Ain and the others all smiled smugly after seeing this.

They all thought that after Qingyun touched the mechanical arm made of seastone, he would become like a deflated ball like other people with special abilities, and would no longer be able to resist.

"Really impatient!"

"It must be because of that beauty."

Nami and the others were not worried about Qingyun at all, but looked at Ai En with hostility and said

"Lord Qingyun!"


Only Shirahoshi and Kami were a little worried about Qingyun.

Because although Kami had also seen the bounty order and reports about Qingyun, Shirahoshi had just learned some things about Qingyun from Nami and the others.

But they didn't know that although Qingyun was a user of many devil fruits, he had never eaten any devil fruits from beginning to end, so he was not afraid of sea water or seastone.



Qingyun sneered, first strengthened his right hand with armed color domineering, then further strengthened it with domineering color domineering, and then squeezed hard, directly crushing the extremely hard mechanical arm made of seastone.

Zefa was shocked:

"How can this be?!"

"Aren't you a person with special abilities? How come you're not afraid of seastone?!"

"It even crushed the robotic arm made of seastone."

Ain and the others were also stunned with shock, staring at Qingyun in disbelief.

They had never seen a power user who was not afraid of seastone, let alone a power user who could break a mechanical arm made of seastone, even if that power user mastered three kinds of domineering.

Today's Qingyun is not only a power user of many kinds of devil fruits, but also has greatly improved his physical fitness and other aspects.

He is not afraid of seawater and seastone, so it is easy for him to crush seastone.

But Qingyun is naturally not stupid enough to tell his enemy his secrets.

He has been fighting with Zefa for a long time, and he doesn't want to say anything more to Zefa, he just wants to conquer Ain quickly.


So Qingyun didn't say much, just stared with his eyes, his eyes flashed red, and the terrifying, oppressive, dark red domineering domineering burst out from his body, sweeping towards Zefa and other pirate guerrillas except Ain.

In an instant, Zefa and others seemed to see Qingyun turned into a ghost from hell. The Shura demons who came up couldn't help but feel scared, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

What a powerful domineering domineering aura!

Zefa was shocked. He had never seen such a terrifying domineering aura before.

He knew that others would definitely not be able to resist it.

He wanted to help them resist it, but he couldn't.

Because he didn't have domineering domineering aura. It was already very difficult for him to resist it by himself.

Boom! Boom! Boom! -

In an instant, except for Zefa and his other right-hand man, Binz, who could barely hold on and not be shocked and fainted, the others rolled their eyes and fell to the ground one after another, fainting.

Some even foamed at the mouth.

Although Zefa didn't faint directly, his body couldn't help but tremble slightly with fear.

Binz was much worse than Zefa. He was already shocked to his knees.

Although Ain was not directly suppressed by Qingyun's domineering aura, he only felt the aftermath, but he was also deeply shocked. His back had already been wet and his delicate body kept shaking:

Demon... Devil!

"What a terrifying aura!"

Shirahoshi and Kami were also frightened.

This was still the aftermath, and this was with the help of Nami and the others.

If Nami and the others hadn't helped to resist, these two weak mermaids would have fainted.


Seeing that Zephyr didn't faint with the others, Qingyun still didn't say much nonsense. He directly strengthened his right hand with the armed color domineering, then wrapped it with the domineering color domineering, and then punched Zephyr directly. The seemingly light punch actually contained the power to split mountains and break seas.



Zefa had no way to avoid it, he couldn't dodge it, he used all his strength, strengthened his hands with the armed color domineering, and then swung his right fist with all his strength, smashing towards Qingyun.


The fists collided violently, but Zefa's strength was completely inferior to Qingyun's, and he was directly knocked away by Qingyun's punch.



Zefa directly broke the wall of the ship, and then fell heavily on the boat next door, falling to the ground unconscious.

""Teacher Zephyr!"

Seeing this, Ian and Binz looked at Zephyr with great worry.



Qingyun came to Binz quickly and knocked him unconscious with a punch before Binz could react.

The reason why Qingyun didn't kill Zephyr and Binz was the same as the reason why he didn't kill Smoker. The main reason was that he wanted to get Ian's true heart in the future.

The secondary reason was that he knew Zephyr was not a devil fruit user and was old, not in his prime.

Although Binz was a devil fruit user, Qingyun didn't like his lush fruit.


Ein saw Qingyun knocked Binz unconscious again, and was very worried about Binz. She wanted to save Zefa and Binz.

But at this moment, she was shocked by the aftermath of Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki, and she couldn't control her body normally, so she couldn't go to rescue them immediately.

Qingyun looked at Ein and showed a wolf-like smile:

"Don't worry, they are not dead yet."

"But whether these people live or die depends on your decision."

""Ain, are you willing to get on my boat?"

Hearing this, Ain felt extremely angry, but also extremely helpless, staring at Qingyun angrily.


Qingyun didn't indulge Ain and started counting down.

Ain was very upset, but he was helpless.


Qingyun did not play by the rules and counted directly, raising his hand at the same time, ready to finish off Binz first.

"don't want!"

"I promise you"

"I agree to board your ship."

Seeing this, in order to ensure the survival of the teacher and teammates, Ian hurriedly said

【Congratulations to the host for taming Ain and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Ain's position. 】

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction:

"Very good, then from now on, Ain, you are a fighter of my Sea King Group. As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all of Ain's positive and beneficial abilities, including her ability of the Retrograde Fruit.

"Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Ian gritted his teeth and said

""Lord Qingyun/Qingyun is really so mean!"

Seeing this scene, Shirahoshi and Camie said in disbelief.

Because when Qingyun was on Fishman Island, he didn't threaten them to get on the ship like he did now, but directly kidnapped them.

They just heard Nami and the others say that they were almost threatened to get on the ship by Qingyun, and they were a little bit unbelieving.

After all, Nami and the others seemed to like Qingyun very much, and it didn't look like they were kidnapped by Qingyun.

And before Qingyun kidnapped Shirahoshi, he said he would bring her up to travel the world.

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