In an instant.

Except for Shark Star, all the fish-man soldiers were immediately frightened to the point of their eyes rolling back, falling to the ground one after another and passing out.

Although Shark Star did not fall to the ground, he was frightened to the point of paralysis, his body trembling constantly, and he knelt directly in front of Qingyun.

The reason why Shark Star did not faint like the fish-man soldiers was not because he was very strong, nor because Qingyun's domineering aura was not strong enough.

It was because Qingyun showed mercy.

So that's it!

Seeing this scene, Nami and the others could already guess that Qingyun did not intend to kill people on Fish-man Island, but would definitely use Fish-man Island to threaten the beauties here.

Qingyun did not kill directly!

Reiju and Cosette, who had just boarded the boat, were a little surprised to see this. They thought Qingyun would kill without blinking an eye, and would kill all the people on Fish-man Island first, just like he did in the Germa Kingdom, leaving only the beauties.

"If you don't want to die, don't let your people mess with us."

Qingyun stared at Shark Star and said coldly.

Crack! Crack!

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun turned into a lightning and disappeared from the spot.

Qingyun's actions made Shark Star and even Nami very confused.

Crack! Crack!

The next moment, Qingyun returned to where he had just stood.

However, in his hand, there was a man in a black suit.

The man was grabbed by the neck by Qingyun and lifted in the air, like a chicken, and he couldn't escape at all.

"Who is he?"

Nami and the others looked at the man and asked Qingyun curiously.

They knew that Qingyun would not attack innocent people, and this man was definitely not an ordinary person.

Shark Star also pricked up his ears curiously.

"The navy is monitoring whether we have come to Fishman Island secretly. They were just about to report to Zhan Guo.

Qing Yun said affirmatively.

""I see."

Everyone suddenly realized.

How did he know that?

The man was shocked.

"But how did you know?"

"I didn't even notice him just now, let alone realize that he was a navy officer."

Bonnie asked Qingyun with great curiosity.

Everyone stared at Qingyun in confusion. They also didn't realize that


Qingyun said lightly.


Immediately, Qingyun broke the man's neck without hesitation, and the man died on the spot.

In this regard, Nami and the others, even Tashigi, Jessica, Taotu, Tina, Domino and Little Sadie did not think Qingyun did anything wrong.

After all, if Qingyun did not kill the man, they would be in trouble.

He really killed people without blinking an eye!

Shark Star could not help but be shocked.

""You guys go around first, I'll come find you soon."

Qingyun turned to Nami and the others and said with a smile.

After that, Qingyun put away the Hai-Yan and took out a lot of money to share with Nami and the others.

Immediately, Qingyun flew away.


"Going to find a woman again!"

Looking at Qingyun's back, Nami couldn't help but puff up her cheeks slightly, stamped her feet heavily, and said coquettishly.

Nokigo and the others had similar reactions.

"Let's go and spend all the money he gave us."

Knowing that getting angry is useless, the girls went to visit Fishman Island in groups.

Upon hearing this, Shark Star wanted to stop Qingyun from harming the beauties on Fishman Island, but he was helpless. He even took the initiative to contact other princes and soldiers, asking them not to attack Qingyun and his gang.

Because he knew that Qingyun would keep his word.

If they really attacked Qingyun and his gang, Qingyun would most likely kill them.

Shark Star did not sit still and wait for death, he immediately went to seek help.

However, he did not look for the World Government, but Whitebeard.

Qingyun's primary target was, of course, Princess Shirahoshi.

Although Hancock is known as the most beautiful woman in the world, he always felt that Princess Shirahoshi was more pure and lovely.

This is not to say that Hancock is not pure and lovely.

On the contrary, there has never been Love experience, falling in love, thinking about the person you like all the time, having wild thoughts everywhere, and being jealous Hancock is extremely pure and cute.

Here we are talking about appearance.

Hancock looks sexy and charming.

Qingyun did not intend to be polite at all, and planned to break into the Ryugu Castle of Fishman Island to find Princess Shirahoshi.

However, in order to avoid conflict with the people in Ryugu Castle, he deliberately used the ability of the transparent fruit before breaking into Ryugu Castle to make himself invisible.

Then he quietly broke into Ryugu Castle.

So the guards of Ryugu Castle did not notice it at all.

By reading the guards' minds, Qingyun learned the location of Princess Shirahoshi and the location of the Hard Shell Tower.

Click! Click!

Qingyun immediately turned into a flash of lightning and flew to the Hard Shell Tower.

In a flash, Qingyun arrived in front of the Hard Shell Tower.

"Damn guy."

Qingyun looked up at the huge door filled with weapons, and couldn't help but feel angry. He couldn't help but curse Vander Decken IX.

Because Vander Decken IX had been intimidating, pursuing, and attacking Shirahoshi for a long time, Shirahoshi could only hide in this huge and solid hard shell tower every day, and was completely unable to do what he wanted.

"But it seems that I have no right to scold that guy."

Thinking of the way he invited the beauty on board, Qingyun smiled awkwardly.


No longer talking to himself, Qingyun lifted the invisible state, walked forward, grabbed the door handle, and easily opened the door of the hard shell tower.

Looking inside, it was not pitch black like when Luffy opened the door in the original work.

It was very bright.

Princess Shirahoshi was not sleeping, but was smiling and watching her pet shark playing with a ball.

So beautiful!

Looking at Princess Shirahoshi, Qingyun couldn't help but be fascinated.

Shirahoshi had wavy and flowing pink long hair, and she wore a taiyaki-style hair accessory on her head. She wore a pair of shell-shaped earrings on her ears.

Her skin was white and tender, her eyes were as crystal clear as blue crystals, and her face was extremely delicate and beautiful.

Her upper body was extremely plump, and she was only wearing a yellow underwear, which matched the light and dark pink fishtail.

Although Bai Xing's body was very huge, she did not look scary at all. Instead, she was extremely beautiful and exciting.

Qingyun knew that Bai Xing was very beautiful in the original book, but he never thought that she would be so beautiful.

Seeing a stranger coming in, Bai Xing was immediately frightened and her eyes flashed with tears. She asked Qingyun in a crying voice:

"Who are you?"

It seems that Neptune has protected Shirahoshi very well!

He doesn't even recognize me!

Qingyun couldn't help but sigh.

It's not that he is arrogant, but what he has done, his bounty order, and Morgans' report on him. Logically, there should be almost no one in the entire pirate world who doesn't know him.

Especially the bigwigs of various countries.

Shirahoshi, as the princess of Fishman Island, doesn't know him, which shows how long Shirahoshi has not been in contact with the outside world.

Shirahoshi raised her pink fist, stared at Qingyun fiercely, and continued fiercely:

"I know, you are here to take my life too, right?"

"But I'm not afraid at all"

"Because I am Neptune's daughter."

"So I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid."

Although Bai Xing said she wasn’t afraid, huge tears had already flowed from the corners of her eyes onto the bed.

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