"what are you doing?"

""Hurry up and let go of Uta!"

Gordon was the first to react. He immediately shouted at Qingyun and rushed forward to pull Qingyun away.

After all these years of living together day and night, Gordon had already regarded Uta as his own daughter.

Which old father would not be angry when seeing his daughter being kissed by a man?

"Sir, don't be impulsive."

"Qingyun must have his reasons for doing this.

Makino reached out and called Gordon


Nami and the others followed suit.

They all knew Qingyun very well.

Although Qingyun was very lustful, he was also very principled. He had never kissed them in front of others, even in front of Aisha and the others.

They all believed that the reason why Qingyun forcefully kissed Uta at this time must be for Uta's good.

Nami and the other girls were right.

Qingyun was using the method of diverting attention and distracting his mind.

Since Uta refused to listen and insisted on taking the blame for what happened that year on himself, making himself feel guilty and painful.

Qingyun had no choice but to do something excessive to Uta to make Uta angry with him.

Although anger is not a good emotion, it is always better to be angry than to be painful.

Even if Uta, or even Nami and the others, think of him as a bad guy, it doesn't matter.

He was not a good person anyway.

Aisha, Bonnie, Shirahoshi and Kami saw Qingyun forcefully kissing Uta, and their pretty faces blushed.

Because this was the first time they saw Qingyun kissing a beautiful woman.

It was also the first time they saw a man and a woman kissing


After Wuta realized what was happening, her pretty face immediately panicked. She immediately flew into a rage and immediately pressed her hands against Qingyun's chest, desperately pushing Qingyun away.

However, Wuta's body was too weak to push Qingyun away, so she could only let Qingyun forcefully kiss her.

Qingyun didn't just forcefully kiss Wuta for a while and then let go, but kissed her for more than a minute, until Wuta had difficulty breathing before letting go.


Wuta's breathing became rapid, and he stared at Qingyun in anger, like a tigress staring at her prey, wanting to pounce on Qingyun and bite him to death.

"You bastard!"

"You do……"

"Uta, I have lost my patience with you."

"If you don't agree to get on my ship, I will kill that old guy."

Uta was about to question Qingyun. But before she finished her words, Qingyun took the lead and pointed directly at Gordon on the side and threatened Uta.

Hearing this, even Nami and the others were stunned like Uta and Gordon.

They never expected that Qingyun was comforting Uta the previous second, and threatened Uta directly the next second.

The speed of changing his face was even faster than the speed of turning a book.

Uta was furious, and her beautiful eyes widened and her mouth pouted:

"You bastard son of a bitch!"

"Not only did you forcefully kiss me and take away my first kiss, but now you dare to threaten me?"

That's right!

That's right!

Nami and the others, as well as Gordon, all agreed with this.

However, Nami and the others had long been accustomed to it and were not surprised by it, so they were too lazy to say anything.

Gordon, knowing how powerful Qingyun was, was afraid that Qingyun would really kill him, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Could it be that Qingyun was trying to divert Uta's attention? However,

Robin, Taotu and Reiju, who were smart and calm, realized that Qingyun was a little different this time, and was not just threatening Uta to get on the ship.

More importantly, Qingyun did this to divert Uta's attention, so that Uta would no longer be entangled in the fact that it was he who released the music demon that year, which led to the destruction of Elegia.

Qingyun's eyes became grim, he stared at Uta and said coldly:

"It seems that you have chosen to let Gordon die."



As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun directly summoned the Sandai Kitetsu, then looked at Gordon, and burst out with an extremely strong murderous intent.

Qingyun's terrifying murderous intent even materialized into a dark red ghost aura, lingering around him, making him look like a Shura evil ghost from hell, which was daunting.


Gordon, who was stared at by Qingyun and locked by Qingyun's murderous intent, was frightened and knelt on the ground. His whole body was shaking constantly, and cold sweat broke out on his back. He was very scared.

Although Nami and the others were not locked by Qingyun's murderous intent, they were affected by the aftermath of Qingyun's murderous intent.

The powerful Nami and others who had already mastered the Armament Haki and Observation Haki were not affected too much.

But those who boarded the ship later, except for the powerful Reiju, Bonnie and the others, as well as Uta, were all greatly affected, and their delicate bodies could not help but tremble.

"I promise you"

"I promise to board your ship"

"Please don't kill Uncle Gordon."

After personally feeling Qingyun's terrifying murderous intent, Wuta finally realized that Qingyun was not just threatening her, but was serious.

If she didn't agree and continued to scold Qingyun, Qingyun would really kill Gordon.

In order to prevent Gordon, who had taken care of her for many years, from being killed in front of her, Wuta had to quickly agree to Qingyun's request.

【Congratulations to the host for accepting Utara into the Sea King Group. Please choose Uta's position.

Qingyun was very proud.

However, he did not rush to decide on Uta's position. Instead, he looked at Uta and said playfully:


"But I see you look very reluctant"

"Never mind. I won't force you."

"I'd better respect your wishes and kill Gordon."

This bastard!

Turtle bastard!

How hateful!

Hearing this, Uta couldn't help but get furious, and temporarily completely forgot that it was she who released the music demon.

"Uta, no...don't agree to him."

"It doesn't matter if I die."

"Don't jump into the fire pit."

Gordon suppressed his fear and tried his best to persuade Wuta.

Qingyun always does this!

It's too much!

Although Nami and the others knew that Qingyun did this to invite Wuta on board, they couldn't help but feel a little angry and empathized with him.

But they didn't stop Qingyun.

Because they knew that Qingyun's main purpose was to invite Wuta on board. As long as Wuta didn't refuse and didn't deceive Qingyun, Qingyun wouldn't really kill Gordon.

"In that case, I will grant your wish."

Qingyun raised the Sandai Kitetsu


Uta immediately hugged Qingyun's thigh and said hurriedly:

"I really want to get on your boat!"

"I really want to get on your boat!"

"Don't kill Uncle Gordon."

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction:

"very good"

"Then from now on, Uta, you are the singer of our Sea King Group."As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all of Uta's positive and beneficial abilities, including her Song-Song Fruit ability.

""Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Wuta replied through gritted teeth.

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