"You are making far-fetched arguments."

"Because what you said is just an example."

"Most of our navy is absolutely just, and they are constantly working to capture the most vicious pirates, even at the cost of their lives."

Just when Zefa was unable to refute what Qingyun and Nami said, Ian, who was standing next to Zefa, couldn't help but speak.

"And what about you pirates?"

"Most of you pirates will burn, kill, rob and abuse, and many of you pirates even enjoy doing so."

"So our navy……"

"So there is actually not much difference between us pirates and you navy."

Just as Ian was about to say his conclusion, that the navy is righteous and the pirates are evil, Qingyun suddenly interrupted and interrupted Ian:

"The biggest difference between us is that there are more bad pirates and fewer good ones."

"Your navy has more good ones and fewer bad ones."

"The best among us pirates are no worse than those in your navy."

"For example, there are many people who can live happily under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates."

"But the bad guys in your navy are worse than our most vicious pirates."

"For example, the highest level of your navy, the Celestial Dragons"

"Many of them are evil, even robbing women in broad daylight."

"Big as launching the Demon Killing Order, destroying O'Hara, countless"

"To put it bluntly, your navy appears to be the embodiment of justice."

"But in reality, he is just a running dog of the Celestial Dragons."

"If the Tianlong people tell you to go east, you will never dare to go west."

"Qingyun is right"

"You navy are the evil ones."

Nami and the others agreed with Qingyun's words.

On the other hand, Zefa and Ain were angry about Qingyun saying that they were the running dogs of the Celestial Dragons. They were so angry that they were all fuming, but they could not refute Qingyun at all.

Because Qingyun was right.

"So in this world, the so-called navy and pirates are just titles of positions."

"If we insist that the navy represents absolute justice and pirates represent absolute evil,"

"The pirates refer to all those who do evil and hurt others wantonly."

"The Navy is about those who are dedicated to fighting criminals, maintaining peace, and protecting others."

"We dare not say that we are good people, but we are not really bad people either."

"But we have a common goal, which is to overthrow the rule of the Celestial Dragons, eliminate all the pirate groups, and build a new peaceful world."

"In this regard, whether it is Gion or Tina, as well as Tashigi, Jessica, Kalifa, Domino, and Little Sadie, they have not betrayed the navy, and can even be said to have become true navy."

Qingyun continued righteously.

Hearing this, Tashigi, Jessica, Taotu, Tina, Kalifa, Domino and Little Sadie were all very moved, and couldn't help but smile and feel very happy.

Because they knew that Qingyun, who usually didn't bother to talk nonsense with the enemy and killed them instantly, actually argued with Zefa and others today for the first time, just to untie their knots.

"Qingyun is absolutely right."

Nami and the others echoed.

Justice represents the height of morality.

The higher the moral height, the more stable the confidence, and the harder it is for others to point fingers at you.

Now that Qingyun said this, they are standing on the moral high ground, how could they not be happy?

For example, Tashigi and the others were more or less ashamed, and even ashamed to face Zefa.

But now, they all raised their heads and chests, without feeling the slightest bit of shame, but even a little proud.

Zefa and the others still couldn't refute Qingyun at all.

Because what Qingyun said did make sense.


"I didn't expect that you are not only powerful and domineering, but also so eloquent that you can even say white is black and black is white."

"No wonder you were able to get Gion and Momosagi to follow you."

Zefa couldn't help but sigh.

"I am just telling the truth."

Qingyun smiled proudly:

"But I am really good at talking."

"If I dare to claim to be second, no one in the world would dare to claim to be first, not even the giants."


"What does it have to do with the giants?"

Aisha and Bonnie, as well as Shirahoshi and Camie, and Zefa, were all speechless when they heard this.

Because they had never personally experienced Qingyun's skills in talking, and they could not hear the hidden meaning of Qingyun's words at all.

On the other hand, Nami and the others almost heard the hidden meaning of Qingyun in an instant, and their pretty faces couldn't help but blush, and they couldn't help but complain in their hearts: damn ghost!

So frivolous!

I finally see you serious for once, and immediately your true colors are exposed!

If it were before, Nami and the others would not know why Qingyun said that even the giants would not be allowed.

But now, they have just seen Qingyun use the ability of the expansion fruit to urinate and defecate anywhere, so they know why Qingyun said that even the giants would not be allowed.

Qingyun smiled at Ain, and his eyes became like a wolf:

"You will know immediately"

"I'm not interested in knowing."

Seeing Qingyun's aggressive eyes, Ai En couldn't help but tremble, her anus tightened, and she felt very scared and disgusted, and immediately said angrily

"This is not up to you."

Qingyun said coldly, his eyes became fierce in an instant.

Crack! Crack! As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, Qingyun appeared in front of Ain.

Ain, who had not yet mastered the observation Haki, was frightened by Qingyun who suddenly appeared in front of him, and instinctively took a step back.

"Don't even think about it!"

At the same time, although he was old and weak, Zefa, who had already mastered the Observation Haki, predicted Qingyun's actions and immediately swung his right mechanical giant arm and smashed it at Qingyun with all his strength.

Qingyun mastered a much more advanced Observation Haki than Zefa, so he could naturally predict Zefa's attack.

He did not dodge or evade, but raised his hand slowly.


Zefa's attack was easily blocked by Qingyun.

Zefa was a little surprised.

Because although he was already old and not as powerful and flexible as before, he had been specially rebuilt in order to lead the pirate guerrillas, and his strength was not much different from that in his heyday.

Zefa knew that Qingyun would definitely be able to block his attack, but he did not expect Qingyun to block it so easily.

"You're done."

However, Zefa's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a winner's smile:

"My mechanical arm is made of seastone, and it is the nemesis of you people with special abilities."

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