"By the way."

Qingyun was not in a hurry to take Ain to be baptized. Instead, he looked at Baixing and Kemi and said with a smile:

"I just forgot to ask"

"Shirahoshi, Kami, would you like to get on my ship?"

"I am willing, Master Qingyun."

Shirahoshi answered affirmatively without even thinking about it.

Although Shirahoshi was very scared, it was not entirely because she was afraid that Qingyun would threaten her that she agreed to Qingyun without hesitation.

Because she knew that Qingyun had taken her on board in order to take her around the world.

Not letting her say goodbye to Neptune and the others was also to prevent the navy from knowing that she had voluntarily boarded Qingyun's ship, so that the navy would find a reason to attack Fishman Island.

More importantly, Qingyun was going to help her resurrect her mother.

How could Shirahoshi not be willing to board Qingyun's ship?

"Yes, yes, I am very willing."

Kami did not hesitate at all and immediately answered affirmatively.

The main reason why Kami did so was because she was afraid of Qingyun.

After all, she was not like Shirahoshi, who was treated friendly by Qingyun.

But Nami and the others were very nice to her, and she was very willing to stay on the Sea King.

【Congratulations to the host for recruiting Shirahoshi and Kemi to join the Sea King Group. Please choose the positions of Shirahoshi and Kemi. 】

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction:

"Very good, then from now on, Shirahoshi, you are the mermaid princess of my Sea King Group."

""Kami, you are my mermaid maid of the Sea King Group."

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Shirahoshi and Kemi.

Including Shirahoshi's ability to summon and control the Sea Kings.

""Yes, Master Qingyun/Captain Qingyun."

Bai Xing and Kemi answered immediately.

Qingyun was very happy. He turned to Ain and asked:

"Ian, do you know where the famous volcanic cooking chef of the New World, Panz Fry of the giant tribe, is now?"

Ian heard this, although she didn't want to tell Qingyun, and even didn't want to pay attention to Qingyun.

But for Zefa and the others to survive, she still gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and slightly opened her red lips and said:

"Panzfroy opened a volcano hotel on a volcano island"

"Volcano cuisine?"

Makino, Carmen, Jessica and Cosette, as chefs, were immediately very curious about volcano cuisine.

Shirahoshi and Kami, who had just boarded the ship and didn't know what Qingyun's baptism was, and didn't know Qingyun very well, were also very interested in volcano cuisine.


This seems to be a male name, right?

Why would Qingyun ask him?

Could it be that Panzfrey has a beautiful wife?

Nami and the others, who knew Qingyun very well, had already guessed what Qingyun was going to do with Panzfrey.

Nami and the others guessed...���Almost right.

Where is Qingyun Panzfrey? Of course, he is not looking for Panzfrey.

He is looking for Panzfrey's daughter, the little giant who ate the little fruit, Lili-Ernstmark

"Do you pirate guerrillas have permanent pointers or record pointers pointing to Volcano Island and other islands in the New World?

Qingyun then asked Ian.

Ian thought for a moment and said affirmatively:


Crack! Crack! Crack!

As soon as Ain finished speaking, Qingyun used the power of the Ice Fruit to freeze Binz next to him.


Then Qingyun stepped on Binz's head without hesitation.

【The host kills Binz, and his physical fitness increases by 29... and he gains the ability of the lush fruit, as well as the lush fruit.……】

The next moment, Qingyun had a flourishing fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the ability of the flourishing fruit, the same level as Binz.


Seeing this, Ain became anxious instantly, and his face suddenly showed anger, looking like a mad wild cat. He stared at Qingyun fiercely and angrily questioned Qingyun:

"Didn't you promise me to let them go?"

"Why did you kill Binz?"

Nami and the others looked at Qingyun in disbelief.

This situation has never happened before.

Shirahoshi and Kami also stared at Qingyun in disbelief.

"Because you cheated on me."

Qingyun put away the lush fruit, stared at Ain, and said coldly.

How did this guy know that I cheated on him?!

Ain felt incredible.

How did Qingyun know that Ain cheated on him?

The Nami girls were also very surprised by this.

"I didn't lie to you!"

"We really don't have permanent pointers or record pointers pointing to Volcano Island and other islands in the New World."

Ian shouted angrily, looking very aggrieved.

But Ian's heart was already empty.

Because their pirate guerrillas do have permanent pointers or record pointers pointing to Volcano Island and other islands in the New World.

But Ian didn't want to fulfill Qingyun's wish, so she deliberately said no.

She felt that Qingyun must not know whether they had it or not, and was testing her.

She absolutely could not admit it.

Otherwise, she would not only let Binz die in vain, but also fulfill Qingyun's wish.

Could it be that Qingyun was testing Ian?

Nami and the others thought so too.

But what Ian and Nami didn't know was that Qingyun not only knew that Ian had deceived him, but also knew all her little thoughts, and even knew where those permanent pointers and record pointers were now.

Because Qingyun's current observation Haki can easily read people's hearts and even other people's memories.

Qingyun has not told Nami about this ability yet. They.

So the girls don't know this yet.

Snap! Snap!

Qingyun didn't say much, and turned into lightning and disappeared from the spot.

Snap! Snap!

But soon, Qingyun appeared again, as if he had never left.

But in Qingyun's hand, there were many more things packed in grid boxes, and they all recorded pointers and permanent pointers pointing to the island.

One of the permanent pointers pointed to the volcanic island. The reason why Qingyun stopped asking Ain was because he knew that Ain would not admit it.

If he continued to ask, he would definitely continue to kill people from the pirate guerrillas.

He didn't care about the lives of these people, but if he killed all of them, he would have no bargaining chips to threaten Ain.

Although he could kill all these people and then force Ain to shoot.

But he still preferred to let Ain ask him to teach him shooting.

After all, the difference between the two is still very big.

"How do you know where these pointers are?"

Ion looked at Qingyun in disbelief.

The Nami girls also looked at Qingyun in disbelief. They were also very curious about this.

However, Qingyun did not answer Ion's question, but said coldly:

"If you dare to lie to me again, more than one person will die."

Ain was very angry, but also extremely helpless, and felt extremely regretful.

If she had known this, she would not have lied to Qingyun just now, and Binz would not have been killed by Qingyun.

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