"I find you to be a jerk."

Staring at Qingyun, Nami couldn't help but curse.

""You are just like a robber."

Nokigo looked at Qingyun and said angrily.

If it were any other time, Nami and Nokigo would not dare to scold Qingyun like this.

But today, they saw Qingyun made the gentle Ke Ya cry, and they could no longer hold back.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Qingyun smiled shamelessly:

"My actions were indeed excessive, but I did it all for your happiness."

"Are you going to teach Keya how to shoot tonight?"

"She is weak and will definitely not be able to handle it."

Nami and Nojiko were very worried about Ke Ya. After all, they both knew how good Qingyun's shooting skills were.

"Of course, this is the baptism that everyone who gets on board has to go through."

"This is also necessary to make Ke Ya stronger."

Qing Yun said righteously.

Ke Ya was very surprised when she heard this:

The spear skills that Qing Yun taught me can make me stronger?!

"Men also have to go through your baptism?"

Nami and Nojiko asked in surprise, with a look of disgust on their faces.

Is there anything wrong with a man asking Qingyun to teach him how to shoot?

"I won't let men on my boat."

Qingyun said firmly.

"So that's it."

Nami and Nokigo suddenly understood.

After thinking carefully, Ke Ya also understood why Qing Yun would not let men on board.

But she still didn't understand why Qing Yun could make her stronger by teaching her how to shoot.

Qing Yun walked straight to Nami, Nokigo and Ke Ya, lifted Ke Ya's chin with his hand, looked down at the beautiful Ke Ya and said:

"What kind of devil fruit abilities do you want?"

Although Qingyun doesn't have any devil fruits at the moment, he will definitely have them in the future. It

's not a bad idea to paint a big picture for Nami, Nojiko and Kaya first.

"What kind of devil fruit ability do you want!"

Nami, Nojiko and Kaya were surprised, but also a little excited:

"Do you have a devil fruit?"

They have heard of devil fruits and know that they are things that can give people super powers and are the dream of countless people.

"There are none at the moment, but there will be soon, and there will be more in the future.

Qingyun gently touched Keya's pretty face:

"I want to know what abilities you want first, so that I can help you get them in the future.

Seeing Qingyun so confident, Nami and Nokigo felt that he didn't say anything, and they all started to think.

Ke Ya also felt that Qingyun was not bragging, and she endured Qingyun's touch with some discomfort, and then she started to think.

"I want a very powerful ability."

After thinking for a while, Nami and Nokiko said in unison.

They have been oppressed by the Dragon Pirates led by Arlong since they were young, so they hope to get a strong power to protect what they want to protect.


Qingyun nodded.

Ke Ya looked into Qingyun's eyes and said seriously:

"I want the ability to heal illnesses and save lives."

Kaya has been weak since childhood and often gets sick. She understands the pain of people who are prone to illness, so she wants the ability to heal illnesses and save lives.


Qingyun nodded again.

Treating illnesses and saving lives is in line with the position he arranged for Ke Ya.

Qingyun quickly recalled the devil fruit that has the ability to treat illnesses and save lives.

The first thing that came to mind was naturally the healing fruit that can directly treat others without any medical knowledge after eating it.

However, the owner of the healing fruit, Man Shirley, was also one of the people Qingyun planned to invite on board, so he naturally couldn't kill her for Ke Ya.

The next thing he thought of was the disease-disease fruit, which can also make people sick after eating it, and can also drive away diseases and change people's genes.

The user of the disease-disease fruit is Poison Q, Blackbeard's future ship doctor, who is a good choice.

However, Qingyun felt that the disease-disease fruit was not suitable for Ke Ya, whose goal was to treat illnesses and save lives.

He believed that the most suitable one for Ke Ya was the surgery fruit, which could easily treat illnesses and save lives after taking it, combined with certain medical knowledge.

The owner of the surgery fruit is Luo, who is the best choice.

Qingyun first smiled at Nami and Nokigo:

"Nami, Nojiko, there are many devil fruits that can make you stronger. What you said is too general. You can think about what kind of ability you want."


Nami and Noki nodded and continued to think carefully.

Qingyun smiled at Ke Ya again:

"Keya, I know what kind of devil fruit I'm going to give you. I guarantee you'll like it."

"What is it?"

Kaya immediately became interested.

Nami and Nokiko also looked at Qingyun curiously.

"You will know in the future."

Qingyun kept it a secret.

This made Ke Ya, Nami and Nojiko angry and curious.

Suddenly, Qingyun picked up Ke Ya in a princess hug, looked at her with a smile and said:

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you get your devil fruit."

"But now, I need you to help me with the treatment first."

Since Qingyun has decided to conquer Kaya, he will not drag his feet.

He must use his love to irrigate Kaya as soon as possible and help Kaya strengthen her physique, so that she can travel around the world with him on the Sea King. It will also make Kaya have a good impression of him, be loyal to him, forget Usopp as soon as possible, and stop crying for Usopp.


Ke Ya was not a fool. When she saw Qing Yun's smile, she knew that the treatment he was talking about was not serious, and she immediately became very nervous.

This development was too fast!

"You... are too impatient!"

Nami and Nojiko couldn't help but complain with red faces.

Qingyun smiled shamelessly:

"The sooner the baptism, the better."

"This is also for the sake of Kayaka"

"Are you jealous?"

"No way!"

Nami and Nokigo denied it in unison without even thinking about it, but they didn't dare look Qingyun in the eye.

Because they were indeed a little jealous.

When Qingyun first taught them how to shoot, he wasn't as impatient as he was with Ke Ya now.

Ke Ya was still very perceptive, and she was also a girl, she could tell at a glance that Nami and Nokigo were a little jealous, and she was a little surprised.

Qingyun also knew that Nami and Nokigo were a little jealous.

Because he knew that at this time, the more women said no, the more they said no, the more they really wanted to say yes, yes, yes, yes.

"You can take it easy"

"Ke Ya is weak.

Then, Nami and Nokigao told Qingyun in unison.

"Since you are so worried about Ke Ya, then you can help her."

Qing Yun said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw out a rope and tied up Nami and Nokigo.

Nami and Nokigo were stunned at first, and then their pretty faces quickly turned red:

"Where did you get the rope from?!"

Qingyun didn't say anything, and directly hugged Ke Ya, took Nami and Nojiko to the living area.……


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