
Qingyun smiled:

"My words are the evidence"


All the fishmen were speechless.

Because according to what Qingyun said, then no matter what he said, it was true.

Only Nami and the others who knew Qingyun believed in him unconditionally.


"Doesn't that mean whatever you say is what it is?"

"No evidence means no evidence"

"You are slandering me"

"You just want to kill me, and you also want to wantonly play with and trample on our fish people.……"

"I can prove that what Lord Qingyun said is true."

Hodi Jones immediately fanned the flames, trying to intensify the conflict between the fishmen and humans, and let Jinbei and others rescue him.

But before Hodi Jones finished speaking, Shirahoshi on the side suddenly said with certainty.

Although Shirahoshi had concealed the truth for eight years because of Otohime's last words, and had endured it alone for eight years, she even wanted to continue concealing it and continue to endure it alone.

But when she saw Qingyun, who was very good to her and even wanted to avenge her mother's murder, being said so badly by Hodi Jones, she couldn't bear it and chose to tell the truth.

If she was said like this, she wouldn't care.

But if her benefactor was said like this, she would never accept it.

She believed that Otohime would definitely understand her.


Everyone was shocked when they heard what Shirahoshi said.

They never thought that Shirahoshi actually knew about it.

After all, this kind of thing cannot be seen in the light, and it is impossible for Hody Jones to find human pirates to assassinate Otohime under Shirahoshi's nose.

They were also very curious. Since Shirahoshi knew that Hody Jones was the mastermind behind the scenes, why didn't he say it out.

Qingyun couldn't help but be shocked.

He didn't want Shirahoshi to tell it, but planned to kill Hody Jones directly, and then directly capture Shirahoshi, Lady Charlie and Cami on the side.

Because he didn't want to be a hero of Fishman Island, but wanted to capture Shirahoshi's heart.

But seeing that Shirahoshi actually chose to take the initiative to tell the truth in order to prove his words, Qingyun was still very happy.

As for the people of Fishman Island, it doesn't matter if they believe it or not and regard him as a big villain.

"A few years after my mother was assassinated, Mekaro, who had witnessed Hodi threatening human pirates and asking them to assassinate my mother, told me about it."

"But my mother had specifically told us not to hate the murderer, so I didn't tell anyone, and I told Mekaro not to tell anyone either."

Shirahoshi continued with great certainty, her voice gradually sobbing, tears welling up in her eyes

"So that's how it is!"

"Princess Shirahoshi is exactly like Queen Otohime, she is so kind!"

Hearing this, everyone present was moved and their eyes welled up with tears.

Because they could imagine how hard it had been for Shirahoshi over the years.

If it were them, they would definitely not be able to do the same as Shirahoshi.


In order to prevent Hody Jones from continuing to be stubborn and asking for evidence, which would irritate Shirahoshi, Qingyun stomped on Hody Jones's head, causing it to explode and die on the spot.

【Host Kill……】


"That's enough, Shirahoshi."

Qingyun used the power of the Expansion Fruit to enlarge his body, to a degree that was slightly larger than Shirahoshi.

Then he directly hugged Shirahoshi into his arms, hugged her tightly, and said softly:

"That's enough, you don't have to say anymore"

""It's getting...bigger!"

Seeing Qingyun suddenly grow bigger, everyone present, including Nami and the others, were shocked.

This was the first time Qingyun used the power of the Expansion Fruit to enlarge his body.

It was also the first time Nami and the others saw it.

"Woo wahaha~~"

Although she was shocked by Qingyun's sudden growth, Bai Xing snuggled in Qingyun's arms, feeling the tenderness of Qingyun's chest and words, she couldn't help crying, and her huge tears directly wet Qingyun's clothes.

"do not Cry"

"I will take you to see the world above the deep sea."

Qingyun said gently.

As soon as he finished speaking, he called out the Sea King.


Everyone present, except Qingyun and Nami, was shocked when they saw the huge Poseidon suddenly appear in the sky. It's not that they haven't seen such a big ship before. But they have never seen anyone summon such a big ship at will.

Then, Qingyun didn't wait for Shirahoshi to answer, and directly picked up Shirahoshi in a princess hug, smiling and saying to Shirahoshi:

"Let's go."

Then, Qingyun looked at Nami and the others and said with a smile:

"Let's go."

After saying that, Qingyun took Baixing and jumped up to the Sea King in the air.


At this moment, Mrs. Shirley and Cami on the side suddenly screamed.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, only to see that they had been tied up by two iron bars at some point.

Looking along the iron bars, they saw that they were extending from Qingyun's feet.

Soon, Shirahoshi, Mrs. Shirley and Cami were all taken to the ship by Qingyun before they could react.

The Poseidon was a giant ship. Although Shirahoshi was very big, her current height was only 15 feet (11.87 meters in the original book two years later). The Poseidon could fully accommodate Shirahoshi.

Nami and the others were not surprised by this, and followed back to the Poseidon.

Immediately, Qingyun controlled the Poseidon and flew towards the new world.

"Lord Qingyun, although I really want to go to the sea world and I am very grateful that you are willing to take me there, I must first obtain the consent of my father.

Bai Xing lay in Qingyun's arms, looking into Qingyun's eyes, and said seriously.

"You...what do you want to do by arresting us?"

"Do you want to sell us as slaves?"

Kami was so frightened that she couldn't help but lean on Mrs. Xia Li beside her and asked Qingyun tremblingly.

She never thought that she was just watching the show, but she was tied up by Qingyun without anyone noticing and taken to the boat.

Mrs. Xia Li also looked at Qingyun anxiously. She didn't expect that she would be caught by Qingyun.

Qingyun smiled evilly:

"My boat can only be boarded, not disembarked"

"Qingyun, quickly return Shirahoshi, Lady Shirley, and the mermaid girl."

After realizing what was happening, Neptune immediately shouted at Qingyun anxiously.

He wanted to rush over to save Shirahoshi, Lady Shirley, and Kami, but he was still tightly chained by the chains he and the fish soldiers brought, so he couldn't rush over to save Shirahoshi and the others.

"Damn pirates, quickly release Princess Shirahoshi, Lady Shirley, and Camie."

The residents of Fishman Island chased after the Poseidon, wanting to rescue Shirahoshi, Lady Shirley, and Camie.

Jinbei immediately chased after them with the leaders of the Fishman Pirates.

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