After declaring war on the Perfect World,

Qingyun did not go directly to Dressrosa as originally planned.

But he did not wait in the surrounding waters.

After all, he gave everyone five days to go to Dressrosa.

He was too lazy to wait for five days on the sea.

Qingyun chose to take Nami and the others to the next island after Dressrosa as originally planned, the world's largest entertainment city, Gran.

Also known as the Golden City.

As the name suggests, almost the entire city is made up of gold.

Hearing this, Nami and Kalina's eyes lit up instantly, and they immediately urged Qingyun to set off quickly.

Qingyun did not stay for long, and directly controlled the Poseidon to fly up. Then, using the permanent pointer pointing to Gran obtained from the system, he took Nami and the others to fly quickly towards Gran.

After a day and a night,

Qingyun took Nami and flew to not far in front of Gran City.

"There is so much gold!"

Looking at the magnificent Gulan City, which is almost entirely made of gold, Nami and Kalina's eyes turned into Bailey symbols and they were extremely excited.

Although Nokiko and the others were not as excited as Nami and Kalina, they were also very excited.

After all, as long as you are a normal person, there is no one who doesn't love money.

What's more, this is the gold of a city!

"Qingyun gang!"

"Aren't they going to Dressrosa?"

"How did they get here?!"

Noticing the Sea King and Qingyun and Nami on the bow of the Sea King, the people in Gulan City were very surprised.

As the owner of Gulan City, Tezoro and his subordinates, especially the three cadres, were not only surprised, but also a little panicked.

Because they had heard of Qingyun's reputation.

It was obvious that Qingyun and his group had come with bad intentions.

"Don't panic."

But Tezulo quickly calmed down and smiled confidently:

"As long as they dare to land in Gulan City and absorb my golden water splash into their bodies, they will be at my mercy."

Tezolo's golden water splash is to spray the gold powder he separated out through the device in the city like a water splash.

As long as these gold powders enter the human body, Tezoro can easily control a person.

Tezoro successfully controlled everyone in the Golden City through this move.

In the original work, the Straw Hat Pirates were also hit by this move without knowing it.

"That's right."

Tezulo's subordinates all smiled.

"Bakara, go and greet our new guest."

Tezoro ordered Bakara


Bakara smiled slightly, then walked out of the room slowly with a sexy cat step.

However, what Tesoro didn't know was that Qingyun was not like the others. He knew what his abilities were and what his subordinates' abilities were.

He had no intention of taking Nami and the others to land in Gulan City through the gate, and then gambling with Tesoro like Luffy and the others in the original book, and finally losing everything because of Bakara who ate the lucky fruit.

Qingyun chose to tell Nami and the others the abilities of Tesoro and his subordinates in a concise manner.

Then he stopped the Sea King in the air in front of Gulan City and gave the order:

"You guys wait on the boat first, I'll go take care of Tezulo and his men."

Crack! Crack!

As soon as the words fell, Qingyun turned into a bolt of lightning and headed straight for Tezulo's office.


The next moment, Qingyun appeared directly in Tezoro's office, shocking Tezoro and his men, including Bakara who had not yet walked out of the office.


"Not bad.

Qingyun nodded repeatedly while looking at Bakara unscrupulously.

Bakara had smooth, wavy red hair, a delicate and pretty face, and a perfect figure with curves. She wore a black and white high-slit long skirt, which showed her figure and long legs to the fullest.

She looked very charming and sexy, enchanting and seductive.

"Your Golden City, your subordinates, and Bakara are all mine."

Qingyun turned to Tezoro who was sitting on the chair and announced arrogantly:

""Don't even think about it!"

Tezulo was furious, and he jumped up immediately, shouting angrily.

The Golden City was the result of his years of hard work, and it was the foundation of his foothold and confidence.

And because Bakara was very similar to his old love, Stella, he had always kept her by his side, and treated her well, with respect.

Now, Qingyun had just arrived and was going to take away the two most important things from him, how could he possibly agree?

"Golden bondage!"

"Golden Armor!"

Tesoro said little, and directly used the Golden Binding and Golden Armor at the same time. He controlled the gold to become a rope and tied it to Qingyun, and at the same time controlled the gold to form armor to cover his cadres, Bakara, Tanaka and Dais.


Magma Slash!


Qingyun said little, and directly summoned the Sandai Kitetsu and held it with his right hand, and then immediately strengthened it with the armed color domineering, and then enchanted the Sandai Kitetsu with the magma fruit ability, and then slashed at Tesoro.

In an instant, an extremely powerful sword energy with a hot breath was formed instantly, and it suddenly attacked Tesoro.

Qingyun's sword energy had not yet touched the rope-shaped gold cast by Tesoro, but it had already melted it in the air.

When it touched the gold, it cut it off in the blink of an eye.

After cutting the rope-shaped gold After that, the power of the magma sword energy did not weaken at all, and it attacked Tesoro directly.


Just as Tesoro was about to resist with all his strength, Dais had already flown in front of him, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and used the Armament Haki to strengthen his whole body to block the knife for Tesoro.

At the same time, Tanaka and Bakara also reacted and took action.


Tanaka immediately took out his pistol and pointed it at Qingyun's head, then pulled the trigger.

Bakara quickly touched the shoulders of the other guards, snatching their good luck and increasing her own good luck.


Qingyun's sword energy directly cut off the golden wristband on Dais's hand, then broke through the Armament Haki on Dais's hand, and then directly cut off Dais's hands.

Then it continued to break through the Armament Haki on Dais' chest, and then directly cut into Dais' chest.

""Ah!" dripping blood gushed out from the wounds on Dais' hands and chest, and Dais couldn't help but let out a painful wail.

At this time, the bullet shot by Tanaka had already hit Qingyun.

Click! Click!

Qingyun turned into a flash of lightning, dodged the bullet, and rushed towards Tanaka with the Sandai Kitetsu.

Flashing in front of Tanaka, Qingyun slashed at Tanaka with a knife.

Tanaka immediately used the ability of the Piercing Fruit to pass through the floor and escape to the floor below.


But Tanaka's speed was too slow. He had just passed through his calf when Qingyun chopped off his neck with a knife and died on the spot.

Dais couldn't hold on and died.

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