"But I have one condition."

"That is, unless absolutely necessary, I will not allow any man on my ship, let alone sail with men."

"Even pets"

"So although I promised you that I would save the bears and accept your brothers as my brothers, I will not let them board my boat.

Qingyun immediately put forward his conditions.


Bonnie was not surprised, but thought it was reasonable.

Because it was in line with Qingyun's personality, a woman who didn't want any man to get close to her.

"Bonnie, are you willing to get on my boat?"

After putting forward his conditions, Qingyun directly invited Bonnie

"In that case, I have one more condition.

Seeing Qingyun was so easy to talk to, Bonnie raised the price directly:

"That is, before you help me save my father, I can do whatever you want, but you can't do anything to me."

"If you really want to, at least make me like you first."

Bonnie is not like most women. She has a very strong personality and likes to speak her mind.

She is very confident about her figure and appearance, and thinks Qingyun will be eager to teach her how to shoot.

But she thinks that before doing that kind of thing, both parties must have feelings for each other.

So she said it directly.

And when she said these words, her pretty face did not blush at all

"It seems that I have been too good to you."

Qingyun's eyes were stern, and he said coldly:

"I'm giving you two choices now."

"First, say yes"

"Second, I will kill your companions one by one until you say you are willing."

The reason why Qingyun agreed to Bonnie's conditions just now was that he felt that Bonnie's experience was too tragic, and he felt very sympathetic to her and wanted to reassure her. He never expected that Bonnie would become more and more demanding.

So he immediately made a decisive decision, just like before, to use strong means to invite Bonnie on board, so that Bonnie would know who has the final say.

Upon hearing this, Bonnie gritted her teeth and stared at Qingyun's eyes. She felt scared and extremely angry at the same time.

She has a strong personality, and what she hates most is being threatened, teased, etc.

Suddenly, Bonnie stretched out her hand towards Qingyun without saying a word, and grabbed Qingyun's neck.

However, Qingyun already knew it, and just as Bonnie attacked his neck, he raised his hand and grabbed Bonnie's wrist to block Bonnie's attack.

Bonnie was not surprised at all.

She didn't think that she could rely on a surprise attack to defeat Qingyun, who killed the admiral of the navy, entered the underwater prison, and killed all the vicious prisoners on the sixth floor of the push city.

Bonnie didn't feel the slightest bit She was not panicked at all, but felt a little proud, and the corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly.

Because the reason why she launched a surprise attack on Qingyun was to let her hand touch Qingyun so that she could use her ability to deal with Qingyun.

Sui Sui - Reverse!

I saw Bonnie immediately grabbed Qingyun's wrist, and then used the reversal ability of the Sui Sui Fruit, wanting to turn Qingyun into a three-year-old child, manipulate Qingyun at will, and then let Qingyun agree to her conditions.

The devil fruit that Bonnie ate is called the Sui Sui Fruit. It can make people old or young by touching them, and can also turn herself into a child or an old man at will.

However, although Bonnie launched the reversal ability of the Sui Sui Fruit on Qingyun, Qingyun's age did not decrease at all, and there was no change in his body.

It turned out that Qingyun, with his mind-reading observation Haki, had already known Bonnie's wishful thinking.

He had armed his body with Haki long before Bonnie activated his ability.

The strength of Qingyun's Haki far exceeds the strength of Bonnie's ability.

So Bonnie's ability has no effect on Qingyun at all

"How is this possible?!"

Seeing that Qingyun had not changed at all and her ability was ineffective against Qingyun, Bonnie was shocked and puzzled. She couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Because so far, Bonnie had never met someone like Qingyun who was immune to her ability.

"It seems that no one has taught you that domineering power is superior to the power of devil fruit."

Qingyun's mouth corners slightly raised, as if looking at a jumping clown, staring at Bonnie closely.

"That's how it is!"

Bonnie suddenly realized.

"It seems that you chose the second one."

Qingyun continued coldly.

Hearing this, Bonnie remembered what Qingyun had just said, and her face changed drastically.

Qingyun immediately let go of Bonnie, and then without saying anything, he looked out the door, and then walked out slowly.

Bonnie hurried to Qingyun, stared at Qingyun closely, clenched her fists, and said through gritted teeth:

"No, it's not"

"First, I choose the first"

"I want to board your boat"

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Qiao Aili Bonnie and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Qiao Aili Bonnie's position.

Qingyun did not rush, but stared at Bonnie playfully and said with a joking smile:


"But why do you seem particularly unhappy to me?"

"It seems that I am still a little too strong."

"I'd better go and kill your companions one by one."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun walked around Bonnie and continued to walk out slowly.

Bonnie knew that Qingyun was demonstrating to her, letting her know that she couldn't disobey him.

Bonnie was extremely angry, but helpless.

Because she knew that she couldn't defeat Qingyun and was a piece of meat on Qingyun's chopping board.

She only now realized how stupid she was.

If she had known this, she wouldn't have been so greedy just now, causing herself to lose more than she gained.

Bonnie immediately came to Qingyun again, bent down directly in front of Qingyun, lowered her head,���He said angrily and respectfully:

"I know I'm wrong"

"I am willing to board your ship and obey you in everything and will not disobey any of your orders."

"Please don't kill my friend."


Although Bonnie went out to sea to save the bear, she had a deep bond with her friends and could not watch them being killed by Qingyun.

Since she knew that as long as she agreed to Qingyun, her friends would not be killed, Bonnie of course chose the former.

"Very good."

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction:

"From now on, Bonnie, you are the maid of my Sea King Group."As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all of Bonnie's abilities that were beneficial to him, including the ability of the Sui Sui Fruit, to the same extent as Bonnie's.


Although she was extremely reluctant, Bonnie still gritted her teeth and agreed affirmatively.

Then, Bonnie raised her head, looked at Qingyun with hope, and asked tentatively:

"Do the two conditions you just agreed to still count now?"

Bonnie still couldn't abandon her friends.

She couldn't not save the bear.

But she knew that the decision on these two matters now rested entirely with Qingyun.

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