Half an hour later

"Oops, that's a bit too..."

Qingyun looked at Xia Li, who had fallen into a deep sleep and looked haggard, and felt a bit embarrassed.

There was nothing he could do.

This was the first time Qingyun taught the fishman to practice shooting, and he was a bit too excited.

"Forget it, let Xia Li have a good rest first"

"You have to be more careful next time."

Suddenly, Qingyun's face changed.

He first covered Mrs. Xia Li with a blanket, then quickly put on his clothes and walked outside.

Qingyun came to the deck and stood quietly at the bow.

It was so fast!

It seems that Xia Li has suffered a lot!

Nami and the others noticed Qingyun and realized that Xia Li must have fallen asleep due to Qingyun's high-pressure training.

"Lord Qingyun, have you completed the baptism of Madam Xia Li?"

"Where is Madam Xia Li?"

Bai Xing didn't know that the baptism Qing Yun was talking about was to teach shooting skills. She came to Qing Yun with a sweet smile and asked curiously.

Kami also looked at Qing Yun curiously, but she didn't dare to get close to Qing Yun.


Qingyun smiled slightly and nodded at Bai Xing:

"Xia Li was a little tired and had fallen asleep.

Bai Xing and Kemi suddenly became more curious:

"What kind of baptism could make Mrs. Shirley so tired that she fell asleep?"

"There are many people on it"

"And they want to attack us."

At this moment, Aisha's face changed, and she looked up at the sea with vigilance.

Hearing this, the other girls raised their heads and looked at the sea.

Across the sea, the girls could vaguely see many small black dots on the sea.

As the Sea King got closer and closer to the sea, these small black dots became larger and larger. It could be seen that they were large ships.

"Who are they?"

Shirahoshi and Camie, who had never been to the New World or even Fishman Island, suddenly panicked.

"Don't be afraid, I will definitely protect you."

Qingyun smiled at Bai Xing and Kemi.

Bai Xing and Kemi immediately felt relieved.

"Get ready for battle, we will float up directly."

Qingyun then ordered.


Hearing this, Nami and the others prepared for battle.

At the same time, on the sea, the guns of the pirate guerrillas were all aimed at the rising Poseidon.

The leader was the former admiral, Zephyr the Black-armed, who hated the navy very much and was the founder and leader of the future NEO Navy.

However, the navy has not yet allowed Edward Weible, the pirate who cut off Zephyr's arm, to join the navy and become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Therefore, Zephyr has not yet had strong doubts and distrust of the navy, and has not resolutely withdrawn from the navy to establish the"NEO Navy" with the goal of annihilating pirates all over the world.

Instead, he formed this pirate guerrilla team by himself, squatting at the entrance of the new world, eliminating Destroy the pirates who came to the New World from Fishman Island.

Zephyr heard that his two most proud students, Akainu and Aokiji, were killed by Aokiji, and he was very angry with Aokiji, and he hated pirates even more.

He knew that Sengoku and others were now waiting in the Sabaody Archipelago to deal with Aokiji.

He wanted to help, and wanted to kill Aokiji himself to avenge Akainu and Aokiji.

However, Sengoku knew that although Zephyr now had a mechanical arm"crusher" equipped with seastone, Zephyr's body was not as good as before and needed drugs to maintain his body. He was completely unsuitable for fighting, so he declined Zephyr.

In desperation, Zephyr had to continue to lead the pirate guerrillas he established, desperately destroying the navy that had just landed in the New World.


"See clearly"

"The pirate ship coming up from below is the pirate ship of Qingyun's group.

An observer ran to Zefa anxiously and reported to him nervously:

""The pirate ship of Qingyun's gang!"

Upon hearing this, everyone except Zefa's face changed drastically.

They all learned about Qingyun's strength and what he did from the World Government's bounty order and the news in the newspapers.

They knew that Qingyun's gang was not only crazier than the Four Emperors, but might even be stronger than the Four Emperors.

Because even the Four Emperors did not dare to kill the Celestial Dragons indiscriminately, let alone break into the underwater prison like Qingyun, kill Magellan and Shiryu, and kill all the criminals on the sixth floor.

They knew that although their pirate guerrillas were numerous, except for Zefa, they only had the strength of two cadres.

They could not be the opponent of Qingyun's gang at all.


"I never thought that I would meet Qingyun's group."

Zefa was not panicked at all, but very excited.

Because he knew that he was already in his twilight years. If he didn't burn the last of his life, he would be old and wounded, and become a useless old man.

He knew that he would be dead if he faced Qingyun's group.

But dying on the battlefield was also a kind of honor for him.

"You all go."

"Compared to Qingyun and his gang, you are all too weak. Staying here will only hinder me."

"I will personally avenge Sakaski and Kuzan."

Zeffa ordered loudly.

Although he wanted to die on the battlefield, he knew that others could not do so.

Because they were still very young and had a lot of room for growth, they could not die here with him.

""Teacher Zefa!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but burst into tears.

They all knew that Zefa didn't dislike them for being too weak, but he didn't want them to die on the sea with him, facing a group of enemies that he couldn't defeat at all.

"I do not go"

"I want to fight alongside Teacher Zefa"

"This is the oath I made when I joined the Pirate Guerrilla"

"I want to share life and death with Master Zefa."

Ian, who was loyal to Zefa, stood up straight and said firmly.

"I won't leave either."

"We won't leave."

The others immediately followed suit.

Everyone had a fearless look on their faces.

They had already prepared to fight the pirates to death before joining the pirate guerrillas or even the navy, so it was impossible for them to retreat at this time.

Zefa was very moved and even more proud.

Because none of the students he taught were afraid of death.

He was also very helpless.

Because although he didn't want these young students to die here with him, he knew that he couldn't drive them away in a short time.

And Qingyun's group was about to come up


Zefa made up his mind and decided to lead these students to fight Qingyun and his gang:

"Full ship bombardment preparation"


Everyone smiled.

The gunners of each ship once again aimed their guns at the rising Neptune, lit torches, and prepared to fire.

The others were ready for battle.

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