Around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Qingyun and his group arrived and landed on the volcanic island and found the Volcano Hotel.

The Volcano Hotel is called a hotel, but there are no halls, boxes or other buildings.

There are only some tables and chairs.

They are all open-air.

And the hotel is located next to the volcano.

This is because Panzfrey's volcanic cuisine is completely different from others.

His volcanic cuisine is really made from volcanoes, which is truly unique and completely different from other chefs who sell dog meat under the guise of sheep.

His volcanic cuisine is even known as heavenly cuisine.

Panzfrey is a pirate who is keen on snatching food from the government, navy and pirates, and then cooking for those hungry people.

So although he opened a restaurant, he did not aim to make a profit, and would let the poor and hungry residents on the volcanic island eat for free.

If the government, navy and pirates want to eat, they must pay a high fee.

But despite this, there are still many navy and pirates who come here.

Just like at this moment.

With the help of Lili, Panzfrey is cooking volcanic cuisine next to the volcano, and the fragrance is ten miles away.

On the tables and chairs on one side, there were already many people sitting there, and there were still many people queuing up.

Among them were many navy officers and pirates.

Here, pirates did not dare to burn, kill, and plunder, and the navy did not dare to arrest pirates.

The reason was very simple, that is, they could not beat Panzfrey.

"I didn’t expect that he would use an active volcano to make volcanic cuisine!"

"They are truly worthy of being a giant!"

"What an amazing technique, using the high temperature of an active volcano to cook all kinds of ingredients to perfection!"

"I didn't expect the giants to be so good at cooking!"

Outsiders watch the excitement, insiders watch the door.

Nami and the others were just shocked that Panzfrey used active volcanoes to cook.

But Makino, Carmen, Jessica and Cosette saw that Panzfrey's cooking skills were extraordinary, and they were all surprised by this.

Qingyun was also very surprised.

Although he knew that Panzfrey used active volcanoes to cook, now that he saw it with his own eyes, smelled the fragrance of the heavenly cuisine, and saw the color of the heavenly cuisine with his own eyes, he couldn't help but be attracted.

But compared to volcanic cuisine, Qingyun still likes beautiful women more.

So He was even more attracted to Lili.

Lili was about 15 meters tall, about 5 meters taller than Shirahoshi.

She had healthy dark skin, wavy green hair, delicate facial features, a sweet and charming smile, and a well-proportioned figure. She looked very sunny and sexy, cute and charming, and very attractive.

Like Shirahoshi, although Lili was much taller than an ordinary person, she did not make people feel scared like other giant creatures, but made people want to protect and love her.

"So many beauties!"

"What a big and beautiful mermaid!"

"Isn’t that Qingyun’s gang?"

"Really! I didn’t expect they had already arrived in the New World!"

"They must be here to eat heavenly food, right?"

The arrival of Qingyun and Nami instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Empress Hancock!"


"There are beautiful girls, mature women, lolita, mature women, and even the angel beauties from Sky Island!"

"Qingyun’s vision is truly sharp!"

"I heard that those beauties were coerced and lured by Qingyun to get on Qingyun's boat."

"Nonsense, if I had the strength of Qingyun, I would do the same as him."

"And I don't just want dozens of beauties, I want hundreds of them, one for each day, no repeat every day, hehehe."

Looking at Nami and the others, the men present, whether they were from the navy, pirates, or residents of the volcanic island, couldn't help drooling, and cast envious and jealous glances at Qingyun, muttering or secretly saying.

Qingyun and Nami were no longer surprised by this, and they didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Because they had seen countless men like this along the way.

They had long known that almost the vast majority of men were as lustful as Qingyun, but only Qingyun was so tyrannical that he was able to invite Nami and the others on board.

"Qingyun, right?"

"Are you here to eat volcano cuisine?"

"Or are you here to steal my daughter?"

Panzfrey asked directly while sitting on the volcanic cuisine and staring at Qingyun.

He often watched news reports and the bounty orders of pirates and knew Qingyun.

He was very confident in the appearance and figure of his daughter, Lili.

He felt that Qingyun came here either to eat his volcanic cuisine or for Lili.

If it was before, he felt that Qingyun must have come here to eat his volcanic cuisine.

After all, no matter how lustful Qingyun was, he was just an ordinary-sized human, but Lili was a huge giant.

But now, he felt that Qingyun was more likely to come for Lili.

Because among Qingyun's crew, there was even a mermaid as big as Shirahoshi.

Qingyun wanted Lili, a giant, too. It's not surprising.

After hearing this, everyone, including Qingyun, was more or less surprised.

They didn't expect Panzfrey to be so direct.

Lili looked at Qingyun nervously.

Of course she knew Qingyun.

Although she admired Qingyun for daring to kill the Celestial Dragons, she had not yet met Qingyun and had not yet liked Qingyun.

Her favorite thing to do now is to eat the food made by Panzfrey.

The reason why she went to sea with Panzfrey was to be able to eat the food made by Panzfrey all the time, so if Qingyun really came for her, she naturally didn't want to get on Qingyun's ship.

By then, Qingyun would definitely use Panzfrey to threaten her, and she would have no choice but to agree to Qingyun and separate from Panzfrey.


Qingyun didn't beat around the bush and got straight to the point.

It's over!

Lili was very panicked.

"In this case, if you can promise me to treat my daughter well, I can not only let you eat volcanic food, but also let my daughter board your boat."

"I can also give you my volcanic cooking recipe."

After hearing this, Panzfrey said without hesitation.


Everyone present was very surprised when they heard this, except Qingyun who had already heard Panzfrey's inner voice. They all thought they had heard it wrong.

Especially Panzfrey's daughter, Lili

""Father, don't you want me anymore?"

Lili burst into tears on the spot. She looked at Panzfrey in disbelief and anxiety, and choked up and said:

"I do eat a lot, and I eat a little bit every now and then. I know I am wrong."

"I can assure you that I will eat less in the future and I will never eat secretly."

""Please don't chase me away, okay?"

Seeing Lili's lovely appearance, Panzifrey felt very distressed.

Not only Panzifrey felt sorry for Lili, but everyone else present also felt sorry for her.

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