First, it didn't want Uta to discover its true purpose.

Because it knew that Uta was kind-hearted. If she knew its purpose, she would never release it into the real world, let alone the two worlds.

Second, it could imagine that even if it asked, Qingyun would most likely not answer it.

""I see!"

Although the music demon braked in time, Wuta still noticed it.

She knew that the music demon was not a good person, and she believed Qingyun's words.

Now, Wuta believed Qingyun's words even more, and finally understood why the spirit of the music demon was happy to interfere with her.

"Damn human boy!"

Seeing that Wuta had believed Qingyun's words and discovered his purpose, the spirit of the music demon was furious.

Because it knew that Wuta, who was kind by nature, would never release it again.

But it had no way to deal with Wuta.

Because Wuta was the owner of this spiritual world, which was equivalent to this world itself.

So it could only vent all its anger on Qingyun.

"Go to hell!"

The spirit body of the music demon, which was originally about the same size as Uta and in human form, suddenly became huge, revealing its true face, which was extremely hideous and terrifying.

It attacked Qingyun directly, wanting to kill Qingyun's soul body directly.

Its speed was very fast, and it punched Qingyun heavily.

However, this was because Qingyun was too lazy to dodge, otherwise the spirit body of the music demon would not even be able to touch Qingyun.

Because the attack from the soul body was like an egg hitting a stone, a moth flying into a flame, and seeking death for Qingyun, who had already mastered the awakening ability of the Yellow Spring Fruit and had a very strong soul.

"Not good!"

However, Wuta didn't understand this. When she saw the true form of the music demon, she remembered how powerful the music demon was. When she saw Qingyun being hit head-on by the music demon, she couldn't help but feel worried about Qingyun.

Although she didn't know why Qingyun's soul could come to her spiritual world, and she also knew the purpose of this music demon.

But she could imagine that Qingyun came here to expose its purpose and let her know


But just when Wuta didn't know how to help Qingyun, a scene that shocked her appeared.


The spirit of the music demon hit Qingyun's soul head-on, but Qingyun was not hurt. Instead, it screamed in pain.

It retracted its hand, looked at Qingyun in disbelief, and asked in surprise:

"How can you be so hard?!"

Is he very hard?

Upon hearing this, Wuta looked at Qingyun in disbelief.

The soul body is already a spiritual body and is different from the physical body. It is not that the larger the volume, the greater the mass and density.

Instead, the stronger the soul, the greater the mass and density.

Although the music demon is extremely powerful, even Shanks and his subordinates cannot stop it from killing people, but this is just a trace of its soul body, which is extremely weak compared to Qingyun.

So this trace of the music demon's spiritual body is like a cloud.

And Qingyun's soul body is like a high-density diamond.

The music demon's spiritual body attacked Qingyun's soul body, and of course it was injured.

Now, Wuta has learned the purpose of the music demon, and Qingyun is too lazy to continue talking nonsense with it.


He flew directly to the big head of the music demon's spiritual body and put his hand on its forehead.

Soul Devouring!

Then, Qingyun directly used the awakening ability of the Yellow Spring Fruit, Soul Devouring, and began to absorb and devour the music demon's spiritual body.

The body of the music demon's spiritual body quickly twisted and began to be sucked into the palm of Qingyun's hand.



"Stop it right there!"

The spirit of the music demon howled in pain. It wanted to stop Qingyun, but it had no way to do so. It could only watch itself being swallowed by Qingyun.

The spirit of Uta, who was standing aside, looked at this scene with wide eyes and was dumbfounded.

She didn't know how powerful Qingyun was, but she knew how powerful the music demon was.

And judging from the appearance and body shape, it was obvious that the spirit of the music demon was much stronger than Qingyun.

Uta never thought that it would be Qingyun who would crush the spirit of the music demon, instead of the other way around.

She finally realized that although Qingyun looked elegant and unrestrained, and somewhat gentle, like a piece of white tofu, he was actually an extremely powerful man.

Soon, the spirit of the music demon was completely swallowed by Qingyun.

The music demon wanted to use it to interfere with Uta and let Uta release himself again The dream of escaping from Nami's body was completely shattered.

The music demon can only wait for the next person who can open the seal to release it.

Or Uta took the initiative to release it.

After devouring the spirit of the music demon, Qingyun did not stay in Uta's spiritual world for long, but left directly and returned to his own body.

Seeing this, Uta immediately left her spiritual world and returned to her body. She was very surprised to see Qingyun's soul return to his body, and then wake up and stand up from Nami's arms.

Because before this, Uta had never seen anyone who could do this.

Gordon on the side.

And Reiju, Cosette, Shirahoshi, Cami, Charlie, Lili, Monet and Baccarat, who had just boarded the ship not long ago and had not seen Qingyun and Miss Golden Week's souls leave their bodies and then come back, were also extremely shocked.

"Qingyun, what did you do when your soul left your body and entered Uta's body just now?"

Nami asked Qingyun curiously.

Others were also staring at Qingyun curiously.


"I just want to help Wuta get rid of the spirit of the music demon that is inside her body.

Qingyun did not hide anything and answered directly.

""Eliminate the spirit of the music demon that remains in Uta's body!"

Hearing this, Nami and Gordon were all shocked.

They had never thought that there would be a spirit of the music demon in Uta's body.

Nami and the others were immediately very curious about what this music demon was and why it left its spirit in Uta's body.

They were also more curious about Uta, a girl who looked beautiful and optimistic, but as weak as Kaya before she boarded Qingyun's ship.

Gordon was very scared. He had never thought that there was still a spirit of the music demon in Uta's body.

"Wuta, tell me your answer."

Without waiting for Nami and the others to continue asking, Qingyun looked at Wuta and asked again.

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