"Woowahahaha... woowahahaha……"

Suddenly, Bai Xing covered her eyes and burst into tears in fear:

"Someone come quickly, father, brother... woowahahaha……"

Upon seeing this, the pet shark immediately came in front of Bai Xing, opened its huge mouth with fangs, glared at Qing Yun viciously, and kept making terrifying roars in an attempt to scare Qing Yun away.

Qing Yun's eyes were stern, and he glanced at the pet shark grimly.

It was this one look that made the pet shark feel as if it was being stared at by the god of death. It was so scared that it trembled all over, and its back felt cold, as if it had seen its grandmother.

In an instant, the pet shark was extremely scared.

It wanted to run.

But it remembered how good Bai Xing had always been to it, and when it heard Bai Xing was still crying, it immediately puffed up its courage and rushed towards Qing Yun.


Shirahoshi was very surprised and touched, but also very worried.


Qingyun was a little surprised, and couldn't help but look up to Baixing's pet shark.


Qingyun's eyes flashed red, and a strong domineering aura was released, attacking the attacking pet shark.


The next moment, the pet shark's eyes rolled back, and it fell directly to the ground and fainted.


Shirahoshi was extremely worried about Mekaro.

But she was already very scared, and she was also affected by Qingyun's domineering aura. Now her whole body was limp, and she couldn't go to check on her pet shark.

"Don't worry, it's not dead."

"I just made it faint.

Qingyun said calmly.

Hearing this, Bai Xing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Woohoo haha……"

However, the next moment, Bai Xing was so scared that she burst into tears again, crying with tears and tears, and her eyes were red.

One of Bai Xing's tears was almost as big as Qing Yun's head.

At this moment, a huge axe engraved with a red rose came from outside the door and rushed towards Bai Xing, who was crying.


Just as the axe was about to hit Bai Xing, Qing Yun moved.


He came to Bai Xing quickly, but grabbed the flying axe and easily stopped it.

Attracted by the sound of Qing Yun stopping the axe, Bai Xing stopped crying and looked forward.

This is Vander Decken's weapon!

Based on the rose pattern on the axe, Bai Xing recognized that it was Vander Decken's, and thought of Vander Decken who was madly courting her, and suddenly felt even more scared.

He actually helped me block it!

Bai Xing was very surprised to notice that Qing Yun actually blocked the axe for her.

Because before this, she really thought Qingyun was here to take her life.

She never expected that Qingyun would actually save her.

She finally realized that Qingyun was not here to kill her.

"How cruel! He actually attacked you with such a big axe."

"Vander Decken IX must have been unable to obtain what he wanted, and he must have turned his love into hatred."

Qingyun said with a joking smile, and then casually threw the giant axe aside.

"How do you know this?!"

Hearing this, Bai Xing agreed very much, but was also very surprised.

She was very sure that Qingyun was a human.

She really couldn't figure out how a human could know this.

"Also, there are clearly no bubbles on you, so how come you can fly in the air?"

Bai Xing stared at the blue cloud floating in the air with great curiosity.

""Princess Bai Xing!"

At this moment, a shout came from outside the door.

It can be heard that the owner of the voice is coming quickly.

Bai Xing heard the words, glanced at Qing Yun, stretched out his hand to grab Qing Yun, and said with deep apology:


Qingyun used his Observation Haki to read Baixing's mind and knew that Baixing did this to save him.

He didn't want to conflict with the people of Ryugu Castle, so he didn't dodge and let Baixing grab him in his palm and hide him behind his back.

Soon, a team of soldiers appeared outside the door.

"Princess Shirahoshi, are you okay?"

"Are you not injured?"

The leader immediately asked Bai Xing with concern.

He had just seen a huge axe flying towards the Hard Shell Tower, and guessed that Vander Decken had attacked Bai Xing again, so he immediately brought people over.


Bai Xing said with certainty.

However, because of the 'Golden House Hidden Beauty', she couldn't help but get a little nervous and couldn't help but hold Qingyun tightly.

Fortunately, Qingyun was strong and didn't get hurt by Bai Xing's grip.

"I just heard Princess Shirahoshi burst into tears. I was very worried."

"Are you really okay?" the guard chief asked with concern.

"I am okay"

"Just now……"

Bai Xing's brain was working rapidly, and he smiled awkwardly and solemnly:

"I just had a nightmare"

"I'm glad you're okay."

The guard leader looked at the fallen axe and the pet shark lying on the ground, and remembered that the gate had been opened before they came. He then asked Bai Xing curiously and concernedly:

"Princess Shirahoshi, why is the door open?"

"Why was Vanderdecken's weapon not stuck in the door but on the ground?"

"Why did Mekaro fall to the ground?"

The guard leader was not interrogating Shirahoshi, but wanted to find out all this to ensure Shirahoshi's safety.


Bai Xing started brainstorming again.

After a while, she explained again clearly:

"This is because Mekaro was hungry and wanted to go out to find food, so he opened the door."

"Unexpectedly, just as Mekaro opened the door, Vanderdecken's weapon flew over."

"Mekaro was hit by the axe and fell to the ground with the axe."

""I see."

The guards suddenly understood.

This reason is too far-fetched, isn't it?

The key is that these guards actually believed it?

Qingyun in Bai Xing's hand couldn't help but complain in his heart when he heard this.

"Is Mercaro okay?"

"Should we call a doctor to check it out?" the guard captain asked.

"It's okay. It's okay."

"Mekaro, it just needs a rest."

Shirahoshi said quickly.


The guard chief was a little skeptical:

"Princess Shirahoshi, you look a little different than usual?"

"Right Minister, the time is almost up."

At this moment, a guard came to the captain of the guards and showed him a timer.

"It’s almost five minutes already!"

The guard was shocked and said goodbye to Bai Xing immediately:

"In that case, we'll take our leave."

As soon as the words fell, the guards retreated and closed the big iron door together.

"Lock it up for me."


Bai Xing looked at the locked iron door and felt helpless.

She was not too sad. She immediately held Qingyun in front of her and said sincerely:

"Thank you so much just now"

"I am so sorry, I hope you can forgive me.

Qingyun smiled awkwardly:

"You are welcome"

"I guess the reason you were almost hit by the giant axe just now was because I opened the big iron gate."

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