Panzfrey smiled kindly and said to Lili:

"Silly child, how could I not want you?"

"The reason why I let you board Qingyun's ship is because I know you are very curious and want to travel around the world and see this wonderful world."

"But I don't have the ability to take you around the world"

"But Qingyun has it."

"That's why I promised him"

"I gave him my volcano cooking recipe in the hope that his chef would learn it."

"That way, even if I'm not by your side, you can still eat my volcano food."

"So that's how it is!"

Everyone suddenly realized and understood Panzfrey's good intentions.

But only Qingyun, who read Panzfrey's inner voice, knew that Panzfrey's real good intentions were far more than that.

The reason that prompted Panzfrey to say this was actually that Panzfrey knew that even if he and Lili were combined, they would not be Qingyun's opponents at all.

In addition, Panzfrey knew that Qingyun was cruel and ruthless. If they dared to resist, Qingyun would definitely threaten Lili with his life.

By then, Lili would definitely not want to see him killed, so she could only agree to Qingyun.

In other words, The moment Qingyun came to them, Lili had only one choice.

Panzfrey chose to agree to Qingyun and gave him the recipe of volcanic cuisine, all for Lili.

The reason why he did not choose to tell the truth but lied was also so that Lili would not hate Qingyun and be treated well by Qingyun.

Although Qingyun knew what Panzfrey was thinking, he did not intend to expose Panzfrey.

After all, parents in the world are pitiful.

Besides, Panzfrey has become his wingman, how could he not satisfy Panzfrey's wish?


Lili looked at Panzfrey with tears in her eyes and asked with a sob.

"Of course it's true."

Panzifrey nodded with a smile.

Seeing Panzifrey's usual smile, Lili finally felt relieved.

She immediately looked at Qingyun and asked:

"Qingyun, I can get on your boat"

"But can you take my father with you?"

"I don't want to be separated from him. I want to travel around the world with him."

Fearing that Qingyun would disagree, Lili immediately added:

"My father won't come on your ship for nothing. The volcanic cuisine he cooks is the real volcanic cuisine."

"Other chefs, even the best chefs, cannot make volcanic dishes as delicious as his father's even if they get his father's volcanic dish recipe."

Hearing this, Panzfrey looked at Qingyun with some expectation.

As Lili's father, Panzfrey naturally didn't want to be separated from her.


However, Qingyun said affirmatively without even thinking:

"No men are allowed on my ship unless absolutely necessary."

"Even male pets are not allowed."

Hearing this, Lili and Panzfrey were very surprised and disappointed.

Nami and the others were not surprised at all.

Because they had known this for a long time.

The men around were not surprised either.

Because if there were so many beauties on their ship, they would be like Qingyun and would not let any men on board.

"Lili, are you willing to get on my boat?

Qingyun then asked Lili

"I will definitely help you realize your dream of traveling around the world."

In order to cooperate with Panzfrey and make good use of Panzfrey's good intentions, Qingyun immediately added

"I...I do."

After hesitating for a while, Lili chose to agree.

Because she knew that if she didn't agree, Qingyun would use force, and then Panzfrey would probably be injured by Qingyun first.

And if she didn't agree, wouldn't Panzfrey's good intentions be in vain?

【Congratulations to the host for taming Lili Ernstmark and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Lili Ernstmark's position. 】

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction:

"Very good, then from now on, Lili, you are a fighter of my Sea King Group."As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all of Lili's positive and beneficial abilities, including her small fruit ability

""Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Lili answered affirmatively.

Although she was reluctant to part with Panzfrey, she was also looking forward to the next adventure.

Next, in order to let Qingyun treat Lili well and to practice well for Lili, Panzfrey immediately handed the recipe of volcanic cuisine to Qingyun.

And he also divided more than half of the volcanic cuisine to Qingyun, Nami and Lili.

Only a small part was left for the residents of the volcanic island.

As for the navy and pirates, they got nothing.

But they didn't dare to say anything and could only leave in disappointment.

There was no other way, because they couldn't beat Qingyun and his gang, and even Panzfrey and Lili. What?

After eating and drinking.

In order to thank Panzfrey for his assistance, and also to make Panzfrey stronger and prevent him from being easily captured by the navy, Qingyun told him the methods of practicing Observation Haki and Armament Haki.

And he also taught him personally.

Afterwards, Qingyun also specifically told Panzfrey not to be a pirate outside anymore, but to return to the hometown of the giants, Elbaf, to prevent being caught by the navy.

Panzfrey also knew that what Qingyun said made sense, and he didn't want to be a burden to Qingyun and Lili, so he immediately nodded and agreed to Qingyun.

Afterwards, Qingyun took Nami and the others, controlled the Poseidon, and went to the next island, Dressrosa.

Panzfrey���He and Lili were sailing back to Elbaf.

"Father, I will definitely come back to Elbaf to find you. Goodbye."

On the side of the boat, Lili kept waving goodbye to Panzfrey, her beautiful eyes filled with tears, her eyes full of reluctance.

"Well, goodbye."

So did Panzfrey.

"Well, don't worry, Elbaf is also one of our voyage destinations, you will definitely meet again."

When Panzfrey's figure disappeared under the sunset, Qingyun came to Lili's side and said softly


Lili nodded happily.


The next moment, Qingyun suddenly used the ability of the Expansion Fruit to grow huge, and at the same time, he picked up Lili in a princess hug, which frightened Lili who was caught off guard and she couldn't help but scream.

"How can you become so big?!"

Lili looked at Qingyun in disbelief.

"Next, it's time for you to accept my baptism."

Qingyun showed a wolf-like look and said with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun took Lili to a large room.

At this time, Qingyun did not force Lili, but took things step by step, so that Lili had a good experience and memory.

After all, Lili really volunteered to get on the ship.

And he also promised Panzfrey.

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