After entering Fulai Restaurant, Qingyun scanned the guests who were eating.

The waitress saw someone coming in, a handsome guy, and immediately smiled professionally and hurried to greet him.

"Qing... Qingyun!"

But when she recognized Qingyun, she was shocked and felt very scared. Her body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"It's Qingyun!"

Hearing this, everyone in the hall looked at Qingyun. After recognizing him, almost everyone was terrified, and many people couldn't help shaking.

Like the waitress, they were all very worried that Qingyun, the ruthless pirate, would go on a killing spree here and kill them all.

Found it!

Qingyun was no longer surprised by this.

After seeing a young beauty eating meat, he immediately recognized that she was the Bonnie he was looking for.

Bonnie had long straight pink hair, white skin like jade, delicate and beautiful face, and painted She was wearing a bright red heart-shaped lipstick, which made her look very different.

She was wearing denim overalls, a white short-sleeved shirt, and brown high-heeled boots, which showed off her delicate and plump figure to the fullest.

Although Bonnie was a woman, she was sitting cross-legged on a chair at the moment, holding a large piece of meat in both hands, eating it in big mouthfuls. She was completely different from other young women in sitting and eating meat.

Instead, she looked like a man, very generous.

Although she didn't look as gentle as other women, she had a wild beauty.

"Welcome... Welcome"

"Are you here for dinner?"

The waitress adhered to the principle of serving customers, and considering Qingyun's status, she did not dare to neglect Qingyun at all. She immediately tried her best to overcome her fear, walked tremblingly in front of Qingyun, and asked with a forced smile.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"I'm here to look for someone."

"Already found it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun bypassed the waitress and walked slowly towards the table where Bonnie was.


Hearing this, the waitress breathed a sigh of relief.

However, almost all the others became nervous, fearing that Qingyun was looking for them, and prayed that Qingyun was not looking for them.

But there was one person except for one.

That was Bonnie.

He should be looking for me, right?

Bonnie was not afraid that Qingyun was looking for her, but she even hoped that Qingyun was looking for her.

However, Bonnie did not stop eating meat, but chewed it even more.


He is not looking for me!

Those who were passed by Qingyun, looking at Qingyun's back, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They wanted to escape immediately, worried that Qingyun would kill people.

But they were all very curious about who Qingyun was looking for and what he was doing.

After struggling for a while, most people chose to sit there and eat melons.

Only a very few people chose to run away directly.

After a while, Qingyun walked in front of Bonnie and stopped.���Staring at Bonnie quietly.

Sure enough, he is here to find me!

Bonnie looked at Qingyun fearlessly and continued to eat meat.

However, the other members of Bonnie's pirate group, that is, Bonnie's younger brothers, all became nervous at once.

The others present also became nervous.

Because they heard that Qingyun was extremely lustful.

No matter if it was an ordinary person, a pirate, a navy, or even a Celestial Dragon, as long as she was a beautiful woman, she would be snatched away.

Obviously, Qingyun came here today just for Bonnie.

Although they guessed Qingyun's purpose and knew that Qingyun's strength was terrifying, Bonnie's younger brothers did not intend to watch Qingyun snatch Bonnie onto the ship.

But Qingyun and Bonnie had not spoken or taken action yet. They didn't know, and they didn't dare to say anything or take action.

So that's it!

Looking at Bonnie, by reading Bonnie's thoughts and memories, Qingyun knew why Bonnie was so fearless.


"I can get on your boat and do whatever you say."

"But I have two conditions."

"If you don't agree, I will die rather than obey you."

After swallowing the meat in her mouth, Bonnie looked into Qingyun's eyes and said firmly:


Everyone except Qingyun was shocked.

They had never expected that before Qingyun even said anything, Bonnie would be the first to say these words.

"What are the conditions?"

Qingyun pretended not to know and asked

"Let's find a place where there's no one to talk.

Bonnie stood up.

"There is no need."

Qingyun said calmly.

Then, his eyes became stern and he said coldly:

"Everyone, could you please go out for a moment?"

""Okay, okay."

Everyone was terrified and immediately ran outside.

There was such a thing!

Bonnie was shocked.

Soon, Qingyun and Bonnie were the only ones left in the hall.

""Okay, you can talk now."

Qingyun looked at Bonnie and said calmly.

Bonnie didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

"First, I want you to help me rescue Bartholomew Kuma, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"Because to be honest, I am the daughter of Bartholomew Bear."

"The World Government and Vegapunk used the people of the Solbe Kingdom as a threat, and made my father a Shichibukai. He also participated in the Cyborg Project and became a cyborg who only obeyed their orders."

"The reason I went out to sea as a pirate was to find a way to rescue my father."

Bonnie didn't know that Qingyun already knew about her relationship with Bartholomew Bear, and she thought Qingyun would definitely ask about it, so she explained it directly.

After hearing about what Qingyun had done during this period, she had already planned to go to Qingyun in person if Qingyun didn't come to find her.

The purpose was to let Qingyun help her rescue Bartholomew Bear.

She felt that with Qingyun's strength and courage, he would definitely dare to do it, and he would be able to rescue the bear.


Qingyun nodded affirmatively.

Bonnie Qingyun definitely wants it.���

Then Xiong would be his father-in-law, so he would naturally not ignore it.

Bonnie was a little surprised.

She didn't expect Qingyun to agree without hesitation. She was not surprised at the relationship between her and Xiong.

This was a little beyond her expectations.

"Second, I want you to take all my brothers as your brothers."

"They are all my good friends, I can't abandon them."

Bonnie didn't think much about it and then put forward her second condition.


Qingyun agreed without even thinking about it.

Because when he becomes the king of the world, he will definitely need many younger brothers to help manage the world.

In that case, why not choose the younger brothers of his woman?

"You... agreed to everything!"

""Won't you consider it?"

Bonnie asked in disbelief.

She thought that even if Qingyun agreed to her conditions, he would consider it first. She had already thought about how to bargain with Qingyun.

Qingyun was so straightforward that she was a little confused.

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