Seeing this scene, Kaya and Usopp were dumbfounded.

They didn't expect Qingyun to be so decisive. He said he wanted to kill Kuro, and he killed Kuro instantly without any hesitation.

However, Nami and Nojiko were no longer surprised by this.

【Host kills Clo, physical fitness +6……】

Qingyun smiled slightly and looked at Ke Ya by the window:

"Keya, don't be afraid, I'm not here to steal your property, but to help you get rid of Clo"

"I'm here to invite you on my boat."


Kaya was very surprised.

Not only did she not have any skills, but she was also weak and sickly. She really couldn't understand why Qingyun invited her on board.

Usopp was also shocked.

"As expected!"

Nami and Nojiko were very calm.

After spending the past two days together, they already knew what kind of person Qingyun was.

They didn't know why Qingyun brought them to this small village, but after seeing Kaya just now, they had guessed it.

Sure enough, it was the same as they guessed.

Kaya was a female supporting character who appeared in the early stage. Although she rarely appeared, her lovely appearance and gentle temperament made her loved by many One Piece fans.

The same is true for Nojiko. She also rarely appeared, but she also captured a large number of One Piece fans with her exquisite and capable appearance, as well as her strong and gentle temperament.

Qingyun is one of them.

Although he knows that Kaya is Usopp's CP, and he and Usopp have no grudges, he still has to snatch what he should snatch.

Now that he has come to the pirate world and is bound to such an invincible system, Qingyun's natural path is to become the world's sea king and invite all the beauties he likes to board the ship, so that they can be happy every day.

Although Kaya has no special abilities, Qingyun can use his innate magical powers to strengthen Kaya's physical fitness and let Kaya thrive.

In the future, let Kaya take the right devil fruit to make Kaya stronger.

The reason why he invited Nojigo to board the ship is also because of this.

"Thank you."

After Ke Ya realized what was happening, she immediately thanked Qing Yun and continued:

"But I can hardly do anything."

"Besides, I am weak and sickly, so I can't travel around."

"Even if I board your ship, I will only hold you back."


Usopp kept nodding. He didn't want Kaya to get on Qingyun's ship, because then he wouldn't be able to see Kaya, and no one would listen to his bragging as interestedly as Kaya.

"It's okay. I see that you have fair skin and beautiful face, like an angel in white. You can be an intern doctor first and learn slowly. I believe that you will be able to become an excellent ship doctor in the future."

"As for being weak and sickly, I can help you strengthen your physique and ensure that you will not breathe even if you run all day in the future."

Qingyun vowed to Kaya.

Kaya was a little happy to hear Qingyun praise herself as an angel.

Kaya was a little moved to hear that Qingyun could help her strengthen her physique.

Usopp panicked.

He was afraid that Kaya would agree to Qingyun and he would never see Kaya again from now on.

But he did not persuade Kaya not to agree to Qingyun.

Because he knew that if Qingyun did not lie, it would be a good choice for Kaya to join Qingyun's ship.

Nokigo's mouth could not help but rise slightly:

He asked me to be a nurse, is it because I am like an angel in white?

Nami sneered:

It sounds so nice!

In fact, you just like my body!

Although Nami saw through it, she didn't dare to say it out loud.

Because she knew that once she exposed Qingyun, he would definitely teach her how to shoot well.

Kaya thought carefully, then glanced at Usopp first, then looked at Qingyun again, and said tactfully:

"Thank you for your kindness, but forget it. I won't go on your ship to trouble you."

Qingyun was not surprised to hear this, because he knew that Kaya liked Usopp.

After all, Usopp was the man who brought Kaya laughter and joy in her darkest period.

But being rejected by Kaya in public, especially in front of Usopp, Qingyun couldn't help feeling a little angry.


Nami couldn't help but smile.

Nojigo was a little surprised.

Usopp was very happy and couldn't help but smile.

"Forget it. I wanted to invite you aboard in a gentle way, but now it seems that I can only take tough measures.

Qingyun spread his hands and walked towards Ke Ya slowly.

Nami and Nokiko were not surprised at all. The reason was self-evident.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Kaya suddenly panicked and looked at Qingyun in horror.

Usopp was panicked.

He wanted to stand up to protect Kaya.

But Qingyun was a real pirate who killed people without blinking an eye.

If he dared to stand up, he might be killed instantly by Qingyun.

But he couldn't just watch Kaya being bullied by Qingyun.

In the end, Usopp still tried his best to muster up the courage, stood in front of Qingyun, and threatened Qingyun with his voice that was already trembling with fear:

"I...I'm afraid to warn you, please don't do anything rash."

"What I just said is true."


Kaya was very touched to see Usopp stand up to protect her at this time, but she was also very worried.

"That guy actually dared to block Qingyun!"

Nami and Nokiko were very surprised when they saw this, and they couldn't help but look up to Usopp.

Qingyun was not surprised at all. He knew that although Usopp was timid and boastful, he was a real man who would take action when it was time.

However, it was impossible for him to let a miracle happen to Usopp and let him save the beauty from his hands.

"Get out of here right now with your people"

"Otherwise, my Lord……"


Usopp wanted to threaten Qingyun and make him retreat.

Unfortunately, Qingyun didn't wait for Usopp to finish his words, and rushed directly to Usopp, knocked him out with a knife, and made him collapse to the ground and fainted.

Usopp has not yet awakened the super observation Haki, so even if Qingyun killed him, he would not get much positive ability.

And if Usopp was killed now, he would lose an important bargaining chip to let Kaya get on the ship.

So Qingyun chose to show mercy.


Seeing this scene, Nami and Nojiko were still speechless even though they had expected it.

They didn't expect Usopp to be so weak that he was knocked unconscious by Qingyun before he could even react.


Kaya was very worried about Usopp.

After all, Qingyun killed people without blinking an eye. Maybe Usopp had been killed by him.

"Don't worry, I just knocked him out, he's still alive"

"But if you still dare to refuse me, I can't guarantee that I won't kill him."

Qingyun looked at Ke Ya and said lightly.

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