"Who are you?"

Kaya, Usopp and Kuro saw Qingyun, Nami and Nojigo walking side by side. They didn't recognize Qingyun for a moment and felt very confused.

"Captain Crowe?"

Nami and Nojigo looked at Crowe in confusion after hearing Qingyun's words.

"You... you are Qingyun?!"

At the same time, Kaya, Usopp and Kuro focused on Qingyun who was walking in the middle. They immediately recalled the bounty order that the navy had just issued yesterday. When they recognized Qingyun, they were all shocked.



Usopp was so scared that he fell directly from the tree, hit the ground heavily, and wailed in pain.

He had just boasted to Kaya that he could easily control Qingyun.

He didn't expect Qingyun to really come. Is n't this going to slap him in the face?

"Usopp, are you okay?"

Kaya was very worried about Usopp.

"I'm fine……"

Usopp quickly stood up while enduring the pain, gritted his teeth, and forced a smile at Kaya:

"I'm fine, don't worry."

How could Qingyun know me?

I've never seen him before?

Kuro didn't care about Usopp at all. He was puzzled by this.

He was very uneasy because of the unexpected incident.


Cloe didn't know how Qingyun recognized him as a dead man, but he knew that he absolutely couldn't admit it, otherwise the three years of hard work undercover for Kaya's family would be wasted, so he stopped talking in time.

Moreover, Qingyun was a pirate with a bounty of 50 million berries, and it was most likely that he was not someone he could deal with.

Even if he admitted it, he would not be able to snatch Kaya's money from Qingyun's men.

He suddenly had an idea, and immediately pushed his glasses with his palm, pretending to look at Qingyun, Nami and Nojiko in horror, and pleaded timidly:

"You guys came in here for money, right?"

"We will give you whatever you want."

"I just ask you not to hurt the young lady and not to destroy her house."

At the same time, Kuro prayed in his heart, hoping that Qingyun would not take all of Kaya's money, and leave some for him to take so that he could live a stable life.

I must protect Kaya!

But I have no ability at all, and I can't beat this pirate with a bounty of 50 million Baileys!

Usopp was in a dilemma. He wanted to protect Kaya, but he was powerless. His legs were shaking with fear.

"Krabatl is right."

"I'll give you whatever amount you want."

"I just beg you not to hurt anyone."

Kaya immediately followed and pleaded with Qingyun, Nami and Nokiko.

She knew that Usopp was just bragging and had never thought of asking him to drive Qingyun and the others away.

Seeing that Kaya usually trusted him very much, but at this time she had no hope in him at all, Usopp felt very uncomfortable.

He desperately mustered up his courage, raised his head, straightened his chest, and said seriously:

"Keya, don't be afraid, I'm here."

He looked at Qingyun, Nami and Nokigo, and threatened seriously:

"Let me tell you, I am the captain of the Great Pirate Group."

"I have more than 8,000 men under my command. They are now resting in the surrounding sea."

"As soon as I give the signal, they will come immediately, and you will never be able to escape."

"I advise you not to try to rob Kaya of her money, or I will be rude to you."

However, the people present were not Luffy and Chopper, and they could tell at a glance that Usopp was bragging.

Nami rolled her eyes at Usopp and ruthlessly exposed him:

"Before you lie, can you stop your legs from shaking?"

Usopp looked down and his face flushed instantly. He felt so ashamed that he wanted to find a hole to crawl into.

Qingyun ignored Kaya and Usopp and walked towards Kuro without any hurry. At the same time, he directly exposed:

"Kuro, the former captain of the Black Cat Pirates, please stop pretending. I know that you pretended to have been killed by the navy in order to seize Kaya's property and live a stable life."

"Then, you pretended to be a crew member who was kicked off the ship because of a minor mistake, and deceived Kaya's parents into trusting you, so that they would keep you in the mansion as a housekeeper."

"In the following three years, you took good care of Ke Ya."

"It's a pity that this is all your acting. You just want to gain the trust of Ke Ya and the villagers so that you can seize Ke Ya's property."

Everyone was shocked and found it unbelievable.

They were also very curious about how Qing Yun knew all this. As soon as he finished speaking, Qing Yun came in front of Kro, waved his fist, and hit Kro's head hard.

Upon hearing this, Kro no longer hid and jumped back, avoiding Qing Yun's attack without any danger.

"You guy……"

Clo pushed his glasses with his palm and stared at Qingyun fiercely:

"How did you know about me?"

Seeing that Kuro was no longer hiding, Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, and Usopp realized that Qingyun did not slander Kuro.

Kaya was very sad.

Because she and her parents believed in Kuro so much, they never thought that Kuro was acting and just wanted to take her property.

Nami, Nojiko, and Usopp were all very angry. They did not expect Kuro to deceive Kaya like this.

"You don't have to worry about this."

"You just need to let me kill him next time."

Qingyun said calmly, and then walked towards Clo

"Wait a minute."

Looking at Qingyun approaching, Clo panicked and said quickly:

"You must be after Keya's money, right?"

"I don't want a cent, I'll give you all, please let me live."

Qingyun was a ruthless man who wiped out the Dragon Pirates and slaughtered the 16th branch of the Navy. Kuro knew that he was no match for Qingyun.

He was a smart man and knew that he had no other way to survive except begging for mercy, so he took action immediately.

"Your life is my goal here."

Qingyun stared at Clo's eyes and said coldly.

Clo heard the words and looked into Qingyun's eyes, and suddenly felt as if he was stared at by the god of death.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and used the silent step to escape quickly.

Qingyun then moved his legs and chased him quickly.

Although Clo's silent step was very fast, Qingyun's speed was even faster.

In an instant, Qingyun caught up with Clo.

However, at this moment, Clo turned around with his hands into claws and grabbed Qingyun's neck fiercely.

Fortunately, Qingyun knew that Clo had rich combat experience, and he also had positive and beneficial abilities such as killing and seizing the combat ability of Aaron and others, so his reaction speed was still very fast.

Qingyun raised his hands and grabbed Clo's wrists tightly, preventing him from moving forward.

Clo's fingers were only less than one centimeter away from Qingyun's neck.



After blocking Clo's attack, Qingyun did not stop at all. He immediately broke Clo's hands with force, causing him to scream.


However, this was not the end. Qingyun then grabbed Clo's head and twisted his neck to kill him.

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