After Uta"willingly" boarded the ship, Qingyun didn't say anything more.

After leaving Gordon a ship, some food, and some gold, he took her and Nami and the other girls back to the Sea King.

He still didn't rush to Dressrosa, but handed the permanent pointer to Zou obtained from the system to Nami, and let Nami control the Sea King to Zou.

Qingyun's purpose of going to Zou was simple.

First, it was for the historical texts collected by the Furry Principality.

Second, and more importantly, it was to invite the real beast-eared girls of the Fur Tribe to board the ship.

"Qingyun, you must be gentle later."

Qingyun had just handed the permanent pointer to Nami, and Makino hurriedly told Qingyun.

Because she knew that according to Qingyun's style of doing things, he would definitely baptize Uta next.

Nami and the others also agreed with this.


Only Uta had a question mark on his face.

Qingyun smiled evilly:

"Since you are so worried, then come along."

Crack! Crack! As soon as the words fell, Qingyun turned into a flash of lightning and took Makino and Uta back to his room.

Qingyun did not rush. After he came to the room, he first let go of Makino and Uta, sat down on the sofa, poured himself a glass of wine, and tasted it comfortably.

"Sister Makino, what's going on?"

Uta looked suspicious and nervous. She couldn't help but approach Makino and hid behind her.

Makino gently placed her jade hand on Wuta's slender hand and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you.……"


Around 5pm the next day,

Qingyun and his group arrived at the edge of Zou according to the guidance of the permanent pointer.

"What a huge elephant!"

Looking up at the elephant master who was much taller than a mountain, Nami and the others were all stunned.

Even Qingyun was a little surprised.

Because in anime and comics, the elephant master only looked huge.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, Qingyun had a concrete feeling of how big it was.

"Is the Furry Principality on the back of this elephant?"

After a long while, Nami looked at the permanent pointer in her hand and asked Qingyun curiously.

Nokigo and the others also looked at Qingyun curiously.

"That's right."

Qingyun nodded affirmatively and smiled slightly.

"Let's go to the island."

After saying that, Qingyun controlled the Sea King to fly up and flew towards the back of the elephant master.

Although the elephant master found Qingyun and his group, because it had made a mistake in ancient times, it was ordered to walk and could not stop Qingyun and his group from flying on its back.

So Qingyun easily controlled the���The King flew to the back of the elephant master.

He and Nami also saw the Furry Principality on the elephant master's back, which was not big but not small.

Now, since Jack, one of Kaido's three disasters, has not come here, the Furry Principality has not been damaged.

Although it is not particularly prosperous, it is also very beautiful.

Almost all the fur tribes had happy smiles on their faces.

However, their smiles disappeared instantly when they noticed the Sea King of Qingyun and his group.

Instead, they were surprised, vigilant and angry.

Because it was the first time for them to see a ship that could fly in the air.

And most humans treated them like the fishmen of Fishman Island, treating them as slaves that could be bought and sold.

As soon as they saw them, they would capture them madly.

So they basically hated humans very much.

Qingyun controlled the Sea King and flew directly to the city center of the Furry Principality.

The fur tribes of the Furry Principality did not retreat, but came to the city center together, ready for battle, and planned to fight together.

The Minks are also known as the War Beasts. They are famous for their toughness. The old, weak, women and children are strong enough to defeat small pirates. Even babies have basic self-defense skills. It can be said that there are no weak people in the whole country.

When facing foreign enemies, they have always united and fought together.

"We don't welcome humans here, please leave our country immediately, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

Duke Inuarashi rushed here, looked at the Sea King in the sky, and warned loudly with righteous words.

"They really are all kinds of fur people!"

"They look so cute with their furry appearance!"

At this moment, Nami and the others poked their heads out and looked down at the fur tribe on the ground. Most of the younger ones, including Uta who was 19 years old, couldn't help but sigh and got a little excited.

Some are indeed cute!

But some are so ugly!

But those older than Uta, such as Robin and Jessica, were relatively calm and basically not very excited.


Not bad! Qingyun noticed Wanda and Carrot behind Duke Inuarashi, as well as the squirrel nurse, fox chef and leopard doctor in the crowd, and was very satisfied. They are fur tribes.

The five beauties of the Pi tribe are also the main targets of Qingyun's trip.

Except for Carrot, the other four are beautiful and have good figures.

Although Carrot is still young and her figure is not as good as theirs, her appearance is very pure and lovely, and she is a real beauty.

The most important thing is that they are all real beast-eared girls.

They are completely different from Nami and others who wear beast-ear headdresses and Dezaia and others who use the power of devil fruits to transform beast ears.

For Qingyun, and even Nami and others who are used to seeing human beauties, the beauty of Carrot and others is particularly charming.


Most of the fur tribes smiled shyly and felt very happy when they saw Nami and other beautiful women and girls praising them.

In fact, the fur tribe is the same as the fish people. They are the product of the combination of crazy humans and various animals in ancient times.

So whether it is the fish people or the fur tribe, their aesthetics are similar to that of humans.

In this world, whether it is the fur tribe or the fish people, they are all fertile. They can combine with their own tribe and humans, and even the fur tribe and the fish people.

However, the fur tribe rarely leaves Zou, and the fish people rarely leave the fish people island. There is no precedent for the combination of the fur tribe and the fish people.

"Qingyun and his crew!"

Duke Inuarashi looked at Qingyun and Nami and recognized them, and suddenly became nervous.

As one of the kings of the Furry Principality, Duke Inuarashi often reads the latest newspapers, so he knows about Qingyun and his crew, who have become famous recently.

"Lord Qingyun, what are you doing in our Furry Principality?"

Duke Inuarashi's attitude suddenly improved a lot. He looked up at Qingyun and asked.

Because he knew that Qingyun was extremely powerful. Not to mention him, even if the boss of Cat Viper and all the fur tribes were added, they would probably not be Qingyun's opponents.

What's more, Qingyun also had Nami and the others.

So it was better not to fight with Qingyun and his group.

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