Snap! Snap!

"Nami, go to the volcanic island.

Qingyun came to Nami quickly, handed the recording pointer and the permanent pointer to Nami, and said


Nami answered confidently, and then took the record pointer and the permanent pointer.

She already knew from the research of meteorologists on Sky Island that the weather in the new world was more unpredictable.

But she believed that she could control the strange weather in the new world now.

Snap! Snap!

Qingyun disappeared again.

And with him, Ein also disappeared.

"You guys continue to take Shirahoshi and Camie around, I'm going to control the Sea King and head to the volcanic island."

Nami said to the girls


Nojigo and the others nodded.

In Qingyun's room, he had brought Ain back here and locked the door.

Qingyun was a little impatient to conquer Ain, wanting to see her being extremely unhappy, but having to, and actively asking him to teach her how to shoot in the future.

He put Ain down, stood in front of Ain, looked down at Ain, and asked with a smile:

"You should know what I want you to do, right?"

Ain looked up at Qingyun, her eyes full of disgust and resentment. She wanted to resist, even if it meant risking her life.

But she remembered the consequences of deceiving Qingyun just now, and Qingyun's terrifying strength. She was afraid that after seeing her resistance, Qingyun would kill Zefa and the others who were still alive instead of her, so she gave up the idea of resistance.

Ain gritted her teeth, suppressed her resentment, bent her knees, and knelt down.……


Late that night.

Ai En woke up from her sleep and was frightened into a cold sweat.

Although she was not having a nightmare, her dream was hundreds or even thousands of times more terrifying than a nightmare.

It was nothing else, but she was learning gun skills from Qingyun.

And she took the initiative to ask Qingyun to teach her.

This was what she didn't want to happen the most.

But after learning gun skills from Qingyun during the day, she could feel that the dream she had just had was not a fantasy, but it would become a reality in the future.

Or it has become a reality.

Because now, in the back, Ai En had already taken the initiative to ask Qingyun to teach her gun skills while she was in a daze.

There was no way, Qingyun was not only superb in gun skills, but also very familiar with all kinds of guns, and knew how to use them to hit the target.

Ai En was deeply impressed by Qingyun's gun skills.

She finally realized why even Taotu, a brigadier general, would choose to stand on Qingyun's side.

Ai En would become the same as Taotu and the others in a long time, even within three days.

Ian didn't want to become like Taotu and the others.

She would rather die than become like that.

So she endured the pain, desperately got out of bed, opened the door, walked out of the room, and went straight to the boat.

Ian looked at the endless sea, she closed her eyes resolutely, then jumped into the sea, wanting to end her life.

However, Qingyun had long expected that Ian would do the same stupid thing as Tashigi, and he was always paying attention to Ian's movements.

Click! Click!

After discovering that Ian really chose to jump into the sea, Qingyun immediately stopped teaching Hancock the gun method, arrived in time, grabbed Ian's slender hand, lifted it up, and then held it tightly in his arms like a princess.

When Ian found out that Qingyun had saved her, she did not feel the slightest joy, but felt extremely painful, and said with tears in her voice:

"Let me go, let me die, let me die"

"If you dare to die, I will go back and kill Zefa and those pirate guerrillas, and I will kill all the navy to bury you."

Qingyun said coldly.

After that, he put Ein on the deck and let him move freely.

Dashiqi was stunned on the spot.

After reacting, she stared at Qingyun angrily and asked heartbreakingly:


"Why are you torturing me like this?"

Qingyun was already familiar with comforting people like Ain. He looked down into Ain's eyes and said righteously:

"You and Nami are the same, they are the women I like."

"I want to give you happiness and realize your dreams."

"But I have to do it my way, regardless of whether you are willing or not."

Ain, like Dashiqi and the others, was still very angry, but also very helpless.

Qingyun was too powerful, and she was powerless to resist.

Qingyun turned around and walked towards Hancock's room, and then said:

"I've said it before, but I'll remind you again."

"The navy is not as righteous as you think. Although there are many people in the navy who are as righteous as you, there are also people in the navy who are more unscrupulous than pirates."

"What is even more vicious is the majority of the Celestial Dragons who lead the navy."

"To put it bluntly, your navy is nothing more than a running dog fed by the Celestial Dragons."

"If you really want to help the weak, you should not think about committing suicide, let alone becoming a marine."

"Instead, follow me and work hard to become stronger. Together with me, I will pull down the self-proclaimed gods from the celestial dragons and create a brand new world."

After hearing this, Ain remembered what Qingyun said during the day.

"So, do you want to replace the Celestial Dragons and become the new ruler of the world?"

Ai En looked at Qing Yun's back and asked.

Qing Yun, as always, said righteously

"At least I won't be like the Celestial Dragons, bullying, oppressing, or even wantonly killing ordinary people."

"Get up at 6:30 tomorrow morning and start training at 7:00. Don't be late."

Immediately, he disappeared from Ain's sight and went to teach Hancock how to shoot. After hearing Qingyun's words, Ain pondered for a while, then made up his mind and walked directly to Qingyun's room.


The next morning,

Ain got up early. He ate with Qingyun and Nami, and then trained hard according to Qingyun's teachings, trying to tire himself out and not think about asking Qingyun to teach him how to shoot.

Seeing Ain's look, Tashigi, Jessica, Taotu, Tina, Domino and Little Sadie all felt the same way.

Especially Tashigi.

When they first got on the ship, they were the same as Ain.

At noon, after lunch, Ain immediately went to continue training.

However, as soon as she got into the horse stance, Qingyun came directly to Ain, picked her up in a princess hug, and said with concern:

"I know you want to numb yourself through practice, but it will exhaust your body and I will feel bad."

Ian's pretty face turned red, but she still said stubbornly:

"Don't worry about it"

"Please let me go"

"How dare you talk to me like this."

Qingyun smiled evilly:

"It seems that I need to let you know who the owner of this ship is."

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun took Ai En to go for additional training.

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