Why did Qingyun treat the fishman like this?

The Nami girls didn't know Hodi Jones. They looked at Qingyun curiously as he stepped on Hodi Jones's head, but they didn't try to dissuade Qingyun from doing so.

Because they believed that Qingyun had to attack Hodi Jones because he had to do so.

But they also knew that if Qingyun didn't want to tell them, it would be useless for them to ask.

"What are you doing?"

"Hurry up and release Hodi Jones."

Almost all the fishmen present, except Shirahoshi, were filled with resentment and spoke up for Hodi Jones.

Because except Shirahoshi and Qingyun, no one here knew that the reason why Otohime was assassinated by pirates was because the pirate was forced by Hodi Jones.

And the reason why Shirahoshi knew it was because her pet shark happened to see it.

But in order to abide by Otohime's last words"don't hate the murderer", Shirahoshi has not mentioned this to anyone on Fishman Island in the past eight years.

Although Hodi Jones is an extreme racist, he is also a fishman. The fishmen who don't know the truth can't stand watching... They watched with their eyes wide open as Qingyun dealt with Hodie Jones without saying a word.

However, having just witnessed Qingyun's terrifying strength, no one dared to step forward to stop Qingyun.

Why did Lord Qingyun attack Hodie Jones?

Bai Xing believed that Qingyun would not attack Hodie Jones for no reason, but she was puzzled and did not think about the fact that Qingyun knew about what happened that year.

After all, she had not mentioned it to Qingyun yet.

Hodie Jones' face was full of anger, and he wanted to break free and stand up, and rub Qingyun to the ground.

But at this time, he had been severely injured by Qingyun's punch, and was completely unable to struggle, feeling very helpless.

"Did you see it?"

"This is how humans treat us fish people"

"We fishmen simply cannot coexist with humans."

Holding back the pain, Hoddy Jones had no choice but to fan the flames, trying to increase the rift between humans and the fishmen.

"You should release Hodi Jones quickly, or we will not be polite to you."

The fishmen raised their weapons one after another, but no one dared to rush forward, as they were all afraid of Qingyun.

"Stop it."

Suddenly, a voice came

""Boss Jinbei!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw that it was Jinbei who had brought the leaders of the Fishman Pirates. The fishmen seemed to have seen hope and were instantly very happy.

Many of these leaders of the Fishman Pirates were the leaders of the new Fishman Pirates to be established by Hodi Jones in the future.

"Did you know that this is the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors?"

"If you mess around here, it's the equivalent of declaring war on Whitebeard."

Jinbei saw Qingyun stepping on Hody Jones, and knowing what Qingyun had done recently and Qingyun's terrifying strength, he didn't dare to act rashly, but said solemnly, trying to use Whitebeard to suppress Qingyun.

Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world.

If Nami in the original work heard that her pirate group was going to be an enemy of the Whitebeard Pirates, she would have been scared and started to perform facial expressions.

But now, she didn't feel the slightest fear. She even wanted to have a big fight with the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates, or even Whitebeard himself.


Qingyun said with disdain:

"Declare war on Whitebeard?"

"Just what I want."



As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun raised the foot that was stepping on Hody Jones, and then stepped heavily on Hody Jones' arm, breaking Hody Jones' arm directly, causing Hody Jones to scream in pain, and his face became even more hideous.

Nami and the others were not surprised at Qingyun's words and deeds.

After all, if Qingyun was not so fearless, arrogant, and self-centered, he would not be the Qingyun they knew and liked.

They were not afraid at all because Qingyun was going to be an enemy of Whitebeard.

The fishmen were all shocked.

But except for Shirahoshi, almost all the other fishmen knew what Qingyun had done recently and his terrifying strength, and felt that Qingyun was not arrogant.

"Lord Qingyun!"

However, Bai Xing didn't know Qingyun yet, but she knew Whitebeard, so she was a little worried about Qingyun.

"You guy……"

"Don't move, or I'll crush his fish head."

Jinbei was a man of justice. Although Hodi Jones was no longer his younger brother, he still wanted to rush up to save Hodi Jones.

However, before Jinbei finished speaking, Qingyun threatened him coldly.

Hearing Qingyun's words and seeing Qingyun step on Hodi Jones' head again, Jinbei was very angry, but he was also very helpless. He could only ask:

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"I just want to help Shirahoshi avenge her mother's murder."

Qingyun didn't pretend to be mysterious this time, but said it directly and affirmatively.

He did this not to become a hero of Fishman Island, but to win Shirahoshi's heart.

After all, Shirahoshi is so cute, he can't bear to use tough measures against Shirahoshi.

"Help Bai Xing to avenge her mother's death?"

Hearing this, everyone present except Hodi Jones and Bai Xing was shocked.

How did this guy, Lord Qingyun, know this?

Bai Xing and Hodi Jones were very surprised and curious about how Qingyun knew the truth.

In addition to being surprised, Bai Xing was also very moved and couldn't help but like Qingyun a little.

Because Qingyun not only saved her three times, but also took her to the Sea Forest to worship her mother, said that he would help her resurrect her mother, and helped her kill Vander Decken who had been plotting against her, and now he wants to help her get revenge.

"The one who killed Queen Otohime was a human pirate, so what does Hodi have to do with it?" Jinbei and other fishmen were extremely confused.

So that's it!

It seems that Hodi Jones must be the mastermind behind the scenes, right?

Nami and the others guessed the truth of the matter based on what Qingyun and Jinbei said.

"The pirate who killed Shirahoshi's mother was instigated by Hodi.

Qingyun said firmly.


Jinbei and the others were all shocked when they heard this.

Although they knew that Hody Jones was an extreme racist, they never thought that Hody Jones would be so crazy.

They felt a little unbelievable.

"As expected."

Nami and the others were not surprised.

Shirahoshi and Hodi Jones were even more curious.


"How could I allow pirates to assassinate Queen Otohime?"

"You are slandering me!"

Hodi Jones did not want to die, and did not want the fishmen to reconcile with humans, so he immediately retorted loudly:

"Since you say I'm the mastermind, then show me the evidence."

"Do you have any evidence?"

After hearing what Hoddy Jones said, everyone looked at Qingyun.

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