Reiju smiled slightly.

She was not too surprised by this.

Beautiful as a fairy!

Monet was a little flattered, and her pretty face couldn't help but blush slightly.

Although Monet was very loyal to Mingge, even to the extent that she knew Mingge wanted her to die, she still did not hesitate.

But she was still quite shy.

When someone praises her for her beauty, her face will usually blush.


Ming Ge couldn't help but burst into laughter again, as if he had heard a huge joke.

"I never thought your dream would be so superficial."

"You will fall into the hands of a beautiful woman sooner or later."

Ming Ge said with a smile. He was suddenly not as scared of Qingyun as before.

Because in his opinion, a man who is obsessed with women will sooner or later be ruined.

"You clean your neck and wait, I will kill you soon."


Qingyun said coldly, and then hung up the Den Den Mushi.

Because the main purpose of calling Ming Ge was not to talk to Ming Ge, but to let Monet see Ming Ge's true face.

"Ming Ge saved you and your sister because he was impressed by your abilities."

"I don't kill you because I like you."

"In Ming Ge's heart, you are just a chess piece, and you will be thrown away when you are no longer useful."

"As long as you are sincere with me, you will be the most important person in my heart, just like Reiju and Nami. I will never abandon you."

"I will help you rescue Sugar so that she doesn't need to stay awake all the time and maintain her abilities."

"And I won't force you to do anything except leave me."

Qingyun looked at Monet and said firmly.

Then, Qingyun handed the Den Den Mushi to Monet and said:

"Follow me or follow Ming Ge, it's your choice."

Hearing this, looking at Qingyun, Monet fell into deep thought.

She knew, of course, that Ming Ge only regarded her as a chess piece that could be discarded at any time.

But it was Ming Ge who saved her and Satou from the fire and water.

For so many years, she has always admired Ming Ge and was willing to die for Ming Ge.

She really couldn't make up her mind to betray Ming Ge directly.

But she was very moved by Qingyun's words that he wanted to rescue Satou so that she could sleep and resume her normal routine.

So she was very entangled and didn't know how to decide.

That's it!

No wonder she was so entangled!

Reiju saw Monet's hesitation and could understand Monet.

After all, Ming Ge was Monet's savior.

If Monet could betray Ming Ge easily, it means that Monet is just a person who is easy to be ungrateful, and that would be dangerous.

Qingyun was a little happy to see Monet so entangled, but also a little impatient

"In that case, let me help you choose."

After saying that, Qingyun threw away the Den Den Mushi.

Then Qingyun took Reiju and Monet's hands and said with a smile:

"Let's go and look at Caesar's research data and see if there is any way to save those children."

As soon as the voice fell, without waiting for Reiju and Monet to answer, Qingyun directly took Reiju and Monet's slender hands and took them to look at Caesar's research data.

After a look, Reiju soon knew how to prepare the antidote.

Because Reiju is different from Chopper.

Chopper is a doctor, and what he is best at is curing diseases and saving lives, not developing antidotes.

But Reiju is different.

Reiju is a scientist and is also good at making medicine.

With the help of Monet, after an hour of experiment, Reiju made the antidote and also made enough antidote.

Then, under the leadership of Monet, Qingyun and Reiju came to the laboratory where the children who were deceived by Caesar were.

At this time, because the experiment had just started for a few months, and the giant drug that Caesar was studying was just in its infancy, the size of these children was not as big as in the original work, but only twice as big as children of the same age.

They were not too poisoned, not addicted, and would not become manic because they did not take the drug.

"Sister Monet, you are finally here."

When the children saw Monet coming, they immediately surrounded her enthusiastically.

Because Monet was very kind to these children and treated them like brothers and sisters, they also regarded Monet as a big sister.

Monet immediately squatted down, showing a gentle and beautiful smile, and said:

"Children, I have good news for you."

"These two are new researchers, and they have developed a drug that can cure your illness."

Monet took out the antidote and handed it to the children:

"As long as you take the medicine, you can go home to your parents."

"One per person, everyone has one, don't grab it"


Hearing this, the children rushed to grab it without hesitation.

"Don't grab"

"Don't worry, everyone has one."

Monet was not angry, but smiled and said, while paying attention to protecting the children who were rushing to get the antidote, as if she was the real elder sister of these children.

This is because Monet has been taking care of Sucrose since she was a child and is very experienced in raising children.

If we hadn't been transformed, I would be like this too, right?

Looking at Monet and the children, Reiju couldn't help but imagine how Sanji and his four brothers would live happily with her.

Qingyun looked at Monet and nodded with a smile.

He raised his hand, put his arm around Reiju's waist, and held Reiju in his arms.

After the children finished taking the antidote, Qingyun, Reiju, and Monet took the children out of Caesar's escape passage and sat down. After boarding the boat that Caesar had hidden in advance, he went to meet up with Nami and the others.

Then, together with Nami and the others, he sent all the children back to the surrounding islands and to their parents.

It is worth mentioning that after this incident, Nami and the others liked Qingyun even more.

Even Monet couldn't help but like Qingyun a little.

The parents of the children and the people on their island were all shocked to see that it was Qingyun who sent their children back. They all felt it was unbelievable and changed their views on Qingyun.

After sending all the children back to their parents, Qingyun took control of the Poseidon and took Nami and the other girls to Dressrosa.

"Makino, Carmen, continue, Cosette, prepare dinner, I'm taking Monet to be baptized."

Kacha! Kacha!

After saying that, Qingyun didn't ask Monet's opinion, he picked up Monet directly, then turned into a flash of lightning, and rushed to his room quickly, disappearing from Nami and the others.

"We're going to cook."

"I'll help"

"I will continue to practice."

Nami and the others were already used to it and went about their own business.

Only Shirahoshi and Camie blushed.

Because they finally knew what the baptism Qingyun was talking about was.

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