
"Why do I feel like my body has become much more relaxed?!"

After waking up, Kaya found that although her body felt tired and painful, she felt very comfortable and her strength was constantly surging. She was not as heavy and weak as usual, and she was very surprised.

Seeing Kaya's reaction, Nami and Nokiko were not surprised at all.

Because after they first learned the spear from Qingyun, they also felt the same as Kaya now.

"Could it be because of the shooting you taught me?"

Ke Ya quickly thought of the reason, and then looked at Qing Yun in disbelief.

She was not a fool.

After the Shanghai King, she had only done two things: learning shooting from Qing Yun and sleeping.

She slept every day, but this situation had never occurred. Naturally, it couldn't be because of sleeping.

The only reason, of course, was learning shooting from Qing Yun.


Qingyun rubbed Ke Ya's head affectionately.

Ke Ya felt very happy, and the corners of her mouth could not help but slightly raised, revealing a sweet and charming smile, without the discomfort she felt when Qingyun touched her face before.

The status of a certain long-nosed man in Ke Ya's heart was gradually declining.

And Qingyun's status in her heart was rising.

And Nami and Nojigo also occupied a place in her heart.

Because if it weren't for them, Ke Ya would have suffered.

"Go make dinner"

"Whoever cooks the best will have a reward tonight.

Qingyun patted Nami, Nokigo and Ke Ya on the back and said with a smile.


"I don't want your reward!"

Nami said proudly, but her body was already moving.

"I'll do it right away."

Noqigao followed suit.

"I...I can't cook……"

Kaya said awkwardly

"It's okay, you can study with Nami and Noki."

Qingyun said with a smile


"Let's go."

Nami and Nojiko stretched out their hands to Kaya.


Ke Ya smiled slightly, put her hands into Nami and Nokigo's hands, and followed them to the kitchen.

Qing Yun looked at the backs of Nami, Nokigo and Ke Ya, and showed a satisfied smile.……


One day later.

In the afternoon.

After arriving at Orange Town, Qingyun asked Nami, Nojiko and Kaya to go shopping and collect supplies, and he went to the Buggy Pirates alone.

Buggy Pirates.

The clown Buggy was having a celebration party, eating and drinking with his brothers.

He had just obtained the nautical chart of the Grand Line, occupied Orange Town, looted a lot of money, got a big ship and powerful weapons, and planned to have fun here for a few days before marching to the Grand Line to show his strength.

Therefore, Qingyun entered the Buggy Pirates almost unimpeded.

"Who are you?"

"Why have I never seen you before?"

Noticing Qingyun, whom he had never seen before, Buggy the Clown stared at him curiously.

"It seems like I have never seen him before?"

Bucky's men also noticed Qingyun and looked at him curiously.

"I get it. You must have seen how powerful I am and came to join my Buggy Pirates, right?"

"You are quite knowledgeable."

Bucky the Clown smiled proudly.

"That must be it!"

"Captain Buggy is awesome!"

Bucky's followers all flattered him.

"As expected of Buggy the Clown, he has no skills at all, but he is still so confident"

"Does your confidence come from your unique red nose?"

Qingyun was not surprised to hear this, but he still couldn't help but complain.

"What did you say?"

Baki the Clown's eyes widened in anger, staring at Qingyun fiercely, and roared:

""Are you saying my nose is big and red?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Buggy the Clown used the power of the Split Fruit to separate his right hand from his body, and controlled his right hand to quickly approach Qingyun from the ground.

Qingyun was not frightened by Buggy the Clown, but his subordinates were frightened, and they were all like frightened birds.

"It’s about to appear!"

"The power of the devil fruit!"

Because Buggy the Clown's men knew very well that he cared very much about his red nose.

Every time they mentioned it accidentally, or even just said the homophony, Buggy the Clown would give them a severe lesson.

Soon, Buggy the Clown's right hand came to Qingyun's feet.

He immediately controlled his right hand to quickly grab Qingyun's neck.

However, at this moment, Qingyun suddenly raised his left foot and stepped on Buggy the Clown's right hand directly and fiercely on the ground.


Bughi the Clown screamed in agony.

Although the Split Fruit can be immune to the slashing and stabbing of sharp weapons such as swords, even if these weapons are imbued with Armament Haki, it can be immune, which can be said to be the nemesis of swordsmen.

However, it cannot be immune to the attack of blunt weapons.

Blunt weapons refer to objects without sharp blades and tips.

The human body is also a blunt weapon.

"Captain Buggy?!" Buggy the Clown's minions were very surprised to see that Qingyun was fine, but Buggy was howling in pain.

"Hurry...come on!"

"Kill him for me!"

Buggy the Clown endured the pain and ordered his brothers


After receiving the order from Buggy the Clown, his brothers immediately picked up their weapons and rushed towards Qingyun.


Qingyun's eyes widened, and his black pupils instantly emitted a dark red terrifying light. The invisible domineering aura swept towards everyone present with an extremely powerful pressure. The next moment, Buggy the Clown's brothers all had their eyes white, fainted directly, and collapsed to the ground one after another.

Buggy the Clown was also frightened and broke into a cold sweat. His body couldn't help but tremble, and he looked at Qingyun with horror:

"Domineering... Domineering aura!"

"Who are you?"

Bugy the Clown knew that Qingyun was not here to join his pirate group, so he immediately looked at Qingyun.

"You... you are Qingyun!"

Buggy the Clown also often reads newspapers. He finally recognized Qingyun and knew that Qingyun was someone he couldn't afford to offend. His attitude immediately changed 180 degrees and he asked with a smile:

"Misunderstanding, all misunderstanding"

"I wonder why Brother Qingyun came to see me?"

"Please tell me, I will do my best to help you."

"Kill you."

Qingyun said coldly


"No problem, I will... What?!"

Halfway through his words, Buggy the Clown realized that Qingyun had just said to kill him, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Is this the first time we meet?"

"I never provoked you, did I?"

"Why are you trying to kill me?"

Buggy the Clown asked Qingyun in panic and confusion.


Without saying anything, Qingyun stepped hard on Buggy the Clown's right hand, crushing it, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.


Bughi the Clown rolled on the ground in pain, screaming like a pig being slaughtered.

Qingyun walked towards Bughi the Clown without haste.

Bughi the Clown was terrified. He retreated on the ground, staring at Qingyun and threatened:

"Do you know who Red Hair Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, is to me?"

"Let me tell you, Shanks is my good brother."

"If you dare to kill me, Shanks will definitely not let you go."

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