Ice Slash!

Qing Yun wielded the Third Generation Kitetsu with all his strength, passing by Luo and his followers.

Snap! Snap! Snap! In an instant, Luo, his saber, and his followers were all frozen by Qing Yun.

Snap! Snap!

Then, they were all split in half from the middle, and died on the spot.

【The host kills Trafalgar Law, and his physical fitness increases to 39... and he gains the ability of the Operation Fruit, as well as the Operation Fruit.……】

The next moment, Qingyun had the Operation Fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the ability of the Operation Fruit, to the same degree as Luo.

Qingyun smiled slightly, he put away the Third Generation Kitetsu, and then took the Operation Fruit back to find Nami and the others.

After finding Nami and the others, Qingyun directly called Kaya and fed her the Operation Fruit.

Kaya was very happy, and immediately rushed to Qingyun's side, happily eating all the Operation Fruit. mua!

After using the ability of the Operation Fruit, Kaya was very happy, and immediately stood on tiptoe, hugged Qingyun's neck, and gave Qingyun a big kiss.

After that, Qingyun asked Nami and the others to continue to practice the Haki of Observation and Haki of Armament.

He himself continued to practice and develop the ability of the Yomi Fruit with Miss Golden Week.

Qingyun wanted to awaken the ability of the Yomi Fruit so that he could quickly revive the zombie Xin Duoli.

Time went back a week ago.

After Shanks told the Five Elders the method he had thought of, they all fell into deep thought.

Because Shanks's idea is nothing but the one that requires the mastermind behind the World Government, Im, who is known as the"King of the World", to take action personally.

"If your and Hawkeye's guess is correct, it seems that this is the only way."

"But I'm afraid it will be difficult to ask Lord Yimu to take action based on your and Hawkeye's guesses alone."

The God of Agriculture said with a headache.


The other four Five Elders nodded one after another, all of them were extremely troubled.

Shanks then began to analyze:

"But if we don't ask Yim to help, no matter how many people go, I'm afraid that not only will we not be able to catch Qingyun, but it will only increase his strength."

"And if we ignore Qingyun, the World Government will lose face."

"Qingyun will become stronger and stronger"

"Besides, it is impossible to rule out Qingyun being‘D’The descendants of the clan."

Hearing this, the expressions of the Five Elders suddenly became solemn.

"If Qingyun is';D’You are the descendants of a clan, you will have to fight him sooner or later."

"Even if Qingyun is not‘D’A descendant of a clan, judging by his behavior, he loves beauty and is quite ambitious."

"No matter if they are pirates, navy, member states of the World Government, or even ordinary people, they cannot escape his clutches."

"Sooner or later you will have to confront him."

"In that case, why don't you take action against him as soon as possible?"

Seeing the Five Elders were moved, Shanks continued to analyze with reason.

The reason why Shanks was so active in dealing with Qingyun was not only because Qingyun captured Makino.

More importantly, what Qingyun did had destroyed the balance of the world and shocked the world.

If Qingyun was left alone, he would definitely do something more shocking, causing the whole world to fall into chaos before the person One Pice was waiting for came.

He must maintain the balance of the world and let the person One Pice was waiting for grow up.

"You are right."

The Five Elders nodded:

"We will go to see Lord Yim and explain the situation to him, asking him to take action."

"Come with us."

Just like that, the Five Elders and Shanks went to see Im.

Half an hour later, the Five Elders and Shanks came to the bottom of the Void Throne.

At this time, Im was sitting on the Void Throne that should not belong to anyone.

Im wore a crown with four towering spikes and a cloak that reached the ground.

""Greetings to Master Yimu."

The Five Elders lined up and knelt on one knee respectfully before Yimu.

However, Shanks did not kneel, but stood quietly in place, watching Yimu.

"You all came to see me, but is there something urgent?"

Yim asked very unhappy.

Yim was planting flowers in the deepest part of the holy land Mary Joa Pangu City, but he had to stop because of the request of the Five Elders and Shanks, so he felt very unhappy.

If Shanks and the Five Elders didn't have something very urgent, Yim would definitely not spare them.

"Lord Im, Shanks just told us……"

The God of Agriculture heard that Im was a little unhappy, and immediately rushed to answer, fearing that Shanks would say something.

Because he knew that Shanks would never call Im an adult, which would make Im even more unhappy.

The God of Agriculture immediately explained to Im what Shanks had just said to them in a concise manner.

After listening to the God of Agriculture's statement, Im fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a while, Im looked at Shanks and asked:

"Are you sure that Hawkeye didn't deceive you and that you didn't guess wrong?"

"Hawkeye has never lied to me.

Shanks also stared at Im firmly and said firmly.

Then, Shanks repeated what he had said to persuade the Five Elders, which was to speculate that Qingyun might be‘D’The descendants of the clan repeated their words to Yimu.‘D’After

Shanks finished speaking, Im became furious and yelled at the Five Elders:

"You can't even find Qingyun's origins, what are you doing?"

The five elders couldn't help but shudder.

"Lord Yimu, calm down."

The God of Agriculture immediately explained:

"We have found out that Qingyun suddenly appeared in Kokosia Village in the East China Sea."

"After killing the fishmen of the Dragon Pirates who were collecting protection fees from the villagers,……"

Halfway through his words, the Agricultural God suddenly changed his expression:


"According to CP0's report, Qingyun was initially killed by the fishmen of the Dragon Pirates."

"But Qingyun was resurrected immediately."

"And after resurrection, he immediately killed the fishman of the Dragon Pirates"

"That seems to be the case."

The other four Five Elders nodded.

"It seems that Hawkeye's guess was correct."

Hearing this, Shanks believed Hawkeye even more.

""Such an important thing, how come you only remembered it now?"

Yimu asked sharply.

The Five Elders were shocked again.

The God of Agriculture immediately explained:

"Because CP0 noted in the report that these were all said by the villagers of Kokosia Village, and it was impossible to determine whether they were true or not, so we didn't pay much attention to it."

"You five idiots!"


Yimu burst out with a terrifying momentum.


The next moment, the Five Elders showed pain on their faces and begged for mercy from Yim:

"Lord Yim, please spare my life."

"We promise it won’t happen again."

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