[Host kills Tanaka, Physical Fitness +26... Gain the ability of the Piercing Fruit, and the Piercing Fruit……】

【The host kills Dais, physical fitness +46……】

The next moment, Qingyun had the Piercing Fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the ability of the Piercing Fruit, to the same level as Tanaka.

""Instant...instant kill!"

Bakara, who had just absorbed the luck of other subordinates and took out a coin to deal with Qingyun, was shocked to see Qingyun kill Tanaka and even Dais in seconds. He was stunned on the spot.

The other subordinates were the same.

They just reacted and wanted to help deal with Qingyun, but found that Qingyun had killed Dais and Tanaka in seconds, and were stunned on the spot.

Tezoro was also shocked.

He knew that Qingyun was very strong, but he didn't expect Qingyun to be so strong.

""Golden Giant!"

Tezoro knew that he had to try his best to fight Qingyun. He immediately used the awakening ability of the Golden Fruit to cover himself with gold, and then grew rapidly.

Crack! Crack!

The enlarged Tezoro directly burst the ceiling and crushed the floor.

Bang! Bang!——


Those subordinates whose good luck was robbed by Bakara were crushed to death by the falling ceiling, and some were killed by the cracked floor.

Only Bakara was safe and sound. It was as if the falling ceiling and the cracked floor deliberately avoided her. They neither hit her nor made her fall, and even left a way for her to escape.

It was simply outrageous to open the door for outrageousness, outrageous to the extreme.

"This city already belongs to me, please don't destroy my city."

Qingyun would not stand there foolishly, waiting for Tesoro to complete his transformation, even though he was not afraid of Tesoro's transformation.


Qingyun directly used Tyrant to further strengthen his Armament Haki, and then used the petrification ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit to add defense-breaking ability.

Then he held the Sandai Kitetsu in his right hand, flew towards Tesoro, and smashed the fallen ceiling fragments with his left hand.

Seeing this, Tesoro continued to grow bigger, while controlling the gold to form a golden spear, sweeping towards Qingyun, trying to stop Qingyun so that he could complete the golden giant.

Clang! Clang! Clang! -

Qingyun 'saw through' Tesoro's idea, but he had to take these golden spears from Tesoro and give up attacking Tesoro who was in the golden giant.

Because the attacks of these golden spears were wide and dense, and Bakara's good luck was almost used up.

If Qingyun dodged these golden spears to attack Tesoro, Bakara would most likely be stabbed into a hornet's nest by these golden spears.

"Could it be... he is saving me?!"

Looking at Qingyun's back, Bakara was shocked.

She noticed that before Qingyun resisted those golden spears, he looked back at her to make sure that she was in the position attacked by those golden spears.

While Qingyun was trying his best to resist Tezoro's golden spears, Tezoro grew rapidly and finally successfully turned into a huge golden giant.

"Wow... What a huge golden giant!"

Seeing the huge golden giant from afar, Nami and Kalina on the Sea King suddenly had golden light in their eyes and were deeply fascinated by the huge golden giant:

"It must be worth a lot of money!"


Nojigo and the others nodded, agreeing with Nami and Kalina.

Of course, they knew that the golden giant was most likely a move of Tesoro.

And they all felt that this move was very powerful.

But they were not particularly worried about Qingyun.

Because they believed in Qingyun and believed in Qingyun's strength.

However, they were still very worried about Qingyun in their hearts, and they were all nervously looking for Qingyun's figure.

"That is... Lord Tesoro's golden giant!"

"Why did Lord Tesoro suddenly use the Golden Giant in the city?"

In Gulan City, the subordinates who had seen this move of Tesoro were all shocked and confused when they saw the huge Golden Giant.

"Was that made by Tezzolo?!"

"Why did he create such a huge golden giant in the city?"

The others in the city were all shocked and puzzled.

"That is... Qingyun!"

"No wonder Lord Tezulo is ready to fight with all his might!"

"No wonder Tezulo wanted to create such a huge golden giant!"It was not until they saw the blue cloud floating in the sky that they understood why Tezulo wanted to fight with all his strength.

"see it?"

"This is the posture of God!"

"I am the God of Gold"

"You deserve to live under my rule."


Tezoro controlled the golden giant, looked down at Qingyun, said loudly, and then laughed.

He said it to Qingyun, and even more so to everyone present, in order to make people fear his power.

Many people in Gulan City heard the words and looked at Tezoro's golden giant, and they couldn't help but feel scared.


"The last person who claimed to be a god was killed by Qingyun"

"I guess the grass on his grave is already over one meter high."

"You are no exception."

Nami heard this and hated arrogant people like Tesoro. She immediately shouted angrily

"That's right."

Nojigo and the others followed suit.

Although Jessica and the others had not seen Qingyun kill Enel, who claimed to be a god, they had heard Nami and the others say it, and they all believed what they said.

Hearing this, Qingyun smiled slightly.

Bakara and the people in the city were shocked.

"How dare you!"

Tesoro was furious. He immediately controlled the golden giant to turn towards Nami and the others, and let the giant's eyes focus on the Sea King, and began to accumulate power.

""Golden Divine Fire!"


The next moment, Tesoro directly controlled the golden giant, and shot out a laser beam from its right eye, with a devastating force, and suddenly attacked Nami and the others standing on the bow of the Sea King.

Crack! Crack!

At this moment, Qingyun moved, he turned directly into lightning, and quickly came to a place not far in front of the golden giant, and then waved the Sandai Kitetsu.


Qingyun used the Sandai Kitetsu strengthened by the Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki, and easily chopped up Tesoro's golden giant, and the laser beam shot out


Tezulo was shocked.

He had never expected that Qingyun could block his attack so easily.

"So strong!"

Bakara and other people in the city were also shocked when they saw this.

"Well done!"

Nami opened her voice and said loudly to Qingyun:

"Qingyun, let this arrogant guy see your true strength"

"Don't let him continue to be so arrogant."

"That's right, that's right."

Aisha and Bonnie, Shirahoshi and Camie all said loudly.

Nokiko and the others all nodded.

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