"This is an extraordinary period. The entire world government is extremely vigilant against pirates, and we are all very busy."

Financial God of War----Zambalong·V·Nasu Shoulang Sheng stared at the black-robed man and said

"Because it's you, we made time for it.----Marcus Massan continued

"I know"

"Thank you very much."

The man in black robe said as he sat down on the chair in front of the Five Elders.

Looking closely, the Five Elders also prepared the best tea for the man in black robe.

The man in black robe raised his head.

He was none other than Red-haired Shanks.

"I came to you about a certain pirate."

"As for this pirate story, I'm sure you must be very interested."

"Because he is the one who keeps you so busy."

Shanks said affirmatively

"Could it be Qingyun?"

Hearing this, the Law God----Topman Woqiulisheng immediately asked

"Do you know his origins?"

The other four people also stared at Shanks closely.

They were all very confused.

No matter how they investigated Qingyun, they could not find out Qingyun's past.

Qingyun seemed to appear out of thin air, suddenly appeared in the East China Sea, and then swept all the way.

Shanks shook his head gently:

"I don't know Qingyun's origins"

"But I know that in addition to being able to kill Devil Fruit users, take Devil Fruit abilities, and possess the power of Devil Fruits, he also has the ability to be immortal."

The Five Elders were horrified:

"The ability to never die?!"

"Are you sure?"

Although the Five Elders knew that Shanks would not come here to deceive them, what Shanks said was still too unbelievable.

They couldn't believe it was true.

Otherwise, Qingyun's immortality plus the ability to seize would be invincible.

"It's not quite accurate to say that he is immortal."

Shanks smiled and then said decisively:

"It should be said that Qingyun has the ability to be resurrected immediately after being killed, and can also obtain the full strength of the person who killed him."


Hearing this, the Five Elders were stunned.

The ability to be immortal was incredible enough.

They never thought that Qingyun had such a perverted ability.

Doesn't it mean that the more they kill Qingyun, not only will Qingyun not die, but he will become more powerful?

"Are you sure Qingyun has such a perverted ability?"

"Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

The Five Elders stared at Shanks, hoping that Shanks was joking with them and just wanted to scare them.

They would rather be teased by Shanks, and would rather Shanks come to them just to tease them, than for all this to be true.

"I'm not sure."

Shanks said truthfully:

"This is what Hawkeye told me. He once met Qingyun and his gang who had just entered the Grand Line in Twin Gorges."

"Because he was woken up by Qingyun and his gang, Hawkeye attacked them directly and killed Qingyun on the spot."

"Just as Hawkeye was about to kill the others, Qingyun not only resurrected, but also possessed the same combat power as Hawkeye, blocking Hawkeye's attack."

"Hawkeye guessed Qingyun's ability because of this."

""I see!"

The Five Elders then realized how Shanks knew about Qingyun's abnormal ability.

They had heard about Hawkeye's character and the relationship between Hawkeye and Shanks, and thought that Hawkeye would not lie to Shanks.

However, the Five Elders were still unwilling to believe this was true, and immediately continued to ask:

"Are you sure Hawkeye is not mistaken?"

"Is it possible that he is deceiving you?"

They hoped that Hawkeye was wrong and was deceiving Shanks.

Otherwise, they would not know how to deal with this monster Qingyun.

"Eagle Eye never misses"

""I have never lied to you before."

Shanks said with great certainty.

Hearing this, the last hope of the Five Elders was shattered.

They all felt extremely troubled, not knowing how to deal with Qingyun, a monster with such terrifying power.

"If Hawkeye guessed correctly, Qingyun now possesses the strength of Hawkeye, as well as Admiral Akainu and Admiral Aokiji, as well as Magellan, the warden of Impel Down, and the abilities of all the special abilities of the sixth floor of Impel Down."

"And the rest of Qingyun's group should also have the devil fruit abilities of Admiral Akainu."

"So no matter how many powerful people you send to capture Qingyun, it will only help him and his people become stronger."

Shanks continued to analyze.


The Five Elders nodded.

"We must immediately tell Zhan Guo to stop hunting down Qing Yun and his gang, otherwise they will become even more powerful and our world government will continue to lose combat power."

"However, Qingyun's ability must not be made public, otherwise the whole world will fall into panic."

"Once we come up with a way to deal with Qingyun, we will send out all our forces to capture Qingyun and his gang.----Shepard ten Peter St. Lima says


The other four Five Elders nodded.

However, what Shanks and the Five Elders didn't know was that Qingyun's abnormal ability was far more than that.

In addition to what they knew,

Qingyun could also take away their physical fitness, domineering, etc. by killing them.

He could also obtain it by conquering them. He even had the ability of loving care to conquer women and make them unable to stop.

The reason why Tashigi, Jessica, Taotu and Tina, as well as Domino and Little Sadie stood on Qingyun's side was precisely because of this ability.

Just when the Five Elders were about to act immediately, Shanks suddenly spoke again:

"As for dealing with Qingyun, I have thought of a way."


The eyes of the Five Elders suddenly lit up, and they all looked at Shanks and asked with concern:

"any solution?"

"That is……"


On Yama Island.

Qingyun, who paid special attention to the seagulls delivering newspapers, got the latest newspaper and was checking the latest newspaper with Nami and the others.

"Five hundred and six billion!"

"The future Pirate King!"

"Qingyun is so awesome!"

Nami and the others looked at Qingyun's new bounty and title, and couldn't help but feel happy for Qingyun.

"1.5 billion!"

"Great, my bounty has increased again!"

When Nami saw her latest bounty, she was not scared like in the original story, but was very happy instead.

"One billion!"

Taotu felt mixed emotions when she saw that she was also offered a reward.

"The future Pirate King?"

Qingyun looked at his latest bounty order and title and couldn't help but smile:

"Morgans is a real good title guy."

"He must have made a lot of money by using me, right?"

"If I meet him, I must ask him to give me enough copyright fees"

"That's right! That's right!"

Nami and Kalina's eyes lit up immediately, and they said with certainty:

"We have to get enough royalties."

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