
Kaya was relieved to hear that Qingyun did not kill Usopp.

However, seeing Qingyun threatening her with Usopp's life, Kaya felt very angry, but she could do nothing about it.

""Keya, are you willing to board my ship now?"

Qingyun looked at Keya and asked again.

Keya looked at Qingyun, bit her teeth and said helplessly:


Ke Ya knew what Qing Yun had done two days ago, and just now she saw Qing Yun kill Kuro with lightning speed, which made her realize that Qing Yun was a vicious and terrible pirate. If she dared to refuse Qing Yun, not only Usopp, but even the other people in her house and the people in the village would suffer. In order to save people, she had no choice.

【Congratulations to the host for taking Ke Ya aboard. Please choose Ke Ya's position. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Very good, from now on, you are the trainee ship doctor of my Neptune."

"Please pack your things quickly, we will set sail soon."

"Nojiko, Nami, go help Kaya pack her things."

"I will go and kill all the members of the Black Cat Pirates hiding nearby."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun turned around and went to look for the other members of the Black Cat Pirates who were used by Crow.

Hearing this, Nami, Nokigo and Kaya could all guess that the reason why Qingyun went to kill the members of the Black Cat Pirates was to protect Kaya's village from being persecuted by those pirates.

This made Nokigo and Nami more convinced that although Qingyun was very strong, he was really good to them and would eliminate all their worries.

It also reduced Kaya's anger towards Qingyun.

"Keya, right? My name is Nami, she is my sister, Nokigo"

"Let's pack up quickly, otherwise if Qingyun comes back after killing the Black Cat Pirates and sees that we haven't packed up, he will definitely take the opportunity to bully us."

Nami reminded Kaya.


Noqi Gao nodded affirmatively.

""Okay, you guys come up through the main gate."

Kaya looked at Usopp with worry and reluctance, then turned around to pack her things.

What a pitiful beauty!

After entering the mansion, seeing Kaya's delicate and fragile appearance, even Nami and Nokiko couldn't help but brighten their eyes and feel pity for her.

They finally understood why Qingyun came here specifically for Kaya.

Such a beauty who can arouse people's desire to protect, let alone Qingyun, even they want to take Kaya with them to protect her.

Nokiko walked quickly to Kaya, held her slender hand, and asked with concern:

"You are too thin!"

"Didn't you eat well?"

Nami followed Kaya and looked at her with concern.

Nokigo's gentle words and eyes, as well as Nami's concerned eyes, made Kaya feel warm and relieved, and she nodded slightly:


"The reason why I am thin is because I am weak and sickly."

"Ms. Keya, I……"

At this moment, Meili, Keya's servant, came to the three of them, looking helpless.

He had just witnessed everything and was frightened. He did not dare to and could not stand up to protect Keya.

"Meili, don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

Kaya smiled at Meili.

Although Qingyun invited Keya in a very tough way, he still helped her solve her worries.

In addition, Nojiko and Nami were so gentle, which made Keya feel that they and Qingyun would not hurt her.

"Mr. Meili, don't worry, Qingyun and I will not hurt Ke Ya."

Nami smiled and said

"Keya, let's go pack up the things you want to take away."

Nami then said to Keya


Kaya nodded, and then took Nami and Nojiko to pack some clothes, medicine, daily necessities and some books.

When Nojiko and Nami noticed that Kaya was packing a portrait of Usopp, they all frowned.

""Ke Ya, you better not bring that person's portrait."

Nami immediately reminded Ke Ya.

Ke Ya was stunned and asked in surprise:



Nami sighed helplessly:

"Since you are on Qingyun's boat, you are basically his woman."

"He has a strong possessiveness. If he sees this, he may not do anything to you, but he may attack Usopp."

"Nami is right."

Nojigo said affirmatively.

Hearing this, Kaya's face turned pale instantly.

Although she was a little naive, she was not stupid. After struggling for a while, she made up her mind and tore the portrait into pieces with tears in her eyes.

After tearing it into pieces, Kaya couldn't help but hold the portrait and sobbed.

Nami and Nojigo were very distressed. They hugged Kaya in their arms and comforted her gently.

After packing up her things, Kaya followed Nami and Nojigo to the place where the Sea King was parked, even though she was very reluctant.

She and Meili who followed were shocked by the huge Sea King.

"Meili, I'll leave my home to you from now on."

Ke Ya said to Meili, holding back her tears.

"Don't worry, Ms. Kaya"

"You must take good care of yourself"

"I will always be here waiting for you to come back."

Meili burst into tears and told Ke Ya many things.


Ke Ya took a deep breath and said with a forced smile:

"When Usopp wakes up later, you tell him that I…I went with Qingyun voluntarily, and I already…already have someone I like."

As soon as she finished speaking, Kaya couldn’t hold it back any longer, and tears welled up in her eyes as she turned and walked onto the Sea King.

Kaya knew that in front of Qingyun’s powerful strength, Usopp had no chance of taking her back.

Instead of letting Usopp die, it would be better to just cut off all ties with him, stop his thoughts, and protect him.

Nami and Nojiko immediately followed to comfort Kaya.

At this moment, Qingyun came back after killing all the members of the Black Cat Pirates.

Seeing Qingyun covered in blood, Merry couldn’t help but tremble with fear again.

"Qingyun, please, please be kind to Miss Keya. Her life is too hard and she has suffered a lot.

However, Meili still plucked up her courage and knelt down to beg Qingyun.

""Ke Ya will be very happy, don't worry."

Qing Yun replied lightly, and walked directly past Mei Li.

When he arrived at the ship, Qing Yun saw Ke Ya sitting on the deck crying, and Nami and Nojiko were sitting next to her to comfort her.

He moved his mind and let the Sea King start sailing, heading towards Orange Town from the sea.

The target was naturally Buggy the Clown.

However, he did not want to subdue Buggy the Clown as a younger brother, but wanted to kill Buggy the Clown and obtain the ability and fruit of the Split Fruit.

Because he knew that the Split Fruit seemed to be accumulated, but once it was awakened, it would be very perverted.

Besides, Buggy the Clown had a good relationship with Red Hair.

If Red Hair came to find him because Qing Yun killed Buggy the Clown, it would save him the effort of looking for Red Hair.

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