"You said you would take me to find Shanks and the others. Are you Shanks' friend or his enemy?"

Wuta did not agree, but did not refuse. Instead, she asked Qingyun.

Although Wuta still resented Shanks and his subordinates, she missed and cared about them more, so she did not want to cause trouble for them.

If Qingyun was Shanks' friend, she would agree to Qingyun.

However, if Qingyun was Shanks' enemy, she would never agree to board Qingyun's ship even if she died.

"An enemy, eh?"

"After all, I forced his good friend to board the ship."

Qingyun looked at Makino and said truthfully.

Makino looked at Qingyun with a smile, and couldn't help but complain in his heart:

Do you still remember that you forced me to board the ship!

Makino is actually a good friend of the Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks!

Nami and the others all looked at Makino in surprise.

They all just knew about this.

Because before this, Makino had never mentioned his relationship with Shanks.

Qingyun never said it either.

They never thought that Makino would be a good friend of Shanks.

Hearing this, Uta followed Qingyun's gaze and finally noticed Makino, an acquaintance. Recalling how good Makino was to her in Windmill Village, she couldn't help but feel surprised and happy.

Her face changed immediately, staring at Makino, and asked expectantly:

"Sister Makino?"

"Are you sister Makino?"

Makino was very happy when Wuta called out her name and finally recognized her.

She recognized Wuta at a glance. After all, although Wuta had grown up, her hair was so recognizable.

However, Shanks said that Wuta was dead, and Wuta was singing just now. Later, Qingyun directly invited Wuta, so Makino did not take the initiative to recognize Wuta.

Makino looked at Wuta, smiled gently, and slightly opened her red lips:

"Uta, long time no see, are you okay?"

Hearing Makino's familiar voice and seeing Makino's soft and warm smile, Uta was immediately sure that the Makino in front of her was the proprietress of the tavern back then, the young lady who treated her very well.

Although it was not Shanks and the others, seeing an acquaintance after a long time, Uta couldn't help but burst into tears, and couldn't help but run directly to Makino:

"Sister Makino!"

Although Uta is already 19 years old, she has not been in contact with people of the same age for many years, and no one has taught her many things, so her mind can be said to be immature.

In addition, after years of loneliness, she finally met an acquaintance, so of course she couldn't hold back.


Makino saw this and thought that Uta must have suffered a lot over the years. He couldn't help but burst into tears and ran towards Uta.

Soon, Makino and Uta ran to each other, held each other's hands, and looked at each other with tears in their eyes.

"Sister Makino, is it really you?"

Uta couldn't believe that the Makino in front of her was the same Makino from the past.

After all, so many years have passed, and Makino should be in her thirties now.

But Makino didn't look older, but looked younger and more beautiful than before.

"It's me, it's really me."

Makino let go of Wuta's hand, then raised her hand and gently stroked Wuta's pretty face, her beautiful eyes sparkling with tears, and she said with great distress:

"Wuta, you have become thinner. You must have suffered a lot over the years, right?"

Feeling Makino's familiar tenderness, Wuta was very happy and couldn't help crying.

"Not bitter"

"I am not bitter."

Wuta shook her head desperately.

Seeing the look of Makino and Wuta, Nami and the others could not help but be moved, and their beautiful eyes became hazy.

Qingyun was also somewhat happy for Makino and Wuta.

Seeing this, Gordon was also very happy for Wuta.

He had been taking care of Wuta for many years and knew best how lonely Wuta had been all these years.

"Shanks told us that you were dead. What happened?"

Makino asked Uta with great curiosity and concern.

"To put it simply, Shanks brought Uta here, and Uta accidentally released the music demon on the island. The music demon controlled Uta and destroyed the island, killing almost all the people on the island."

"Shanks and his friends abandoned Uta, pretending to be a criminal, so that Uta would not feel guilty and not be targeted by the World Government."Without waiting for Uta to answer, Qingyun came to Makino and Uta, took the lead, and said concisely

"So that's how it is!"

After hearing this, Makino and Nami suddenly realized.

How could he know all this?!

Uta and Gordon were both shocked and extremely curious about how Qingyun knew these things.

""Why did you say it out loud?"

Gordon was furious and asked Qingyun angrily.

He could be said to have watched Uta grow up, and he also knew that Uta was unintentional back then. Uta could even be said to be a victim.

He knew that if Uta knew the truth, she would definitely blame herself.

So he has been helping Shanks and others keep the secret and protect Uta.

But now, this secret has been revealed by Qingyun.

After hearing Gordon's words, Makino and Nami realized that Uta didn't know what happened back then, and they suddenly felt more distressed for Uta, fearing that Uta would blame herself for it.

"Uncle Gordon, it's okay."

"I have learned what happened that year from the images recorded on the Den Den Mushi."

Uta said immediately, with a look of guilt in his eyes.


Gordon heard this and did not continue to blame Qingyun, but felt more sympathy for Wuta.

Makino and Nami felt even more sorry for Wuta.

Makino said nothing more, and directly took Wuta into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Uta, you don't need to blame yourself"

"Because the fault back then was not yours, but that music demon's.

Qingyun assured Wuta

"Yes, yes."

Everyone nodded affirmatively.

"But if I had not released the music demon back then, no one would have died, and Shanks and the others would not have abandoned me."

Uta cried sadly, and couldn't help shedding tears.

Seeing Uta so sad, everyone felt as if their hearts were being cut by a knife.

Qingyun grabbed Uta and pulled her out of Makino's arms, then grabbed Uta's shoulders, looked down into Uta's eyes, and kissed Uta's lips directly with lightning speed.


Uta didn't expect Qingyun to kiss her forcibly at all. She had no time to react and was kissed by Qingyun on the spot.


Everyone present, including Wuta, was stunned for a moment.

They never expected that Qingyun would forcefully kiss Wuta at this time.

What on earth was going on?

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