"Hey hey hey"

"Dover, Qingyun's strength is unfathomable, and his cadres are all very powerful. I'm afraid we can't deal with them alone."

"Let's quickly call Kaido for support."

Seeing the communication interruption, Torrepol on the side immediately suggested to Mingge.

Mingge fell into deep thought.

Although he looked down on Qingyun, who was obsessed with women, he also knew that he and the cadres of the Don Quixote family could not deal with Qingyun and his gang.

But even though Kaido was his trading partner, he was still very afraid of Kaido and didn't want to ask for Kaido's help.

And Mingge didn't want to ask for help.

Because doesn't this just show that he is incompetent?

At present, his best choice is to escape.

But this means giving up everything he has worked hard for many years, and he is extremely unwilling to do so.

"Dover, don't hesitate."

"Qingyun's ship can fly."

"If you hesitate any longer, Qingyun will come to Dressrosa."

"Qingyun was a pirate who killed Aokiji and Akainu, broke into the underwater prison, and killed all the criminals on the sixth floor."

"We can't deal with Qingyun and his gang by ourselves."

Torrebol urged Ming Ge

"I know."

Mingge nodded.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and his mouth twisted, revealing an evil smile:

"But we not only need to ask Kaido for help, but also tell everyone that Qingyun is coming to Dressrosa, especially those celestial dragons who claim to be gods."


"Makes sense"


Torrebol laughed.

After making up his mind, Mingge immediately asked Torrebol to spread the news that Qingyun was coming to Dressrosa to hunt him, the sooner the better, the wider the better.

Mingge himself immediately contacted Kaido, and then secretly contacted the Five Elders.

After Kaido and the Five Elders got the news, they all told Mingge to hold on, and they would come immediately.

Then Kaido immediately took Jack and Jin and rushed to Dressrosa at full speed.

The Five Elders immediately reported the news to Im, who was already furious, and then quietly went to Dressrosa at full speed with Im, Garp, and Sengoku.

The Five Elders also told Shanks the news, and Shanks immediately took people to Dressrosa.

After hearing the news, Whitebeard, Big Mom, and some other powerful people also led their people to Dressrosa.

Qingyun, of course, also got the news.

He could imagine that this news was spread by Mingo in order to attract people from the major forces in the New World to deal with him.

After all, all major forces have more or less capable people, and he is a hunter of capable people. He was also described by Morgans as the future Pirate King. Naturally, he is a thorn in the eyes of the major forces.

But instead of panicking, he felt very happy.

Because Mingo was simply helping him to attract all the monster-level people to Dressrosa, which just saved the time of going to look for them.

"This news must have been spread by Mingge in order to tell everyone that all the major forces in the New World should go to Dressrosa to deal with us."

"I guess the major forces in the New World, especially the Four Emperors, and the Navy that has been provoking us, will definitely go to Dressrosa to deal with us after seeing this news."

Although Qingyun was not panicking, Nami and the others were panicking.

After all, although they were all very powerful, they were not as powerful as Qingyun, and they did not know Qingyun's secrets. They were a little worried that they and Qingyun alone would not be able to deal with so many people.

"Qingyun, let's take advantage of the fact that Mingge has just spread the news and the major forces in the New World and the navy have not had time to get to Dressrosa. Let's quickly fly to Dressrosa to kill Mingge and then leave immediately."

Robin thought for a while and suggested to Qingyun.


"Otherwise, if it's too late, we might have to face the New World's major forces and the navy's besieging us."

Nami and the others nodded in agreement with Robin's suggestion.


However, Qingyun directly denied Robin's suggestion, and then said confidently:

"It is better to let all the major forces in the new world come, so that we can save time looking for them."

"You don't have to worry. No matter how many people come, I can handle them and I won't let you get hurt at all."

After hearing Qingyun say this and seeing that Qingyun was determined, Nami and the others didn't say anything, although they were still very worried.

In order to ensure that everyone who wanted to go to Dressrosa could get there and not be late, Qingyun also spread the news that he would go to Dressrosa in five days to take Mingge's life. He also directly said that anyone who wanted to kill him could come, and he would kill all the men and take in all the beauties.

"How arrogant!"

"He actually wanted to kill all the men and take in all the beauties."

"Does he really think he is invincible?"

"The monsters in the new world are more powerful than each other."

"You can't afford to provoke me if you want to."

"Just wait and see, you will definitely die at the hands of a woman"

""Bang, bang, bang, bang."

Mingge couldn't help but laugh.

He was a little worried that Qingyun would come to Dressrosa early after seeing the news he spread.

Now, he is not worried at all.

"Big news!"

"Big news!

Morgans became even more excited.

"What an arrogant brat!"

"Let me teach you how to be humble.

Kaido said viciously.

"So arrogant"

"Let me show you how high the sky is and how deep the earth is."

The old lady said fiercely


"What a conceited brat."

"I like young people like you."

"Don't worry, even if you are defeated, I will definitely protect you."

Whitebeard laughed.

"How could he be so arrogant and conceited!"

"It seems that this guy really has the ability to revive from the dead and get the power of the person who killed him, otherwise he would never be so arrogant.

Only Shanks, Sengoku, Garp, the Five Elders and Im suddenly became more worried.

"We must get rid of this guy before he kills more people with special abilities or is killed by someone more powerful."

"Otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

Usopp was shocked:

"This guy has actually run away to the new world!"

"And he almost declared war on the whole world!"

"He must be crazy!"


Zoro and the others nodded, agreeing with Usopp's idea.

"Makino is in danger!"

"Let's go to Dressrosa quickly!"

Luffy was a little surprised by this, but he was more worried about Makino's safety.

"But there are only five days, we can't make it in time."


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