The next morning.

The warm sunlight slowly sprinkled through the window onto the pretty faces of Nami and Nokigo who were leaning on Qingyun's arms.

They squinted their eyes and opened them. What they saw was Qingyun who was still closing his eyes, and the other who had woken up.

The memories of last night instantly came to their minds, and their pretty faces blushed.

They looked at Qingyun, with anger in their eyes, but more of tenderness.

The reason is self-evident.

It is inseparable from Qingyun's innate magical powers and the role of loving care.

But it is also because of Qingyun's years of hard practice in shooting.

Nokigo and Nami tacitly kissed Qingyun's face together, then got out of bed carefully to dress, and then helped Qingyun cover the quilt and closed the curtains before walking out together.

But what they didn't notice was that the corners of Qingyun's mouth rose slightly:

What an invincible innate magical power, I like it!

Not long after, Qingyun got out of bed and dressed, and came to the living area, and found Nokigo and Nami making breakfast together in the kitchen

"Nami, leave the rest to me, go wake Qingyun up for breakfast."

Nokigao said to Nami while finishing the work.


Nami answered subconsciously.


But the next moment, she suddenly changed her mind and said coquettishly:

"I'm not going to call him!"

"That bastard actually forced……"

"It’s so abominable!"

"Let him starve to death!"

"Then you cooked three bowls of noodles and fried three eggs?"

Noqi Gao smiled and ruthlessly exposed Nami's


Nami blushed, but still said stubbornly:

"Because I want to eat two bowls of noodles and two eggs, not for that bastard."

"How dare you scold me?"

"It seems you don't know who has the final say on this ship."

Qingyun walked towards Nami and Nokigo with a wicked smile.


Seeing Qingyun approaching like a wolf, Nami and Nojigo were frightened like frightened lambs.

However, they were like flowers that lack water and long for water, so they did not resist.

They were all very surprised and did not understand why they seemed to become stronger after experiencing Qingyun's spearmanship. What they did not know was that because they became stronger, Qingyun also became stronger.

Although for Qingyun, it was only a little bit.

"Don't be angry, Nami just said that in anger."

Nokigo hurriedly explained for Nami.

Qingyun walked straight to the middle of Nami and Nokigo, picked up an omelette and started eating.


Nami and Nokiko breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Qingyun only came to eat fried eggs and did not touch them.

""Mm, it's delicious."

Qingyun nodded and praised affirmatively.

Nami couldn't help but smile:

"Of course"

"But it's still not as good as you guys."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun put down his chopsticks, and directly put his arms around Nami and Nokigo's slender waists and hugged them into his arms.

Nami and Nokigo were shocked:

"What are you going to do?"

"Asking despite knowing the answer"


At the same time, the East China Sea Navy Headquarters found out that Qingyun not only killed most of the people in the 16th Navy Branch, but also wiped out the Dragon Pirates, and issued a bounty order for Qingyun.

The bounty was 50 million Baileys, regardless of life or death.

Qingyun's name and appearance were instantly known to people in the East China Sea who saw the newspaper.

Since Qingyun directly attacked the 16th Navy Branch and killed most of the people, his nature was extremely bad, which was equivalent to directly provoking the World Government, and the Navy also sent powerful people to capture him.

Qingyun's ship also received the newspaper and soon learned the news.

Not only was he not panicked at all, but he was very excited, hoping that the Navy could send more powerful people to capture him, so that he would save time looking for them.

One day later.

Xiluobu Village.

The village where Kaya and Usopp were.

Kaya was leaning against the window, listening to Usopp bragging while sitting on the tree.

She had a straight short hair of light golden shoulder length, beautiful and bright brown eyes, white skin like jade, and a soft and delicate face that looked very pitiful.

She was wearing a light blue ankle-length dress, and her slender waist was so thin that it could not be grasped.

"Keya, don't worry, I'm a brave sea warrior"

"Qingyun is just a small pirate with a bounty of 50 million. If he dares to rob our village, I will make him flee."

Usopp raised his nose to the sky and boasted.


""It will all depend on you, Usopp."

Kaya smiled gently.

She knew that Usopp was bragging.

But she also knew that Usopp was just trying to amuse her.

So no matter how Usopp talked nonsense, Kaya would cooperate with him.

Usopp felt a little guilty, but he was very satisfied. His vanity was greatly satisfied. He smiled confidently and said:

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

"Usopp, you are trespassing in a private house like this, it is really embarrassing."

At this moment, a scolding voice suddenly sounded.


Kaya and Usopp looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that it was Kaya's housekeeper, Crabatel, who was pushing up his glasses with his palm and staring at Usopp in the tree.

But what they didn't realize was that Crabatel's eyes were hinting at murderous intent towards Usopp.

What they didn't know even more was that Crabatel was not his real name. His real name was Clow, the former leader of the Black Cat Pirates.

The reason why he lurked in Kaya's house as a housekeeper was to obtain Kaya's property and a stable life.

Unfortunately, although Kaya trusted him, she liked to be with Usopp more, which prevented him from succeeding.

Therefore, Clow wanted to kill Usopp directly.

But that would make all his three years of hard work go to waste, and he had to endure it.

"That...Crabatel, Usopp is just……"

"Miss Ke Ya, please shut up. I will listen to your reasons later.

Ke Ya was about to explain, but was interrupted by Clo.

"Usopp, I often hear rumors about you. I heard that you often go on adventures in various places, right? You are so young, it's really amazing."

Kuro looked at Usopp and pushed his eyes with his palms.


Usopp was very proud:

"If you want to praise me, you can also call me Captain Usopp like Kaya."


Kro sneered:

"I've also heard about your father."


Usopp was shocked

"Krabatel, stop talking."

Kaya guessed what Cloro wanted to say and immediately scolded him.

However, Cloro ignored Kaya's order and said righteously:

"You are nothing but the son of a dirty pirate. I will not be surprised no matter what you do."

"But could you please not get close to my eldest daughter?"


Usopp was angry

"You and the young lady are from two completely different worlds."

"Your goal is money, right?"

"How much do you want?"

Kroh continued.

"Usopp is not that kind of person."

"You've gone too far. Apologize to Usopp now."

Kaya was furious. She leaned out of the window and yelled at Kuro.

Usopp was very happy and worried.

"Koya, dangerous"

"Miss, why should I apologize to such a dirty man?"

"I'm just stating the facts."

But Cloe didn't care and calmly pushed his glasses with his palm.

"As a steward, you dare to talk to your master like this, you are really good, Captain Cloe.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Cloe was immediately frightened and hurriedly looked in the direction of the voice.

"Captain Kuro?"

Kaya and Usopp were very confused and looked in the direction of the voice out of curiosity.

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