there was no one behind them, and there were only two other people around them.

But they were very sure that except for Qingyun, they would not pat each other's butt.

The three girls immediately turned around and looked behind them, only to see two hands floating behind them.


Nami and Kaya screamed in fear, ran towards Qingyun and threw themselves into his arms.

"Don't come over here!"

Nokigo was also startled, but as a sister, her first choice was not to escape into Qingyun's arms for shelter like Nami and Kaya, but to keep waving her slender hands, trying to drive away the two floating hand monsters and protect Nami and Kaya.

Qingyun was very satisfied with the reactions of the three girls. He hugged Nami and Kaya with his palmless arms and comforted them with a smile:

"Don't be afraid, that's my hand."

"your hands?��"

Hearing this, Nami, Nokigo and Kaya were in disbelief.

They looked closely and realized that the two hands were indeed Qingyun's.

They had been taught how to shoot by Qingyun with those hands, so they were very familiar with them and were sure that they had not made a mistake.

"But how come your hands are there?"

Looking at Qingyun's separated hands, Nami, Nojiko and Kaya were puzzled.

"Guess what."

Qingyun said with a smile, and at the same time summoned his hands back and took them back.

"Could this be the ability of the Split Fruit?"

Seeing this, Nami suddenly realized and asked with speculation.

"It seems to be true!"

After hearing this, Noqigao and Ke Ya suddenly understood and looked at Qingyun.


Qingyun rubbed Nami's head affectionately.

Nami smiled happily.

"But the Splitting Fruit is intact. You probably didn't eat it, so how could you have the ability of the Splitting Fruit?"

Nami remembered that the Splitting Fruit that Qingyun had just collected had not been eaten, so she immediately asked Qingyun in confusion.


Noqigao and Keya also remembered this and stared at Qingyun curiously.

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