"During these eight years, weapons were constantly thrown at Princess Shirahoshi."

"A man who wanted to kill Princess Shirahoshi countless times actually had the audacity to propose to her?"

"There is a limit to joking, Vanderdecken"

"Because of you, Princess Shirahoshi has been suffering from the fear of death for the past eight years."

"How dare you propose to Princess Shirahoshi?"

The people around couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but speak up for Shirahoshi.


Hearing Vander Decken being so crazy, Nami and the others couldn't help but complain.

"Answer me quickly, White Star"

"It must be 'yes', right?"

""Oh, ho, ho."

However, Vander Decken ignored everyone's words, stared at Shirahoshi, and asked again


Bai Xing plucked up her courage and opened her sweet lips


"Is that 'yes'?"

Vanderdecken asked eagerly.

"You are not my type!"

Bai Xing opened his voice and shouted at Vanderdecken.


Vander Decken was shocked to hear Shirahoshi's answer.

He was very confident in his appearance and thought that Shirahoshi rejected him at first because he was too young.

He never thought that Shirahoshi would use this reason to reject him.

"Is that the question?"

Except Qingyun, everyone was shocked.

They never thought that Shirahoshi would use this reason to reject Vander Decken.

However, Nami and the others, as well as the female fishmen and mermaids, looked closely and saw Vander Decken's expression, and they couldn't help but agree:

"He's so ugly and so perverted. If it were me, I wouldn't like him either."

However, Vanderdecken didn't want to find the reason from himself. He turned his grief into anger and became ferocious, staring at Bai Xing with wide eyes:

"How dare you, man, trample on my eight years of longing like this?"

"Who do you like?"

"For you who have no feelings for me, life is simply an eyesore."

Vanderdecken said as he took out two axes engraved with red roses:

"Go to hell, White Star"

"Run away quickly, Princess Shirahoshi, we will help you stop him."

People around came to Shirahoshi, trying to buy time for her to escape.

"Bai Xing, there is no need to run away, I will protect you."

At this moment, Qing Yun looked at the attacking Vander Decken and said to Bai Xing calmly

""Lord Qingyun."

Hearing this, Shirahoshi felt particularly relieved and gave up the idea of running away.

Nami and the others were not surprised at all.

"What nonsense are you talking about?��?"

"The pirates' words are unbelievable."

"You are actually in the same group with Vander Decken, right?"

The people around didn't believe Qingyun's words at all.

After all, most of the pirates who came to Fishman Island would try their best to capture the mermaids of Fishman Island and sell them to the human world above the deep sea.

Qingyun was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people. He directly summoned the Sandai Kitetsu. His eyes became grim and terrifying when he looked at Vander Decken. At the same time, he enchanted the Sandai Kitetsu with the ability of the Ice Fruit.

Ice Slash!

Qingyun didn't say much, and swung his sword directly at Vander Decken.


The next moment, a powerful sword energy was formed, and it attacked Vander Decken at a rapid speed with a devastating force.

Vander Decken saw that the situation was not good, and immediately jumped up, brushing past the sword energy swung by Qingyun.


The huge coral under Vander Decken's feet was directly cut by Qingyun's sword Chop it to pieces.

Not only that, but the chopped corals were also directly frozen.

Although Vander Decken was not hit directly by the sword energy, his legs were still frozen into ice by the terrifying cold air.

Ice slash!


Qingyun did not give Vander Decken a chance to breathe, and then swung his sword at Vander Decken. The powerful sword energy was formed again in an instant, and it quickly attacked Vander Decken in the air.

This time, Vander Decken could not use the force to dodge, and could only lift the two axes to his chest to dodge.



However, Vander Decken could not block Qingyun's sword energy at all, and was directly cut into two halves by Qingyun along with the two axes.

The broken axe and Vander Decken's body were directly frozen into an ice sculpture.

Vander Decken died on the spot

【The host kills Vanderdecken, and his physical fitness increases by 41... and he gains the ability of the Target Target Fruit, as well as the Target Target Fruit.……】

The next moment, Qing Yun had the Target Target Fruit in his hand, and at the same time, he also mastered the ability of the Target Target Fruit, to the same degree as Vander Decken.

Qing Yun smiled slightly and put away the Target Target Fruit and the Sandai Kitetsu.

"Seconds...killed in seconds!"

"Is this the strength of the future Pirate King, Qingyun?!"

Looking at Vander Decken's body frozen into an ice sculpture, everyone present, except Nami and the others, was shocked and stunned.

Vander Decken's strength is very strong among the fishmen.

That's why Neptune and the others had no way to deal with Vander Decken and could only watch Vander Decken torture Shirahoshi.


"Useless guy"

"As expected, I can't count on him."

Hody Jones, who was hiding in the dark not far away, looked at Vander Decken's body and cursed in a low voice.

He was an extreme racist who intended to seize the sovereignty of Fishman Island from King Neptune of the Dragon Palace, and had been planning in secret.

But because he had witnessed with his own eyes that six-year-old Shirahoshi had the ability to summon sea kings, Hody Jones was quite afraid of Shirahoshi.

He originally planned to wait until he had accumulated enough power, and then join forces with Vander Decken, and use Vander Decken's love for Shirahoshi to let Vander Decken help him get rid of Shirahoshi.

���I didn't expect that Vander Decken would kill Bai Xing himself today.

I didn't expect that Vander Decken would be killed instantly by Qing Yun.

"It seems that I can only find a chance to assassinate Shirahoshi in the future."

Hodi Jones wanted to assassinate Shirahoshi right now, but after seeing Qingyun's strength with his own eyes, he was still afraid and did not dare to act rashly.


Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Hodi Jones, which surprised Hodi Jones. He was shocked and confused.

Because the person who came was none other than Qingyun.



Before Hody Jones could react, Qingyun grabbed Hody Jones' neck and punched him in the abdomen, causing Hody Jones to see stars and look ferocious.

Then, Qingyun threw Hody Jones in front of Bai Xing like throwing a chicken.

He also came to Bai Xing and stepped on Hody Jones' head.

Everyone was attracted by the sound and looked towards Qingyun and Hody Jones.

"Hody Jones!"

Seeing Hody Jones, Shirahoshi and other mermaids all recognized him.

Because Hody Jones was once a very outstanding soldier of the Ryugu Kingdom, and was once the vice-captain of the Fish-Man Pirates, and a capable general of Sea Knight Jinbei.

The reason why I say"once" is because he is an extreme racist and was fired by Neptune and Jinbei.

However, the more important reason why Shirahoshi knew Hody Jones was because she knew that Hody Jones was the real murderer who killed Otohime.

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