Seven days later.

Yama Island.

Nami and the others were still practicing on the island under Qingyun's guidance.

Since Nami and the others, except Aisha and Zombie Sindoly, were all irrigated with love by Qingyun, their physical fitness and talents were greatly improved.

So after a week of hard training, Nami, Aisha, Hancock, Taotu and Domino became more proficient in the use of Observation Haki.

Nokiko and the others also mastered Observation Haki.

Tashigi, Hancock, Taotu and Domino's Armament Haki also became stronger.

Nami and the others also mastered Armament Haki.

Only Aisha has not mastered Armament Haki yet.

But her Observation Haki has improved the most.

Because her talent in this area is already very good.

Zombie Sindoly has neither Observation Haki nor Armament Haki.

There is no way, Sindoly's talent in her life was very ordinary, so it is naturally difficult to master.

Although Qingyun is lustful, he is not perverted, and it is impossible to irrigate Zombie Sindoly with love.

He knew that if he wanted to prevent Xin Duoli from falling behind Nami and the others, he had to awaken his Yomi Fruit ability as soon as possible and then revive the zombie Xin Duoli.

So during this week, he also worked hard to practice and comprehend the Yomi Fruit ability.

At the same time, he also asked Miss to take time out during the Golden Week to practice and comprehend the Yomi Fruit ability.

"A ship landed on the island."

"It's the Heart Pirates."

Suddenly, Aisha, who was training, said with certainty.

She used her now more powerful observation Haki to find out that Law and others had just landed on Yama Island.

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Nami and the others used their own Observation Haki to investigate.

However, compared with Aisha's Observation Haki, the range that their Observation Haki could detect was too small, not even one percent of the Yama Island.

So they couldn't find out where the Heart Pirates were now.

"No, my observation Haki can't even cover this forest."

Hancock was a little shocked.

Taotu, Domino, and Nami were also like this.

Although they knew that Aisha had a unique talent in observation Haki.

But at this moment, they couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

After all, Aisha was just a girl.


Qingyun nodded, he paused the training, then stood up and said calmly:

"You guys continue to practice, I'll be back soon."

Crack! Crack!

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun turned into a flash of lightning and rushed towards the Heart Pirates.

His observation Haki is much stronger than Aisha's.

Aisha could sense that the Heart Pirates had landed on Yama Island, so he had naturally discovered it a long time ago.

The reason why he didn't take action was to see if Aisha could detect it in the first place.

At the same time.

After arriving at the beach of Yama Island and confirming with the Heart Pirates' navigator the time required for the recording pointer to store magnetic force, Law began to give orders:

"Guys, it takes 24 hours to store the magnetism. We will camp on this island tonight."

"Let's go hunting and looking for edible fruits on the island."

""Yes, Captain."

Everyone in the Heart Pirates answered in unison.

Immediately, almost everyone jumped from the ship to Yama Island.

Snap! Snap!

Just as Luo and the others took a few steps, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them accompanied by a flash of lightning.

"Qing... Qingyun?!"

"How come you are here?!"

Seeing that the person coming was Qingyun, Luo and his men were instantly terrified, and everyone showed fear, their pupils were shaking, and they were sweating profusely.

Ever since Qingyun took Nami and the others away from under the noses of Zhan Guo and his men in Push City, it was as if he had disappeared. No one had seen them again, and there was no report about their whereabouts. No one knew where they went.

Luo and his brothers had never expected that Qingyun would suddenly appear here without any warning.

""Brothers, run away!"

Luo ordered immediately.

He knew that Qingyun had the ability to hunt people with special abilities and take away special abilities and devil fruits.

So he guessed that Qingyun was most likely here to hunt him.

Luo knew that he was doomed today, and he didn't want his brothers to die here with him, so he directly ordered them to run for their lives.


As soon as he finished speaking, Luo immediately turned his palm towards the ground and created a constantly rotating, hollow white typhoon-shaped vortex under his palm.


The rotating typhoon vortex was released after spinning several times, forming a global space that wrapped Luo himself and Qingyun.

Luo knew that he was no match for Qingyun, but he did not intend to let Qingyun kill him without any resistance.

Because Luo not only had his dream, but also had a blood feud that he had to avenge, and he had to go find Doflamingo to hug him.

He would never die here obediently.

"Captain, I'm not leaving."

"I want to fight side by side with you, live and die together."

However, none of Luo's brothers chose to escape, and all chose to stay, intending to fight against Qingyun with Luo.

"You idiots!"

Although Luo was scolding his brothers, he was deeply moved and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"You are too weak. Staying here will only hinder me."

"If you don't want me to die, leave quickly."

In order to get his brothers to leave, Luo had no choice but to give such an order.

Hearing this, Luo's brothers knew what he was thinking, but they were inevitably more or less sad.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll take you on your way together."

Qingyun said coldly.


As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun summoned the Sandai Kitetsu, and then used the Armament Haki to strengthen his right hand and the Sandai Kitetsu, and also used the Conqueror Haki to entangle them, and even used the Ice Fruit ability to enchant.

Qingyun certainly knew that with his current strength, it was completely unnecessary to do this to deal with the current Luo, and it was a bit of a waste of talent.

But he didn't want to waste too much time on Luo and Luo's younger brothers, nor did he want to kill and play with them, so he planned to kill them directly with one move.

"Not good!"

Hearing this, Luo and his brothers felt that Qingyun's move was extraordinary, and they immediately felt that something was wrong.

"Run away quickly."

Luo urged his brothers again, while drawing his sword, the demon sword Ghost Cry, ready to fight Qingyun.


Qingyun rushed towards Luo without saying a word.

His speed was so fast, like lightning, that ordinary eyes could not see it at all.

Luo had not yet mastered the observation Haki, so he could not detect Qingyun.

But Luo could sense any object in the room, so he still noticed it.


Luo swung Guiku with all his strength and slashed at Qingyun who was attacking.

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