"So she is Madam Shirley."

After knowing Madam Shirley's name and guessing her identity, Nami and the others had no sympathy for her at all, and even wanted Qingyun to punish her.

Who made Madam Shirley say that Qingyun and his gang would bring destruction to Fishman Island? This caused them to be targeted by the people of Fishman Island, and they didn't even have time to go shopping properly.

"Sister Keya, what is baptism?"

"What is Qingyun doing with Madam Xia Li?"

"And, and, why didn't he let you take us closer to that room?"

Kemi opened his eyes wide with curiosity and asked Keya.

Bai Xing also looked at Keya curiously.


Kaya was speechless for a moment.

Obviously, Shirahoshi and Kemi were both young girls who had never experienced the world, so it was really hard for her to speak.

"You will know later."

"Let's take you to the swimming pool first."

"The swimming pool of our Sea King is very big. Even Shirahoshi can swim in it."

Kaya had no choice but to change the subject.

""Okay, okay."

Shirahoshi and Kami agreed happily.

They had never been on such a big spaceship before.

Baptism needs no further explanation.

As for that room, it was not Qingyun's room.

It was a huge room on the Sea King, with a door that was six meters high.

There were several other rooms like this, one of which had a door that was twelve meters high.

Obviously, these rooms were too big for Nami and the others, and were not suitable for them to live in.

Instead, they were suitable for big beauties to live in.

These rooms were tailor-made for Shirahoshi and the others by the system.

Click! Click!

Suddenly, Qingyun came in front of the girls again.

To be precise, it should be in front of Robin.

At this time, Qingyun had returned to his normal size.

As for Mrs. Shirley, she was tied up by Qingyun with an iron cage.

Qingyun smiled at Robin:

"I almost forgot, there is a historical text on Fishman Island. Let me take you to see it."


Robin was overjoyed and nodded with a smile.


Nami and the others were somewhat curious about this, but they were not particularly interested.

After all, they could not understand the words on the historical text.

""Master Qingyun, how did you know that there is a historical text on our Fishman Island?"

Bai Xing was very surprised.

Because the only one who knew that there was a historical text on Fishman Island was the royal family of Ryugu City.

Qingyun smiled at Bai Xing:


Kacha! Kacha!

Then, Qingyun picked up Robin in a princess hug, then transformed into thunder and lightning, and took Robin back to Mermaid Island.

"Does Lord Qingyun hate me?"

Unlike Nami and the others, Shirahoshi was somewhat shocked by Qingyun's secret.

Nami and the others were very surprised by this.

"Impossible, impossible."

Nami immediately came to Shirahoshi and said with certainty:

"Qingyun has always been like this"

"He knows almost everything, but no matter how we ask, he won't tell us."

"So that's it."

After hearing this, Shirahoshi finally felt relieved.

Soon, Qingyun took Robin to the main text of Fishman Island's history based on what he had read from Shirahoshi's memory.

Robin immediately couldn't wait to read it.

After reading it, Robin was very surprised:

"This historical text is completely different from the historical texts I have read before."

"The previous records were basically intelligence."

"But this record is a confession."

"The person who wrote this confession is called Joey Boy."

Robin said as he looked at Qingyun with curiosity.

"Not bad."

Qingyun nodded affirmatively, then smiled slightly:

"Although I know everything you want to know, do you really want me to say it?"

Robin thought for a moment, then shook his head and said affirmatively:

"I want to witness it myself."

Qingyun picked up Robin in a princess hug and said with a smile:

"But I think I can tell you this information."

"That is, Fishman Island originally had a red historical text"


Robin immediately became interested:

"So where is it now?"

"I'm not sure about this either, we have to find it together."

Qingyun said with a smile


Robin nodded.

Click! Click!

Immediately, Qingyun took Robin back to the Sea King at a high speed.

After returning to the Sea King, Qingyun asked Robin to go with Nami and the others, and he returned to the room where Lady Shirley was.

Lady Shirley, who was tied up in the room with iron bars, saw Qingyun coming back. She had not yet broken free from the iron bars, and she became nervous again, but felt very helpless.

After Qingyun closed and locked the door, he did not rush.

He first withdrew the iron bars that bound Lady Shirley, and at the same time used the ability of the expansion fruit again to make his body huge. He then sat on the big sofa and looked at Lady Shirley with a smile.

Lady Shirley knew that she could not escape from Qingyun's eyes, so she had to curl up on the bed and stare at Qingyun with great vigilance.

Although Shirley did not reject humans, she even encouraged the children of Fishman Island to see what humans looked like in person instead of listening to others.

But she still couldn't accept being with Qingyun, whom she had just met and even kidnapped her.

"Very good."

Seeing Madam Xia Li's expression, Qing Yun was not angry but happy.

However, he did not say any more nonsense, and directly threatened Madam Xia Li with a smile:

"Although your prediction is wrong, if you are unwilling to cooperate with me, I don't mind making your prediction come true."

Qingyun said as he opened his legs towards Madam Xia Li.

Although Madam Xia Li was still naive, she could still hear the implication of Qingyun's words. She immediately felt extremely angry and couldn't help but grin, revealing her fangs.

Her eyes also became fierce. Looking closely, it seemed that she was still blazing with anger, and there seemed to be a terrifying purple air rising from her body.

She did not doubt Qingyun's words.

After all, Qingyun was a person who dared to kill even the Tianlong people and even dared to break into the underwater prison, and he could still be safe and sound.

Destroying a Fishman Island is not a piece of cake, right?

Madam Xia Li now finally knew that the reason why Qingyun had not brought destruction to Fishman Island as she predicted was because she had not rejected Qingyun yet.

She felt very helpless.

She didn't want to be with Qingyun... but she didn't want Fishman Island to be destroyed.


Seeing Mrs. Xia Li's tangled look, Qingyun started counting down.

"I can help you...but...I have to wait until you make me like you."

Mrs. Shirley said helplessly.


Ignoring Mrs. Xia Li's words, Qing Yun continued to count down.

"Can't you let me like you first?"

Mrs. Xia Li was anxious.


Qingyun stood up, his eyes became grim, and he walked directly outside.

"I'll help you"

"I'll help you."

Madam Xia Li said hurriedly.

However, Qingyun did not stop.

Madam Xia Li quickly chased Qingyun, stopped talking nonsense, and started to help Qingyun...

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